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Ouřefr /ˈəʊr̝ɛfə/ (Ouřefrnie cijtna /əʊr̝ɛfəɲeː tsijʔtna/) is an Idavic language belonging to the Nabŋaic branch. It is inspired by Czech, Cantonese, Dutch, RP English and Japanese. It is the third most widely spoken Nabŋaic language after Nabbrzé and (Sino-Korean inspired language).


obou naarodoew i wzaajemneich mezi nimi bojoew a poetek doswiedčuje. Přijklad tento nowei a naazornei doewod jest togo, že teemieř wšecka pojmenowaanij obroew a welikaanoew w jazycijch zaapado-ewropejskeich, pokuž jejich kořenoew wystignouti lze, od mogutneich naarodoew wzata a na jinei smysl obraacena jsou. Že lužičtij ...


p b f t d ť ď c (dz) č dž k g f þ s š ch w v z ž h m n ň ŋ l r ř j /p b f t d c ɟ ts dz tʃ dʒ k ɣ f θ s ʃ x w v z ʒ h m n ɲ ŋ l~ɫ ɾ~ɹ r̝ j/

m n ŋ can be syllabic

Glottal reinforcement

a e/ě i/y o u aa/ar ee/er/ěr ij/ei oo/or uu eu/ui ie/ir oe/ur ou r rr /ɐ ɛ ɪ ɔ (Japanese u) ɑː(ɹ) ɛː(ɹ) ɪj~ɛɪ ɔː(ɹ) (Japanese ū) œː eː(ɹ) oː(ɹ) əʊ ə(ɹ) ɜː(ɹ)/

ъ ь = devoiced u/i

ě i ie ij eu are palatalizing; all other orthographic vowels are nonpalatalizing

Long vowels take two morae; downstep as in Japanese

Historically hard-soft vowel pairs

  • hard y ~ soft i
  • hard u ~ soft i
  • hard a ~ soft ě
  • hard o ~ soft ě
  • hard ei ~ soft ij
  • hard ou ~ soft eu
  • hard ui ~ soft eu
  • hard oe ~ soft ie