Sixth Linguifex Relay/Ash
Eego naalago egae.
Eeda oo ãã hondlaa assẽõŋgaego Boedse-Dahbaala ee ohgeela.
Ee ẽõndõõyo eadõõyo basdõõgo ẽõŋgaa.
Magoogo basdõõgo ambaada enaaleyonno.
Eeda ãnda ee osdsohdayo.
Ẽõŋgaago gaago oyẽẽne.
Oogo seagas baasoba onombooneyo.
ee-go | naala-go | e-gae |
PROX-DUR | happy.IND-DUR | PROX-speak.OPT |
ee-da | oo | ãã | h-o-n-dlaa | ass-ẽõŋgae-go | boedse_dahbaala | ee | o-h-geela |
PROX-LOC | DIST | land/soil | TR-DIST-VEN-LOC:STAT.IND | INV-thank.OPT-DUR | "Poitsi_Di_Pare"1 | PROX | DIST-TR-write.IND |
ee | ẽõn-dõõ-yo | ea-dõõ-yo | bas-dõõ-go | ẽõŋgaa |
PROX | think-POT.IND-CONJ | see/perceive-POT.IND-CONJ | make/work-POT.IND-DUR | thank.IND |
ma-goo-go | bas-dõõ-go | am-baa-da | e-naale-yo-nno |
PRIV-LOC:ACT.IND-DUR | make/work-POT.IND-DUR | POSS-hand/arm-LOC | PROX-happy.IND-EMPH-Q |
ee-da | ãn-da | ee | o-s-dsohda-yo |
PROX-LOC | land/soil-LOC | PROX | DIST-INV-dwell2.ACT.IND-EMPH |
ẽõŋgaa-go | gaa-go | o-yẽẽne |
thank.IND-DUR | speak.IND-DUR | DIST-rain.TRANS.OPT |
oo-go | seaga-s | baas-o-ba | o-no-m-boone-yo |
Had to make some stuff up on the spot for the relay, so all of this doesn't represent canon Ash as it will be in the future when I've had time to work on it more carefully.
If you get really stuck, you can learn more about the grammar in the Ash article, but I don't know if that's cheating by giving away too much.
Glossing abbreviations
PROX(-), DIST(-) | proximal, distal (deixis3) |
-DUR, -LOC, -BEN | durative4, locative, benefactive (adverbialising) |
.STAT, .ACT, .TRANS | stative, active, translative (state5) |
.IND, .OPT | indicative, optative6 (mood) |
TR-, INV- | transitive, inverse[ transitive] (transitivity7) |
LOC:*, SUP-, VEN- | locative verb, super[essive/lative], venitive (locative verbs8) |
-CONJ, -EMPH, -Q | conjunctive (connector), emphatic/augmentative, interrogative/question9 |
PRIV- | privative/negative |
- "Poitsi Di-Pare" is an untranslated personal name.
- When used transitively means to invite, welcome or house someone.
- Rather than person or tense, Ash primarily uses deixis (and is pro-drop). Generally spatial on nominals and temporal on verbs; depends on context in adverbials.
- Covers everything from when/if/as/while to being a general adverbialising -(ing)ly and an instrumental or essive depending on context.
- Stative and active are not glossed when a verb is inherently one or the other; translative refers to a change of state, inchoative or perfective.
- The optative expresses uncertainty or wishfulness and can be used to specify the direction of distal temporal deixis, to issue a request or order or express desire.
- The inverse marker reverses the roles of the main arguments to a transitive verb.
- Locative verbs cover meanings such as be, go, come, give, and put while providing information about the referent; LOC:STAT and LOC:ACT are general; LOC:CRESC refers to growth.
- The interrogative marker doesn't necessarily ask a question but might be the speaker pondering something.