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Gzarot (Hebrew, sg. gizra 'figure, form, pattern') in Togarmite are variations of an inflectional (especially verbal) paradigm that are determined by the choice of consonants in the consonantal root. Thus, a paradigm has not only a regular gizra but various irregular ones, which occur most commonly when

  • the consonantal root contains a "guttural" (ʔ ȝ h) or a semivowel (j w);
  • the consonantal root contains a n, since nC tends to assimilate into CC
  • the consonantal root has 2 letters.


  • √t-ȝ-m 'to choose'

Binyan fȝal

Binyan 1a conjugation: tȝam 'he chose'
→ Person
↓ Tense
1sg 2sg 3sg 1pl 2pl 3pl
past; conditional tȝamti tȝamt tȝam tȝamnė tȝamtøm tȝymu
present ytȝam tytȝam jytȝam nytȝam tytȝymu jytȝymu
w-form wotȝam wtytȝam wėtȝam wnytȝam wtytȝymu wėtȝymu
imperative - tȝam! - - tȝymu! -
participle tėȝem tėȝemi
verbal noun tȝėm


These verbs have 3sg.m past from *-awa and without gender/number affixes in the prefix conjugation, from *-iwu

manō 'he counted'
→ Person
↓ Tense
1sg 2sg.m 2sg.f 3sg.m 3sg.f 1pl 2pl.m 2pl.f 3pl.m 3pl.f
past; conditional manawtī manawta manawti manō manōθ manawnė manawtum manawtin manū manė
nonpast amnū tamnū tamnī yamnū yamnī namnū tamnū tamnė yamnū yamnė
optative amnunna tamnunna tamnīnna yamnunna yamnīnna namnunna tamnūnna tamnėnna yamnūnna yamnėnna
jussive amnu tamnu tamnī yamnu yamnī namnu tamnū tamnė yamnū yamnė
imperative - manū! manī! - - - manū! manė! - -
active participle mėnū
passive participle manū
verbal noun manėθ