Indo-Semitic preserves the PSem dual and cases, unlike other Semitic languages. It did weird shifts to other parts of the grammar, though.
Nouns have two genders, three numbers (all inherited from Proto-Semitic), and 8 cases. The nominative, accusative and genitive were inherited from Proto-Semitic, and additional cases were formed by suffixing inflected pronouns (for example, beetilu 'the house (dative)' from *bayti-lahu 'the house (gen), for it').
The construct state was lost.
- nominative
- accusative
- genitive
- dative
- lative~instrumental
- locative
- ablative
Masculine nouns: beet 'house'
- nom beet, beetaam, beetuum
- acc beeta, beetama, beetima
- gen beeti, beetami, beetiimi
- dat beetilu, beetallan, beetillen
- lat/ins beetinu, beetannan, beetinnun
- loc beetibu, beetabban, beetibbun
- abl beetiminu, beetamminan, beetimminun
- sup beetileu, beetallehan, beetillehun
Feminine nouns: šarrat 'queen'
- nom šarrat, šarrataam, šarraat
- acc šarrata, šarratama, šarraata
- gen šarrati, šarratami, šarraati
- dat šarratila, šarratallan, šarraatillun
- lat/ins šarratina, šarratannan, šarraatinnun
- loc šarratiba, šarratabban, šarraatibbun
- abl šarratimina, šarratamminan, šarraatimminun
- sup šarratilia, šarratallehan, šarraatillehun
-naft = emphatic