
< User:Praimhín
Revision as of 13:59, 26 October 2016 by Praimhín (talk | contribs)


ā ē ī ō ū ʲā ʲē ʲī ʲō ʲū -> ā ē ī ō ū ǟ ē ī ȫ ǖ -> ō ī əi ū əu ī ī əi ǖ əü

a e i o u ja je ji jo ju ->


1: ev 2: lood 3: keev 4: splud 5: dhawm 6: ruv 7: gleed 8: thauj 9: frood 10: ste 11: strab 12: kauv 24: bloov 144: rawj 1728: sleb

The dogs bark = Av pluj ib teeb The dog barks = Av pluj teeb ib

to drive = klajlov

Welcome = Kooj tib laig

personal pronouns: I = fij you = blus he/she/it = tam we = woogsid (incl), sid (excl) you (pl.) = blus they = tam

good day = haub drim good night = fleej drim


Broad/slender Rõktiapic

õe/õi/ie/ei/ee/iu/io -> e/i/je/je/je/ju/jo


ƛuduy -> tłətuu should mean "person"
tłu- is the agentive then
tłumüt = botanist
tłukəplaor = ornithologist
krea should mean study
tłukrea = scholar
 definite suffix
maybe -ing
or -ung
i need a good tsimulhic source: *xiN? (too quihum?)
i can use *aNk'ə which strangely enough would become something like -ok in Boot Polish
looks tok pisik!
tłətung = the person
(TENSE-CONSTRUCT) tłətung krea nin doan müt
nin = see
or üter = see?
maybe lüb
_??_ tłətung krea lüb doan müt
the definite suffix can surface as -ing after a front vowel
the present tense prefix should look like CVC
Rettłətung krea lüb doan müt.
= The person studies a flower.
PRES-person-DEF study see one flower
(a noun phrase must be preceded by an auxiliary verb to indicate its case)
should "one flower" be "doan müt" or something more fusional?
maybe the indefinite article is "do"
Rettłətung krea lüb do müt.

windermere participles:
VN ("da" + verb?)
dakrea = studying, datsai = moving, dadziei = doing

Tsimulhic numbers

Language with welshy mutations: əs, urí, uyl, trə́s, ǘmidz, weso, ivim, pidi, dzašo, ehro, ames, əsrə

Tsimulh → Hetomic vowel changes

ə and əˁ disappear
a i u -> ɛ ɪ ʊ
a: i: u: -> æ i u
ə: → ə
ac ic uc -> ɔ ɨ ʊ
sorry, ic -> ə
a:c i:c u:c ə:c -> ɑ ɨ u o
aj ij uj əj → ɪ i ʏ ɪ
aw iw uw əw → œ/ø ʏ u ʊ
a:j i:j u:j ə:j → ɛj i yj əj
a:w i:w u:w ə:w → ɛw yw u əw
i'll change the y-diphthongs to ø-diphthongs
so i have:
i ɪ ɛ æ ʏ ø ɨ ə u ʊ o ɔ ɑ ɛj əj øj ɛw əw øw
ʏ -> y
13 monophongs and 6 diphthongs

numbers: awc̓ān kiłu ukʷəl craysi uymədᶻ kʷicū əƞgʷim k̓ʷədi dᶻaƞƛ̓ū xīƞru amīs aƞc̓rax


p t k ʔ

f v θ ð s z ƨ x ɣ h

m n ŋ

l r ʟ j w

a e i o u ə ø y ie uə ye

Grammar: SVOAux

1: ruon 2: mivu 3: thaköp 4: yeng 5: lüöf 6: huvał 7: mesez 8: aradh 9: thakömnës 10: mivunës 11: ruonës 12: wavik

13, 14, ... = ruongngawa, mivungawa, thaköpngawa, yengngawa, lüöfngawa, huvałngawa, ...

24: mivier 36: thakövier 48: yeghier 60: lüövier 72: huvaghier 84: mesezier 96: aradhier 108: kömnësier 120: vunëzier 132: ruonëzier 144: hekhuth

25: mivier ruon 143: ruonëzier ruonës 290(base 12): mivu hekhuth kömnëzier

1728: wavik hekhuth 20736: hekhthuz

-uz = augmentative

Special letters, may be Hetomu or Luminese

Ꝑꝑ Ꝓꝓ Ꝕꝕ Ŧŧ Ⱦⱦ Ꞓꞓ Ȼȼ Ꝁꝁ Ꝃꝃ Ꝅꝅ Ꝗꝗ Ꝙꝙ Ꝛꝛ Ꝝꝝ Ꝟꝟ Ꝥꝥ Ꝧꝧ Ꝉꝉ Ꝋꝋ Ꝯꝯ ꝰ Ꝫꝫ Ꝭꝭ Ꝩꝩ


Ubykh/Hmoob hybrid


based on repurposed Romanian

p t z ț c = /p t ts ʈ k/

f s ș h = /f s ʂ h/

b d g = /b d g/

m n = /m n/

l r v j = /l r w j/

ch = /x/

sch = sje-sound

gh = silent, ghi- = /j/

a e î o u ă â = /a ə i o u ɛ e/

Old Terg

User:IlL's Old Tergetian consonant inventory:

Consonant phonemes
Labial Dental Alveolar Lateral Retroflex Velar Uvular Laryngeal
broad slender broad slender broad slender broad slender broad slender
Nasal n̪ˠ n̪ˡˠ nˡʲ ɳ ŋ ɲ ɴ
voiceless t̪ˠ tʲ~tɕ tɬˠ tɬʲ ʈ k c q ʔ
voiced d̪ˠ dʲ~dʑ dɮˠ dɮʲ ɖ ɡ ɟ ɢ
Fricative voiceless θˠ θʲ sʲ~ɕ ɬˠ ɬʲ ʂ x ç χ h
voiced ðˠ ðʲ zʲ~ʑ ɮˠ ɮʲ ʐ ɣ ʁ ʕ
Trill rʲ~r̝
Approximant w l̪ˠ lʲ~ʎ j