
Created byMiguel Bartelsman
SettingConworld Angara
Extinctca. 3500 a.E.
  • Proto-Almean
Language codes
ISO 639-3none
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Proto-Almean is the common ancestor of all the Almean languages, a family of languages widespread in the Yolder and Ausmiran continents.

Proto-Almean is estimated to have been spoken from around 5000 to 3500 a.E., and it's original homeland may have been the Almeran plains from which the language derives its name. Its descendant languages include Angaran and Yohari.


Letter A a B b D d E e F f G g
Pronunciation /a/, /ã/ [1] /b/ /d/ /e/, /ẽ/ [1] /f/ /g/
Letter H h I i K k Kg kg [3] – kk [4] L l
Pronunciation /h/, /-/ [2] /i/, /ĩ/ [1] /k/ /k’/ /k’/ /l/
Letter M m N n Nj nj O o P p Pb pb [3]
Pronunciation /m/ /n/ /◌̃/ [1] /ɲ/ /o/, /õ/ [1] /p/ /p’/
Letter – pp [4] Q q R r S s T t Td td [3]
Pronunciation /p’/ /q/ /ʀ/ /s/ /t/ /t’/
Letter – tt [4] U u V v Z z ' [5]
Pronunciation /t’/ /u/, /ũ/ [1] /v/ /z/ /ʔ/

^1 In words that end with ⟨n⟩, the /n/ is dropped and instead the vowels are nasalized.

^2 /h/ is not pronounced in final position, but ⟨h⟩ is preserved as clitics and affixes reveal the sound.

^3 ⟨kg⟩, ⟨td⟩, and ⟨pb⟩ are only used at the start of a word.

^4 ⟨kk⟩, ⟨tt⟩, and ⟨pp⟩ are only used in the middle of a word, so they have no correct capitalized version.

^5 ⟨'⟩ has a single representation regardless of location or capitalization.



Labial Alveolar Palat. Velar Uvular Glot.
unv. vce. unv. vce. vce. unv. vce. unv. vce. unv.
Nasal m n ɲ
Ejectives p’ t’ k’
Stops p b t d k g q ʔ
Fricatives f v s z x h
Liquids l ʀ


Front Center Back
rnd unr. unr.
Close i u
Mid e o
Open a

Syllable structure

((h)C) V (N)

  • C: a consonant, which may be pre-aspirated word-medially.
  • V: a vowel
  • N: is a nasal consonant with unspecified place of articulation.


Stress usually falls on the second to last syllable, unless the word ends in a nasal vowel or preaspirates suffixes, in which case it falls on the last syllable.


WALS Ch. Structure Examples
WALS 81 - 84 SOVX, SXOV — [S: the dog] [O: the cat] [V: chases] [X: to the tree]
— [S: the dog] [X: to the tree] [O: the cat] [V: chases]
WALS 85 Prepositions — [PP: to] [N: the tree]
WALS 86 Genitive Noun — [G: the cat's] [N: toy]
WALS 87 Noun Adjective — [N: dog] [Adj: big]
WALS 88 Noun Demonstrative — [N: dog] [Dem: that]
WALS 89 Numeral Noun — [Num: three] [N: balls]
WALS 90 Noun Relative?, Correlative? ?
WALS 94 Internal subordinator word — [S: the dog] [Adv: if] [V: sees]
WALS 100 Active alignment — [Act: the dog] [Pas: the cat] [V: chases]
— [Act: the dog] [V: walks]
— [Pas: the cat] [V: falls]



  • sa – I (1st p. singular)
  • sana – we (1st p. plural inc.)
  • sado – we (1st p. plural excl.)
  • ika – you (2nd p. singular)
  • ikana – you (2nd p. dual)
  • ikado – you (2nd p. plural)
  • go – he/she (3rd p. singular)
  • gona – they (3rd p. dual)
  • godo – they (3rd p. plural)
  • a – it/that (3rd p. singular)
  • ahdo – they/those (3rd p. dual)
  • ahna – they/those (3rd p. plural)
Only an indefinite article is used
Marked by particles, three different forms: singular, dual, plural
Present, unmarked; past and habitual, regularly marked by affixes; future


“Tenju ohdattali e sin”
/ˈte.ɲu oh.daˈt’ e sĩ/

tenju oh=dattali e sin
mister indf=animal pat see

“The mister sees an animal”

“Ti ohrante, kginja ka hilati ohagahi to ohemon e sin mo, …”
/ti ohˈʀan.te ˈk’i.ɲa ka hiˈlati o.haˈga.hi to o.heˈmõ e sĩ mo/

ti oh=rante, kginja ka hila=ti oh=agahi to oh=emon e sin mo
On indf=hill, wool neg have=rel indf=sheep pl indf=horse pat see pst,

“On a hill, a wool have-not sheep saw some horses, …”

On a hill, a sheep that had no wool saw horses, one of them pulling a heavy wagon, one carrying a big load, and one carrying a man quickly. The sheep said to the horses: "My heart pains me, seeing a man driving horses." The horses said: "Listen, sheep, our hearts pain us when we see this: a man, the master, makes the wool of the sheep into a warm garment for himself. And the sheep has no wool." Having heard this, the sheep fled into the plain.