Verse:A TT-English-verse

TT-English, take 2

Bgapi Island

Home of a Greek dialect as well as an isolate Bgapian language -- it's assumed to be Nostratic

Phonology of Bgapian

p pʰ f v t tʰ θ ð ts tsʰ s/ʃ z/ʒ k kʰ x ɣ q m n ŋ mb nd ndz ŋɡ (in some dialects) w j ɾ l r ɮ a e i o u ə

aspirates are written as geminates as in Cypriot Greek and Kapingamarangi

Syntax of Bgapian

SOV, cases, suffixaufnahme, lots of participles

use phrasings from literary Koine Greek