
My latest chamlang, in the style of Dhannuá being "plausibly Celtic" at first glance, this shall be "plausibly at first glance" a mystical love child of Proto-Greek and Proto-Albanian, avec dashes of liquamen. It is named after the Boeotian word for sweet-voiced, ἴδηφιν.

A Tentative Chronological Order of Sound Change

The elimination of the laryngeals and their effect on nearby vowels

Hoffman's Law

Not unlike Cowgill's law in the Germanic branch, there appears to be occasional consonant reflexes of certain laryngeals in Dephinian. The sound change, called Hoffman's law (sometimes Hoffman-Cowgill) after Maribel Hoffman's discovery (Hoffman 1988: 201 n. 2) that either Cowgill's law or something very similar to it operates to a certain extent in some Dephinian words albeit with the modification that the reflex is *g and not *k (as in Germanic).

PIE *gʷih₃wós > *gʷigwós > *gʷígʷus > Deph βιφος /ˈbipʰos/ (with analogical lowering of the nominative ending vowel, cf. μιρτος /ˈmirtos/ ‘dead’)

This sound change must predate the change of the labiovelars to labials, as there is no attested **βίυς /biːus/ which would be the regular outcome of a form **bíh₃wós with intervocalic w- and laryngeal deletion.

Quinn's Law

Quinn's law was first formulated by Nathanel Quinn to explain certain irregularities in the inherited lexicon. It states that /g/ before /h₂/ gave -gʰa- as a result of leftwards aspiration assimilation in the earliest stages of Dephinian. (Quinn 2009: 103 n. 1)

PIE *dʰugh₂tḗr > *dugʰatḗr > *dugʰátēr > Deph δυχάτηρ /duˈχɑteːr/ ‘daughter’ instead of expected **δυγατηρ < **dhugátēr.

Initial jod fortition

Loss of word-final stop consonants


Merger of labiovelars into labials

Vocalisation of word-final /s/

Raising of /o/ to /u/ between resonants and labials

PIE *nókʷt-s > *nópts > *núpts > *nū́ps > Deph νυιψ /nyps/ ‘night’


Debuccalisation of /s/


Assimilation of /s/ to neighbouring stops

Chronologically unordered list of delicious sound changes

Misc. changes pilfered from Proto-Albanian and Proto-Greek

  • /s/ > /χ/ \ V_V, _R /s/ > /θ/ \ _V, /χ/ \ -_k-, /θ/ \ -_d-, /ʃ/ \ [r u̯ k i̯]_V, /i̯/ \ V̄_#
  • /y/ > /dy/ \ #_
θυγον thúgon 'yoke' < *čúgon < *dyúgon < PIE *yugóm
  • Loss of final stop consonants
P, T, K > 0 \ _#
  • /m/ > /n/ \ _#
  • /h₁/, /h₂/, /h₃/ > /e/ /a/ /o/ \ V_V, _C
ενεν énen 'name' < PIE *h₁nómn̥-,
  • CRHC > CRēC, CRāC, CrōC [1-2-3]
  • laryngeal colouring and compensatory lengthening of following vowels
/h₁e/, /h₂e/, /h₃e/ > /ē/, /ā/, /ō/
αντηρηι ā́ntērēi 'ancestors' < PIE *h₂en-tḗr-
ωφώχωι ōphṓχōi 'of a serpent' < PIE *h₃egʷ-


  • /p/ > /p/
  • /t/ > /t/
  • /ty/ > /θ/
χιρέθωι khiréthōi 'harder' < *χrétʲōi < PIE *kret-yōs, cf. χιρτυς khírtus 'hard'
  • /k/ > /k/, /χ/ \#_R,
  • "/b/" > /b/
  • /d/ > /d/,
  • /g/ > /g/
  • /bʱ/ > /b/, /ph/ \ R_, V_V, #_R
φρατηρ phrā́tēr 'brother' < PIE *bʰréh₂tēr
  • /dh/ > /d/, /th/ \ R_, V_V,
  • /dhy/ > /θ/ \ #_V
θαν thān 'thought' < PIE *dhyeh₂-mn̥-
  • /gʱ/ > /g/, /χ/ \ R_, V_V, /khy/ > /čč/ > /θ/ \ #_
  • /gʷ/ > /b/
βορι bori 'hill' < PIE *gʷor̥, o-grade of *gʷr̩H—,
  • /gʷ/ > /T/ \ _e
δην dēn 'woman' < PIE *gʷḗn
δηφινωι dḗphinōi 'of the living' < PIE *gʷeyh₃w-n̩-, but βιφος bíphos 'alive' < PIE *gʷih₃wos
θεμμι thémmi 'I strike' < PIE *gʷhen-mi, but βονος bonos 'argument' < *gʷhón-os
  • /gʱʷ/ > /pʰ/ \ R_, V_V, /b/
ωφες ōphes 'serpent' < PIE *h₃egʰʷis
  • /kʷ/ > /p/
πις pis 'who' < PIE *kʷis
  • /kʰʷ/ > /pʰ/ \ R_, V_V, /p/
  • /ḱ/ > /θ/ \ _e
θεμμι thémmi 'I say, I talk' < PIE *ḱéh₁mi

Pilfered from Aeolic

  • VhR (from *s) > VRR, where R = l n r m w y
  • Mostly athematic inflection (-mi set)
  • Athematic infinitive in -menai, thematic in -men
  • barytonesis, jump of accent.
θυγον thúgon vs. PIE *yugóm


  • /r̩/ > /ri/ \ _[s ʃ θ], _#; e.g. Ideph. riθos < *ŕ̥θos (<*arθós) < *h₂r̥ḱθos < PIE *h₂r̥tḱos
  • /r̩/ > /ir/ \ _C; e.g. Ideph. χirtus < Pre-Idephin *χr̥tus < PIE *kr̥tus
  • /l̩/ > /al/ \ _R
  • /l̩/ > /l/ \ V_C Ideph. ulpos < PIE *u̯ĺ̥kʷos
  • /l̩/ > /la/ \ _C


  • /o/ > /u/ \ R_+labial ; e.g. νυιψ nyps 'night' < *nūps < *núpts < PIE *nókʷt-s
  • /o/ > /a/
  • /ō/ > /o/ ϝηχωρ vḗχōr 'sister' < *vḗχōr < *χwéχōr < PIE *swésōr
  • /u/ > /u/
  • /ū/ > /y/
  • /e/ > /je/ \R_C dial. ϝιήθηρ vjḗthēr < *χwéθtēr < dial. PIE *swéstēr by analogy with *bʰréh₂tēr
  • /e/ > /e/
  • /i/ > /i/
  • /i/ > /e/ \w_C;
  • /ī/ > /i/ viros < *vī́ros < *wíHros < PIE *wiHrós



χαφταψ χaphtaps 'warlord', from xaphdáph of the same meaning.
δαϝοτυς davotus 'priest of a particular god', from dáwátus 'lighter of the flame'
φεθαχς phethax 'axe-bearer, bodyguard', from fexa 'axe'
nωθη nōthē 'the Ocean', from nōthē of the same meaning.
θηθυψ thēthups 'temple', from sēdhuf of the same meaning.


Present stem, active
1ary indic.
1 sg. nemmi < *linékʷmi
2 sg. nepthi < *linékʷsi
3 sg. nepti < *linékʷti
1 pl. pimos < *inpimós < *linkʷm̥ós
2 pl. nipte < *nipte < iṇpté < *linkʷté
3 pl. penti
participle ponts, pintes, ponthia, pinthās


Present stem, active
1ary indic.
1 sg. linemmi < *linékʷmi
2 sg. linepthi < *linékʷsi
3 sg. linepti < *linékʷti
1 pl. limpimos < *inpimós < *linkʷm̥ós
2 pl. linipte < *nipte < iṇpté < *linkʷté
3 pl. limpenti
participle ponts, pintes, ponthia, pinthās

Modern Ideph. ?

/θ/ > /s/ / #_, /z/ \ V_V