
< Eadlan
Revision as of 09:57, 22 July 2022 by IlL (talk | contribs)


Genitive~accusative case: from *=mī (sg), *=miś (pl)

  • lē̃ti > dä­ät·ə 'man'
    • t > t· due to strong gradation environment
    • ē̃ > ää (creaky voice becomes RTR)
    • chain shift l- > d- > z-
    • r- → Ø
    • ľ- → r-

lē̃ti.mī 'the man, his' > lē̃timi (final longs shorten) -> dä­ätəmə (?) -> OEod dä­ädmë

lē̃tāmiś 'the men, their' > dä­ät·uoms > OEod dä­ättuus

  • ďābeḱi -> ruob.əjə > ruob.ē
  • 2isteleķi -> ios.tələk

if a lot of words shaped like tVCC- or wVCC- become homophones then that might be dealt with through compounding and univerbation

Todo: Get cases


Rank pronouns to knock out person markers from the verb



Fairly topic prominent