
Sketch of systematic sound changes for Knench, alongside important grammatical events

PCanaanite to Ancient Knench

  1. i u → e o
  2. ā → ō → ū
  3. Final ʔ and h deleted, yielding overlong vowels
  4. z → Basque z; s š → Basque s

Ancient Knench to Middle Knench

  1. Emphatics merge with voiced stops, yielding unaspirated stops; these stops are subject to allophonic voicing mutation
  2. Spirantization of aspirated stops, also becoming subject to voicing mutation
  3. Unstressed long vowels shorten, preserving vowel quality
  4. Stress shift
  5. Maghrebi syncope
    1. pretonic /a/ and /e/ deleted
    2. unstressed long vowels shorten; unstressed overlongs shorten to unreduced

Middle Knench to Modern Knench