Eighth edition lekma

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____ This content is concerned ‹ lekmae ›, pronounced /ˈʔekmɐ/'. Group name of persons who speak ‹ lekmae › is ‹ cvetaizue ›, pronounced /kuˈtäi̯çiu̯/. This eighth is variating from ‹ lekma ›, that features to make them private are though disabled. To say ‹ lekma › includes any version of ‹ lekma ›. ‹ lekmae › practically means the eighth version solely. This version is a bit more to a variant in that whose lexical items are cognisable to have been supplied themselvesly. Content to represent this is drastically incomplete, items shall stepwisely be listed. This is written in the language, that is oversea language to the writer. This content to write is affected by the made culture. User talk is for commenting.
____ Structure for ‹ lekmae › is diction, a frame that composites two sets of words to mean "is doing that" or "Theme" or the two all together. Making a set of words from words is, links of nouns till lattermost noun is a set, "momental stopping" after lattermost noun denotes an end of set of words. "momental stopping" may be short time since toneme also designates that there is a boundary. Any beginning set of words of frame turns to descriptive "adjective". a set of words is a descriptive since when this is preceded by nothing in the diction, latest set is theme since preceded by the descriptive in the diction. Either of descriptive or thematic set might be away from diction when the other is still them from given contexts. A diction is encloses right after a theme designated by pausing after thematic set of words or toneme falls on thematic set of words or by the two all together. Words have two categories, two subsets before being a constituent of diction. Names of objects are nouns, this includes relational noun, rel. in short. Resulted nouns are also nouns. Names of motions are verbs, this includes stative verb, sta. in short. A set of verb-noun that verb is modifying noun, results in a noun. Every noun save for a noun right before a pausing is modifier of the latter next noun. Set of words has two way categorisations alternatively, descriptive or thematic.
____ Notation to write this content is thus, fonts are modified, words that braced by ‹ › is lekmae or lekma word, braced by " " is in a sense an equivalent word of preceding word. Words that divided by / are cooccurrences. .... is a certain quantity of words. ---- is for that this seems impossible. Hoverboxes are on, seen when a pointer is over a word of that.

‹ lekmae ›

Annex. first out of four
every former-latter side by sides results in
_ _ noun rel. verb sta.
_ _ _ _ sta. noun / theme sta. / theme sta. / theme sta. / theme
noun noun words noun / noun words sta. / sta. words ---- sta. words
rel. sta. words noun sta. words ---- ----
verb sta. words noun ---- ---- ----
sta. sta. words noun sta. ---- ----
lexemes typical standard
‹ cvetaizue ›
‹ lekmae › side shared meanings with ‹ lekma ›
'txx', 'xxt' t t T/t/E/e "zero", "minus one"
e 'xex', 'xee' e ɐ A/a, E/e, U/u, I/i, O/o, V/v, R/r, ´, `, ¨, ^ "zero", "vowels"
'xéx', 'xei' ei̯ äi̯ L/l "sole"
eɐ̯ 'xàx', 'xeà' ei̯ɐ̯ eɐ̯ N/n "double"
äu̯ 'xêx', 'xeu', 'xkx' äu̯ äu̯ M/m/R/r "three"
uɐ̯ 'xèx', 'xua' uɐ̯ yɐ̯ F/f "four"
ɑ 'xax' ä ä, ɐ D/d "five"
äɐ̯ 'xáx', 'xaa', 'xai', 'xäx', 'xlx' äi̯ äi̯, äː K/k "six"
ɐ̯ä 'xäx', 'xea', 'xeä' e̯ä e̯ä H/h "seven"
ɐ 'xâx', 'xae', 'xax' ɐ ɐ S/s "eight"
i̯u 'xux', 'xue' iu̯ y Z/z "nine"
ii̯ 'xix', 'xie' i X/x "a graph"
o 'xox', 'xoe' o ɐ̠ˀ B/b "ten", "extra one"
ou̯ 'xóx', 'xóe' o U/u/Ll "eleven", "extra two"
u̯o 'xòx', 'xòe' u̯o y̯o A/a/Lt "twelve", "extra three"
uu̯ 'xvx', 'xve' u _ _›/‹_ _ "a space"
u̯i 'xrx', 'xui' ɰʲ ɰ̩ʲ * c is a consonant. a is a vowel.
á is a vowel with a diacritic, that is a diphthong.
aa is a diphthong. e is phonemically a blank graph.
l is almost a blank graph.
A word may ether of ca, caa, cac, caac.
add a e to ca then cae, caa stays,
cac stays, substitute aa with á to caac.
l of lal/lál out of cac/caac
may be written with "a space".
Large graph means this is a number,
numbers after that are written
with a small graph,
this mode ends with a ‹ . › "decimal point".

** It is allowed for anybody to mix dialects
'lxx', 'xxl', 'xxe' ʔ ɰ
n 'nxx', 'xxn' n
'mxx', 'xxm' m m
v 'fxx', 'xxf' f ʋ
'dxx', 'xxd' d t
øi̯, oi̯ 'xöx', 'xoi', 'xdx' øː u̯ei̯, u̯äi̯
k, q 'kxx', 'xxk' 'cxx', 'xxc' k x
ŋ̥ 'hxx', 'xxh' ŋ ɳ
'sxx', 'xxs' s s
t͡ʂ 'zxx', 'xxz' ç ʂ
'bxx', 'xxb' b b̥ⁿ
Annex. third out of four
‹ X › number a larger letter, also 'a negative number sign', designates this is a beginning of number, which ends till a ‹   ›/‹ .  ›. ‹ Xxx ›/‹ 'xxx ›/‹ Xx ›/‹ 'xx ›/‹ X ›/‹ 'x › is a positional system of decimal. First ‹ X ›/‹ x › of ‹ Xxx ›/‹ 'xxx › is a hundredfold since two ‹ x › afters. First ‹ X ›/‹ x › of ‹ Xx ›/‹ 'xx ›/is a tenfold since a ‹ x › afters. First ‹ X ›/‹ x › of ‹ X ›/‹ 'x › is their numbers.
‹ E ›/‹ e › number a measurement of quantity. number this is a 'zero', fills the place, the place is 'zero', a number before this will be tenfold. '1 000' is <Ett>. <E> may be a lot of 'zero' in a row. <E> is on beginning of a fraction number.
‹ T ›/‹ t › quantity a measurement of quantity. number/a number, every twelveth. this is a 'zero', fills the place now it is 'zero', placed before/after a <.> a number before this will be twelvefold.
‹ C ›/‹ c › quantity measurement of quantity. <xc>is a hundredfold <x> though, <xc> equals <xtt>, <C>/<c> in this sense is out of date.
‹ O ›/‹ o › quantity a measurement of quantity. number, a 'thousand'. quantity is a measure word. this is a thousand, placed after a ‹ . ›, a number before this will be thousandfold. ‹ x › of ‹ .xo › means an amount, a number right before ‹ . › is ‹ x ›-much-thousandfolds. ‹ xxx....xo › would be addition of ‹ x › ‹ x › ‹ x ›....‹ x ›.
‹ k .... k › sign ‹ K › in formation ‹ k .... k › is a parentheses, ‹ ka .... ak ›, ‹ ke .... ek ›, ‹ ko .... ok ›.
Annex. fourth out of four
‹ bbzo › a number ›29-fold-thousand‹
‹ See › number ›800‹. ‹ Seee. ›, ›8 000‹ equals ‹ S.o ›.
‹ L.fo › ›first-multiplication-fourthousandfold‹ would be number '1 000 000 000 000'.
‹ N.do Dst Stn Fnk Mzz Dlh. Emk'' L.bo ›/
‹ N.do Dst.fo Stn.mo Fnk.no Mzz.o Dlh.a-Emk'' L.bo ›
a set of numbers, 2 580 802 426 399 517.000000000000000000000000000036
‹ H'ett'ett'dse. _›/‹ H.mo'E'dse. _ a number 7 000 000 580.
‹ M.-N./ D. doz// › a number of, 3 plus 2 equals 5
‹ a D./ doz Z- 'F o M.-N.// › a number of, 5 equals 9 minus 4 or 3 plus 2
when sole diction is vertically written, that presumably more merginless between words.
‹ Aaaa,aaau › ninetyfive of twelve based number, ten based number of that is ‹ Zd. ›
Annex. second out of four
Vague conceptual tendency
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basical meaning thus words basical meaning thus words basical meaning thus words basical meaning thus
'txx' nothingess tei 'xex' outsideness 'xóx' 'xxt' a period xot
'lxx' openness,
lek 'xéx' determinative sei 'xòx' 'xxl'
'nxx' encircle naz, naa 'xèx' 'xvx' through 'xxn' diminuitive
'mxx' 'xàx' 'xrx' representing
a letter of
xui 'xxm' earthen
'fxx' 'xêx', 'xkx' 'xxf' tool sof
'dxx' 'xax', 'xâx' commoness laz 'xxd'
'kxx' solid shape kae 'xáx', 'xlx', 'xdx' verbal 'xxk'
'hxx' 'xäx' 'xxh'
'sxx' 'xux' 'xxs'
'zxx' 'xix' energetic 'xxz' individualness
'bxx' encycle bai 'xox' dome shape
of any size
'xxb' wholeness
_ 'x' is any letter
‹ ` ›
roundness quality
‹ ´ ›
palatal quality
‹ ¨ ›
‹ . _
signaliser decimal point of ‹ .a › 'that number is multiplied by first', <span title='‹ a › of ‹ .a _› is usually unwritten, this is applied without a signal of another way.'>‹ . › originates ‹ .a ›.
‹ . ›
signaliser multiplication, a number before <.>
is multiplied by a number after <.>
_ ' › signaliser ‹ ' › of ‹ 'x.... ›/‹ -'x.... ›, is a beginning of a negative number. a < > is before the signal.
‹ ' ›
signaliser X of <X' >/<Xx....'>/<Xa >/<Xx....a> have the common quantity. a ‹ › afters.
‹ '' _
division ‹ ....x'' X.... ›/‹ ....x'' 'x.... ›, a number before ‹ '' _
is divided by a number after ‹ '' _›, a ‹ › afters.
_ _
addition add the numbers/words, ‹ / _›/‹ // _›, momental stop after a word/words degnates foremer next word is a lattermost word, an ›intonation‹ or ›a side‹ meant a boundary between words
‹ - ›
addition also ›a space‹, addition when their units are mutual, words with links is spaceless between words, ‹ - › may divides eight or more words uncutting the links
‹ ' ›
separator boundary in a set word, ‹ '›/‹' › or 'on sides of a word when spaced' this ‹'› is usually unwritten.
‹ / _
separator end of words/a diction, ›comma‹. ‹_ _›/‹/ › of ‹/ › is unwritten when there is a side of board. is noun, or a close of a diction / a thematic words
‹ . _
separator end of a words/addition, ‹ ›/‹/ › of ‹/ › is unwritten when there is a line break or a side of writing board. a ‹ › afters.
‹ / _
separator To end a diction, "full stop". a ‹ › afters. ‹_ is unwritten when a board side instead. ‹ , › is ‹ / › in poetic writing.
_ _
addition a space means basically addition, this is applied without a signal of another way, when their units are mutual, add the numbers/words
addition ‹Xxx›/‹'xxx› is multiplied by quantities/units after ‹ . ›
addition little loudnesses are on themes, this inadequately distinguishes a theme from phrases in a diction
XXX/XX code When refering reality using ‹ lekmae › words, use language/country code to specify.

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T E tei ....
L .... e .... a ....
o ....
lek lekmae ....
neu .... naa
M ..... miaaaa F mae ....
F ....
D ....
K ....
H ....
.... S
sok ....
Z ....
.... B
X x U A k / k k // k k ' k k - k k ' ' k Words are in their practical looks.