Third Linguifex Relay/Cwengâr

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Lhut Hâsha Mâle

  • Â lhut hâsha, ramal e ra dulh bôlam,
  • Pelâr e hât 'emar tar gwô lhusham?
  • Ucwyff, fon hârâm e ra gwec'hŷr ngâr,
  • Ô te âr ffen perhôl ô fon 'elâr,
  • Focw Cweshânaff ffa hagwôcwal c'hemar,
  • Ŷ ffâle ra cwâ cwec'hŷrh ra netar;
  • Ucwyn, te ra c'hyshŷn gwê bôlyr âr,
  • Tengâm ra hucwa tepogw 'êrâr
  • Ô hucwa tepogw gwon ta shâc'habaff,
  • Ô tenŷsheffel ât ra dul ra nôrabaff.
  • Ffen, lyreff shŷn ugwôn tenecwyn bôffar,
  • Ucwy, te lhô ffenan nge tecwyn c'hemar;
  • Ô te âd gwê sol cwe lyreff ucwyff!
  • Pon gwônârh ôlhon e hâd nge c'hemar?
  • Ŷ dod ês cwy lhut c'hed ô ffêrâr hâr,
  • Ô lhucwâr ês ra egwa mad ês c'hâr,
  • Ô tŷn dol ês cwy cwemar hanŷffel,
  • Ucwy cwefferh ês pon ra nŷsheffel!
  • Â- O, Lo, [Vocative Case Marker]
  • Lhut- Black
  • Âsha- Bird
  • Ramalh- Hunt
  • E- Accusative marker
  • Ra- Thou, You [sg]
  • Dulh- from*Bôlam- Home
  • Pelâr- Give, Bless, Gift, Blessing
  • Ât- It, One
  • Ffemar- Hot
  • tar- To thou
  • gwô-In
  • lhusham- Dark, Darkness
  • Ucwyff- Currently, These Days,
  • fon- less, much less, even less
  • hârâm- heard
  • cwec'hŷr- sing
  • Cwâr- speak
  • Ô- And, Thus
  • Te-Is, to be
  • Âr- Earth, Land, The Realm
  • Ffen-more, more over
  • merhôl-Silent
  • ffelâr-Kind
  • Focw-Come
  • Cweshânaf-winter
  • ffa-with
  • Agwôcwal-bent
  • cwemar- cold
  • ŷ-thus, therefore
  • ffâle-fly
  • cwâ-in
  • tetar-story
  • ucwyn- once
  • te- to be
  • ra- you
  • cwyshŷn-King
  • gwê-over
  • bôlyr-field, plain, greens
  • cwâm-see
  • âr-land
  • cwe-over
  • ucwa-then
  • cwân- make e
  • fferâr- white, whiteness
  • fogw-come
  • gwon- waking, death
  • ta- to
  • tâc'hab- seed, seedlings, saplings
  • tŷsheffel-exile
  • dul-from
  • ôrab-tree
  • lyreff-fearful, fearfully
  • tŷn-sleep
  • ugwôn-once
  • tenecwyn-hated
  • bôffar-Fox [National Symbol of the Fén]
  • Ucwy-Now
  • lhô-he
  • benan-friend
  • nge- against
  • tecwyn-hateful
  • c'hemar-cold
  • âd-this
  • tol-all
  • cwe-over
  • ucwyff-present day, these times
  • pon-for, because of
  • târh-do
  • ôlhon-man
  • âd- that, what
  • dod-wait
  • ês-we
  • cwy-under
  • lhut-dark
  • cwed-sky
  • lhucwâr-whisper
  • egwà-when
  • mad-want, wish
  • cwâr- speak, to speak
  • tŷn-sleep
  • dol-all
  • anŷffel-despair


ALright, this is written as a poem, with, if I recall AABB rhyme scheme and 9 syllable lines. It was in the wake of a major event in Cwelhenev history, but the details aren't too clear. If you want to mess with details to keep what you think is the message or a metre that works for your language, then I highly encourage it!

Cwengâr is a really fluid mutating language, with gender and a bunch of other mean tricks that makes it difficult even for me at times.

This table will likely be really really helpful

A "Hard" Mutation occurs in either verbs which are modifed by auxilaries or else a possessed object which are possessed.

A "Soft" Mutation occurs in objects and in vocative case.

Unmutated Soft Hard
m f/ff
p ff m
b f m
ff ' p
f ' b
n sh/s
t sh n
d s n
sh h t
s h d
ng c'h/g'h
cw c'h ng
gw g'h ng
c'h h cw
g'h h gw

Masc/Fem agreement is also a thing, where a stop at the end of a word can be voiced or devoiced depending on the start of the next but I didn't noticed too much here, still be on guard for it if the end of the word doesn't quite match the gloss.

Also important to note is that possession is marked in the possessed object rather than the possessor, the noun or pronoun will just precede whatever is possessed.

Other than that, I think it's pretty well settled. Good luck and shoot me a message for anything too wierd! [I had to make some edits on the go from the original, due to neologisms that I wasn't in the mood to decipher of noticing a couple spots I violated metre, so either calling me on those or pointing ones I missed would be very helpful!]