To Do List and random ideas

  1. Word Order
  2. Parataxis - speaking in short sentences
  3. Ellipsis - (wut?)
  4. Reflexives, reciprocals, unspecified arguments
  5. Passives - (same as voices??)
  6. Causatives
  7. Comparatives, equatives
  8. Coordination
  9. Pragmatic and discourse characteristics
  10. Interrogatives
  11. Imperatives
  12. Negation - answering with main verb in negative or negating just a part of the TAM by answering with positive verb and negative declensed aux
  13. Anaphora - (what is that?)
  14. Subordinate Clauses
  15. Noun Phrase Structure
    1. Marking for Case
    2. Genitives
    3. Modifiers
    4. Nominalizations
  16. Pronoun System (missing actual words)
  17. Adpositional phrase structure
  18. Verb or verb phrase structure
    1. Tense (missing actual words)
    2. Aspect (missing actual words)
    3. Mood/Modality (missing actual words)
    4. Person, number, gender - Unmarked
    5. Voice - Passive voice is valency decreasing. The agent is marked abs; Antipassive voice is valency decreasing. The agent is marked nom
    6. Other categories - None
    7. Incorporation - WUT?
    8. Auxiliary verb systems - Aux verbs are used for placeholding extra TAM declensions and for negating TAM without negating the verb
  19. Adjective Phrase structure
  20. Adverb Phrase structure
  21. Particles
  22. Sentence particles
  23. Discourse particles
    1. Verification particles
  24. Phonology - mostly finished, missing morphophonology
  25. Morphology
  26. Ideophones - meh, they are uncommon enough in natlangs
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