
Revision as of 21:46, 26 February 2019 by Ioscius (talk | contribs) (→‎Nouns)
Linkva Aimonyana
Pronunciation[[Help:IPA|lingva ˈae̯monja:na]]
Created byIoscius
SettingLargely Roman culture
Native speakers~300,000 (8th century)
Latin and Alpine Slavic
  • Aemonian
Early form
Lingua Alpina
Nota bene, care lector, this is a work in progress

Aemonian, natively called Linkva Aimonyana, is a hybridlang created by Ioscius as a cross between a theoretical late form of Latin and a theoretical early form of Slovenian.



Western Rome never fell, but continued well for a thousand years after Augustus and more. The Roman colony Colonia Iulia Aemona, founded on the site of modern-day Ljubljana, served well as one of the empire's main hubs in the region northeast of the Italian peninsula. It absorbed waves of Slavs in the migrations of the 6th to 9th centuries, and over time a mixed language of Latin substrate and heavy Slavic superstrate formed from a late form of Alpine Slavic, the link between Proto-Slavic and the Slovenian found in the Freising Manuscripts. Latin still served as the official and administrative language, but Aemonian was spoken in the streets, even by learned individuals.

Design goals

The author's main design goal was simply to play around with his favorite language (Latin) and his Stockholm-syndrome language (Slovenian).

That necessitated the following various subgoals:

  • implement the dual in a Latlang
  • as always, expand the role of the middle voice
  • experiment with reduplication and other innovative ways of playing with an influx of new verbal stems


Aemonian's phonology is fairly conservative; though there were many vowels inherited from the Alpine Slavic parent, most have been leveled out to the point where all of the sounds in Aemonian are familiar to those who know virtually any Romance or Slavic language, or even just English.

A notable absence from the phonology is /w/; the Latin sound in words like lingua, equus, etc. have all given way to the more Slavic realization of linkva, ekvu, etc.


Aemonian is written using largely the Latin alphabet as extended for South Slavic, with the addition of <ŧ> for the voiceless interdental fricative /θ/, and <đ> is used for the voiced interdental fricative /ð/, instead of for /dʑ/ as is usual in South Slavic.

There is also <ř> to indicate the same sound as in its inspiration in Czech, namely /r̝/.

That gives us in Latin order:

a b č d đ e f g h i k l m n o p r s š t ŧ u v x y z ž

See the alphabet grouped by feature in the tables below.


labial interdental alveolar postalveolar velar
unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced unvoiced voiced
stops p /p/ b /b/ t /t/ d /d/ k /k/ g /g/
nasals m /m/ n /n/
affricates c /t͡s/ č /tʃ/ x /ks/
fricatives f /f/ v /v/ ŧ /θ/ đ /ð/ s /s/ z /z/ š /ʃ/ ž /ʒ/ h /x/
liquids l /l/ y /j/
trills r /r/ ř /r̝/
approximants ł /ʎ/


front central back
short long short long short long
close i /i/ ī /iː/ u /u/ ū /uː/
mid e /e/ ē /eː/ o /o/ ō /oː/
open a /a/ ā /aː/


1st decl.; roza, "flower" 1st decl., m; nafta, "sailor" 2nd decl., m.; yekvus, "horse" 2nd. decl., n.; čibum, "food"
singular vocative rožye naftate yekve čibe
nominative roža nafta yekvus čibum
genitive rožai naftati yekvi čibi
dative roži naftato yekvo čibo
accusative rožo naftata yekva čibum
ablative roža naftato yekvo čibo
locative roži naftatu yekvu čibu
instrumental rožai naftatom yekvom čibom
dual vocative roži naftata yekva čibi
nominative roži naftata yekva čibi
genitive rož naftat-Ø yekev-Ø čib
dative rožama naftatoma yekvoma čiboma
accusative rožiz naftataz yekvaz čibi
ablative rožaba naftatoba yekvoba čiboba
locative rožaka naftatoka yekvoka čiboka
instrumental rožama naftatoma yekvoma čiboma
plural vocative rožai naftati yekvi čibe
nominative rožai naftati yekvi čiba
genitive rožarum naftatorum yekvorum čiborum
dative rožam naftatom yekvom čibom
accusative rožaz naftatoz yekvoz čiba
ablative rožiz naftatiz yekviz čiba
locative rožak naftatok yekvok čibok
instrumental rožami naftatimi yekvimi čibimi