Suwáá/New Urban

Revision as of 21:55, 3 June 2019 by IlL (talk | contribs) (→‎Phonology)

New Urban Sowaár is an emergent variety of Sowaár spoken by urban middle-class children and teens. It is characterized by:

  • a vocabulary and grammar that is a mixture of formal/standard Sowaár and informal/basilectal Sowaár, where formal Sowaár is used for high-register words and concepts
  • a non-posh accent


Compared to other groups, urban women speakers of Sowaár speak somewhat more uniformly, in a less dialectal and somewhat more posh style of speech. Young women being the main drivers of linguistic change, a version of this "gynelect" is on its way to becoming a new, non-posh standard for Sowaár.


The phonology is based on High Sowaár, with a few differences.

  • Plain unaspirated consonants become fully voiced.
  • dr tr tr' sr merge with j c c' x into [d͡ʒ t͡ʃ t͡ʃ' ʃ].
  • dlr tlr tlr' łr become velar laterals gl kl kl' khl.
  • nr r are much less retroflex than in High Sowaár.
  • p may be pronounced [f].
  • w may be pronounced [v] or [ʋ].
  • Stress accent rather than pitch accent (as in Modern Greek).


Similar to High Sowaár


New Urban Sowaár has 40 ablaut classes, compared to High Sowaár's 57.

Discourse affixes

Discourse affixes are used heavily, unlike in High Sowaár.


Eevo loanwords are much more common in New Urban Sowaár than in High Sowaár. Many words of Eevo origin are pseudo-Eevoisms or clippings of Eevo words and phrases. High Sowaár used to prefer to borrow from Skellan Eevo, but today Fyxoomian Eevo is the norm for new borrowings.