Verse:Hmøøh/Swuntsim people

< Verse:Hmøøh
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The Swutsim are an ethnoreligious community; the religion they practice is called Swutsimism (Sacred Swutsim: pdaSxwəcim 'Swutsim-ness'; Modern Swutsim: pdaSfətsiv; Eevo: Sfytsivih).


Traditional Swutsim belief holds that all Swutsim are descended from Ücwəgüsvaσ.


Polygamy is banned, unlike in Talman culture.

Modernist Swutsimism

Modernist Swutsimism (Swutsim: pdaSfətsiv tibayəξoeσ) is a modern Talman liberal form of Swutsimism which developed after the Groudian Revolution.