
Revision as of 16:10, 31 July 2015 by Eakarpov (talk | contribs) (→‎Alphabet)
Created byYegor Karpov
  • Novoslovnica

Novoslovnica is a constructed language created by Yegor Karpov in 2014. Its name is composed by the words nov ("new") and slovo ("word"). Its main features are lexical purism, wealthy phonology and logical stucture.

Phonology and orthography


Latin a/ä/á å b c č d đ e/ë/é ę ě f g ĝ h i/ï/ĩ j ĵ k l m n o/ö/ó ô p r ř s ŝ š t u/ü/ú ų ů v w x y z ž
Cyrillic а/я/á å б ц ч д џ е/є/э ѧ ѣ ф г ґ х и/i/ï j й к л м н о/ё/ó ô п р ҏ с s ш т у/ю/ӯ ų ъ в ў ќ ы з ж


Every letter is pronounced in the only way, so it is easy to start reading Novoslovnica after learning the alphabet and the phonology of the language.


Bilabial Labio-dental Dental Alveolar Post-alveolar Palatal Labio-velar Velar Glottal
m /m/ n /n/ Nasal
p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ k /k/ ĝ /g/ Plosive
f /f/ v /v/ θ /θ/ s /s/ z /z/ š /ʂ/ ž /ʐ/ j /ʝ/ x /x/ g /ɣ/ Fricative
w /ʋ/ ĵ /j/ Approximant
r /r/ Trill
l /l/ Lateral


The stress is movable, but it tends to the first syllable of the word's root.

Front Near-front Central Near-back Back
ï /i/ y /ɨ/ ü /ʉ/ u /u/ Close
i /ɪ/ ě /ɪ̈/ ô /ʊ/ Near-close
ë /e/ e /ɘ/ ö /ɵ/ o /o/ Close-mid
ů /ə/ Mid
å /ʌ/ Open-mid
ä /æ/ Near-open
a /a/ Open

Vowels distinguish on long and short ones. In writing the long vowel is determinated by the akut on the letter ov the vowel. Vowels a, e, o and u can be long and short, other can be only short.



There are three determinative articles: ůt/to/ta/te, ův/vo/va/ve and ůn/no/na/ne. Articles are required when it's necessary to clear the object spoken about. The difference between the three articles is in position of the object. The ůt article is used when we can not see the object. The ůn article is used when we can see the object, but it is far from us. The ův article is used when we can see the object and it is close to us.


There are three numbers and 9 cases in Novoslovnica. Also there are three genders - masculine, feminine and neutral.

dom - masculine
voda - feminine
slonco - neutral

There are 3 paradigms, which determines practically how the very word changes in cases.

1A 1B 2A 2B 3A 3B
Nominative Voda Dädä Dųb Slonco Dver' Vremę
Genitive Vody Dädï Dųba Slonca Dverï Vremenï
Partitive Vody Dädï Dųbu Sloncu Dverï Vremenï
Accusative Vodu Dädü Dųb Slonco Dver' Vremę
Dative Vodě Dädě Dųbu Sloncu Dverï Vremenï
Instrumentative Vodoĵ Dädëĵ Dųbom SLoncom Dveriü Vremenëm
Prepositive O vodě O dädě O dųbě O sloncě O dverě O vremeně
Locative V vodji Dädji V dųbu V sloncu Dverji Vo vremenji
Vocative Vodo Dädö Dųbe Slonce Dverï Vremų


Adjectives always precede the noun they're related to.

There are full and brief adjectives.

masc, firm masc, soft fem, firm fem,soft neu, firm neu, soft
Nominative Krasnyĵ
Genitive Krasnoga
Partitive Krasnogu
Accusative Krasnogo
Dative Krasnomu
Instrumentative Krasnym
Prepositive O Krasnom
Locative V Krasnomu
Vocative Krasnyĵ


Adverbs may be identified by adding -e to an stem of the adjective.

jasno (clear) → jasne (clearly)


Personal pronouns

Novbasa English
Ja I
ty you
On/Ona/Ono he/she/it
Ma we two
Va you two
Ona they two
My we
Vy you
Oni they

Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns change in cases quite as adjectives.

Novbasa English
môĵ I, mine
tvôĵ your, yours
jegôĵ/jejôĵ his/her, his/hers
naš our, ours
vaš your, yours
Ihniĵ their, theirs

Interrogative pronouns

Novbasa English
kto who
čto what
dy when
de where
kak how
začto why
kolïko how much


Tense Novbasa English
Infinitive strojati to build
Present ja strojam I build
Present perfect ja sům strojal I have built
Past Ja strojah I built
Past perfect Ja byh strojal I had built
Future Ja hte strojam I will build
Near future Ja budu strojati I am going to build
Conditional Ja bih strojal I would build
Imperative Stroj(aĵ)! build!
Present Participle Strojačiĵ building
Past Participle Strojan built

There are 4 different types of conjuction. Their conjuction depends on what vowels is on the end of the verb's stem. These vowels are: a, e, i, u.

The reflexive is formed by putting before the verb.

The passive is formed by dealing with the verb byti and past participle of the verb.


Byti ("to be") is one of irregular verbs.

Tense Novbasa English
Infinitive Byti to be
Present Ja sům I am
Present perfect Ja sům byl I have been
Past Ja byh I was
Past pefect Ja byh byl I had been
Future Ja hte sům I will be
Near future Ja budu I am going to be
Conditional Ja byh byl I would be
Imperative Bud'! be!
Present Participle Sųštyĵ being



Number Cardinal Number Cardinal
0 nôl' 11 jedennaĵčě
1 jeden 20 dvaĵčě
2 dva 21 dvaĵčě i jeden
3 tri 30 triĵčě
4 četyri 40 četyridesět
5 pět 50 pětdesět
6 šest 100 sto
7 sedem 200 dvěstě
8 osem 237 dvěstě triĵčě sedem
9 devět 1000 tysęča
10 desět 2000 dvě tysęčy


Number Cardinal Number Cardinal
0 nôlövyĵ 11 jedennaĵčětyĵ
1 půrvyĵ 20 dvaĵčětyĵ
2 vtoryĵ 21 dvaĵčě půrvyĵ
3 tretïĵ 30 triĵčětyĵ
4 četvůrtyĵ 40 četyriĵčětyĵ
5 pětyĵ 50 pětdesětyĵ
6 šestyĵ 100 stotyĵ
7 sedmyĵ 200 dvôhsůtyĵ
8 osmyĵ 237 dvěstě triĵčě sedmyĵ
9 devětyĵ 1000 tysęčnyĵ
10 desětyĵ 2000 dvôhtysęčnyĵ


Lexicon is made up from all slavonic languages. Now the vocabulary of Novoslovnica is about 2,5 thousand words and is developing.


Sample translations

All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
Vsě lüdski sųštestvy su rođany svobodnymi i råvnymi v dostoĵnostï i pravah. Oni su obdareny råzumom i sověstïü i musüt postųpati jeden do drugoga v duhu bratstva.

Language is the human ability to acquire and use complex systems of communication, and a language is any specific example of such a system. The scientific study of language is called linguistics. Estimates of the number of languages in the world vary between 5,000 and 7,000. However, any precise estimate depends on a partly arbitrary distinction between languages and dialects.
Jazyk je lüdsko uměnië zjiskati i korystovati složny uklady občövanä, i jazyk je vsęk konkreten priklad ovoï uklady. Naučno izučene jazykov sę zova lingvistikoĵ. Ocěna ličovstva jazykov sę měnäje među pětïü i sedemïü tysęčami. Jednak, vsęky ocěny zavïsut od častične sámovôľnoga råzličenä jazykov i dïalektov.

External links

  • [1] Novoslovnica in CALS
  • [2] The official page of the language
  • [3] The page on ConWorkShop
  • [4] The wiki in Novoslovnica