
Revision as of 03:55, 20 March 2024 by Toastghost (talk | contribs)


{{Infobox language
| boxsize           = width of the infobox (default 22em)
| name              = name of language #REQUIRED
| altname           = additional name of the language
| nativename        = native or a second additional name
| acceptance        = degree of acceptance of the language by other nations
| image             = image at top of info box. Use format "image name.png", without "file/image" or brackets.
| imagesize         = override default image size (currently 250px). Use units ("123px", "12em")
| imagealt          = alt text for the image
| imagecaption      = caption to appear under image
| imageheader       = brief header for image (appears in the left-hand column)
| pronunciation     = IPA pronunciation of the native name (without slashes or brackets!); preferably narrow transcription
| pronunciation_key = pronunciation key of the languages; defaults to Help:IPA
| creator           = creator of the language #REQUIRED; if the value is of the form User:xxxxxx, it links automatically to that user
| created           = the year of first creation
| setting           = setting of the language (conworld, Earth country or region, etc.)
| states            = real or fictional countries or regions in which it is mainly spoken (alias: state=)
| ethnicity         = people for whom this is the ethnically native language; also good for the ethnic population if different from the number of speakers
                      (although the names chosen for the articles on the people and on the language will generally be the same, it may be appropriate to
                      pipe in the native name of the people here)
| extinct           = date of extinction, as precise as needed; speakers will not display
| era               = era of historical use; speakers will not display
| speakers          = number of speakers
| date              = date of estimate of number of speakers
| speakers2         = 2nd line (2nd estimate, 2nd country, L2 speakers, etc.)
| revived           = date of attempted or successful language revival
| familycolor       = appropriate language family #REQUIRED
                      See table below for list of options. Please do not use other names, as they will not be recognised, and the table will be colored
                      grey. In most cases, 'familycolor' will trigger a default entry for the 'fam1' field, so that field is not necessary (you can 
                      continue with 'fam2'), but you can override this by entering something under 'fam1'. For areal colors (American, Khoisan, 
                      Paleosiberian, etc.), you will be prompted for a 'fam1' entry if you do not provide one. If 'isolate' or 'unclassified' is used, the 
                      fam1–xx tree will not display.
| fam1              = the broadest possible widely accepted language family of which the language is a part
| fam2              = a more specific subfamily
| ...
| fam15             = most specific subgroup
| family            = whatever you want to say; fam1–xx will not display
| ancestor1         = the earliest known ancestor
| ancestor2         = a later ancestor
| ...                 (up to 8)
| posteriori        = natural-language sources
| stand1            = a standardized register
| stand2            = a second standardized register
| ...                (up to 6)
| standards         = whatever you want to say
| dia1              = a primary dialect
| dia2              = another primary dialect
| ...                 (up to 20)
| dialects          = whatever you want to say
| script1           = a writing system used for the language by literate speakers; use standard codes, see Module:scripts/data
| script2           = another writing system; use standard codes, see Module:scripts/data
| ...                 (up to 5)
| scripts           = override the scriptN list (e.g. if the language has a script without a code); use a bullet list
| nation            = list of countries in which it is an official language
| minority          = list of countries in which it is a recognised minority language
| agency            = regulatory body or language academy for the language
| development_body  = development body for the language
| iso1              = the ISO 639-1 code for the language
| iso1comment       = for comments to not interfere with the link
| iso2              = the ISO 639-2 code for the language (not for its family)
| iso2comment       = for comments to not interfere with the link
| iso3              = the ISO 639-3 code for the language
| iso3comment       = for comments to not interfere with the link
| clcr              = Conlang Registry Code for the language
| glotto            = Glottolog code for the language
| glottoname        = name of code glotto
| glotto2           = Second Glottolog code for the language
| glottoname2       = name of code glotto2
| cws               = ConWorkShop code for the language
| ietf              = IETF (BCP 47) code for the language
| brcl              = Brightraven Registry of Constructed Languages code for the language
| map               = image at bottom of info box. Use format "image name.png", without "file/image" or brackets.
| mapsize           = override default map size (currently 350px). Use units ("123px", "12em"). Affects both maps.
| mapalt            = alt text for the map
| mapcaption        = caption to appear under map
| map2              = a second map
| mapalt2           = alt text for the second map
| mapcaption2       = caption to appear under both mapswidth.)
| notice            = IPA/ipa [adds notice for IPA notation]






Pulmonic Consonants
Labial Coronal Dorsal Laryngeal
Bi­labial Labio­dental Linguo­labial Dental Alveolar Post­alveolar Retro­flex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyn­geal Glottal
Nasal m
Plosive p d k
Sibilant fricative z ʐ
Non-sibilant fricative f (and) v
Approximant ɹ
Lateral fricative
Lateral approximant l
Lateral tap/flap
Non-Pulmonic Consonants
Bi­labial Labio­dental Linguo­labial Dental Alveolar Post­alveolar Retro­flex Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyn­geal
Ejective Stop
Lateral fricative
Click Tenuis
Tenuis lateral
Voiced lateral
Nasal lateral
Implosive Voiced
Bi­labial Labio­dental Linguo­labial Dental Alveolar Post­alveolar Retro­flex Palatal Velar Uvular Epi­glottal Glottal
Pulmonic Sibilant d̠ʒ
Ejective Central tsʼ


Front Front-Central Central Back-Central Back
Close i
Near-Close ɪ (and) ʏ
Close-Mid e ɵ o
Mid ø̞
Open-Mid ɛ ʌ
Open ɑ





Consonant Clusters
Stops/Affricates Fricatives Nasals Liquids
d̠ʒ tsʼ k p d v f ʐ z ʃ m ɹ l
Stops/Affricates d̠ʒ d̠ʒd̠ʒ d̠ʒtsʼ d̠ʒk d̠ʒp d̠ʒd d̠ʒkʼ d̠ʒtʼ d̠ʒv d̠ʒf d̠ʒʐ d̠ʒz d̠ʒ ʃ d̠ʒm d̠ʒɹ d̠ʒl
tsʼ tsʼd̠ʒ tsʼtsʼ tsʼk tsʼp tsʼd tsʼkʼ tsʼtʼ tsʼv tsʼf tsʼʐ tsʼz tsʼ ʃ tsʼm tsʼɹ tsʼl
k k d̠ʒ ktsʼ kk kp kd kkʼ ktʼ kv kf kz k ʃ km kl
p pd̠ʒ ptsʼ pk pp pd pkʼ ptʼ pv pf pz pm pl
d dd̠ʒ dtsʼ dk dp dd dkʼ dtʼ dv df dz dm dl
kʼd̠ʒ kʼtsʼ kʼk kʼp kʼd kʼkʼ kʼtʼ kʼv kʼf kʼʐ kʼz kʼʃ kʼm kʼɹ kʼl
tʼd̠ʒ tʼtsʼ tʼk tʼp tʼd tʼkʼ tʼtʼ tʼv tʼf tʼʐ tʼz tʼʃ tʼm tʼɹ tʼl
Fricatives v vd̠ʒ vtsʼ vk vp vd vkʼ vtʼ vv vf vz vm vl
f fd̠ʒ ftsʼ fk fp fd fkʼ ftʼ fv ff fz fm fl
ʐ ʐd̠ʒ ʐtsʼ ʐk ʐp ʐd ʐkʼ ʐtʼ ʐv ʐf ʐʐ ʐz ʐʃ ʐm ʐɹ ʐl
z zd̠ʒ ztsʼ zk zp zd zkʼ ztʼ zv zf zz zm zl
ʃ ʃd̠ʒ ʃtsʼ ʃk ʃp ʃd ʃkʼ ʃtʼ ʃv ʃf ʃʐ ʃz ʃʃ ʃm ʃɹ ʃl
Nasals m md̠ʒ mtsʼ mk mp md mkʼ mtʼ mv mf mz mm ml
Liquids ɹ ɹd̠ʒ ɹtsʼ ɹk ɹp ɹd ɹkʼ ɹtʼ ɹv ɹf ɹʐ ɹz ɹʃ ɹm ɹɹ ɹl
l ld̠ʒ ltsʼ lk lp ld lkʼ ltʼ lv lf lz lm ll
Vowel Clusters

Front Front-Central Central Back
Close Close-Mid Mid Open-Mid Near-Close Close-Mid Close Open-Mid Open
i e ø̞ ɛ ɪ y ɵ o ʌ ɑ
Front Close i ii ie iø̞ iy io
Close-Mid e ei ee eø̞ ey eo
Mid ø̞ ø̞i ø̞e ø̞ø̞ ø̞ɛ ø̞ɪ ø̞y ø̞ɵ ø̞o ø̞ʌ ø̞ɑ
Open-Mid ɛ ɛi ɛe ɛø̞ ɛɛ ɛɪ ɛy ɛɵ ɛo ɛʌ ɛɑ
Front-Central Near-Close ɪ ɪi ɪe ɪø̞ ɪɛ ɪɪ ɪy ɪɵ ɪo ɪʌ ɪɑ
y yi ye yø̞ yy yo
Central Close-Mid ɵ ɵi ɵe ɵø̞ ɵɛ ɵɪ ɵy ɵɵ ɵo ɵʌ ɵɑ
Back Close o oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi oi
Open-Mid ʌ ʌi ʌe ʌø̞ ʌɛ ʌɪ ʌy ʌɵ ʌo ʌʌ ʌɑ
Open ɑ ɑi ɑe ɑø̞ ɑɛ ɑɪ ɑy ɑɵ ʌo ɑʌ ɑɑ

Green are permitted clusters, red are non-permitted clusters.


Onset sounds: All Consonants except [kʼ] and [dʒ], all vowel sounds except [ɑɪ]. If it is the beginning of the word short vowels are not permitted (except in the word “Ado”).

Nucleus sounds: All vowels, [v], [l], and [m].

Coda sounds: All Consonants except [p], all vowels. If it is the end of a word only long vowels are permitted

Phonotactic pattern: (V) (C) (C) V (C) (C) (C/V)




Constituent order

Subject Object Verb

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses

Example texts


Other resources