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Ardlang (/aɾdˈlaŋg/) is a worldlang. Its main features are a regular phonetic inventory, a SVO sentence order and an a posteriori vocabulary that aims to defy Eurocentrism without renouncing to widely known translations. This approach is remarked by Ardlang's motto Ab hol dunya, pro hol dunya (From the whole world, for the whole world).


Ardlang follows the "one sound one letter" principle. Some letters can be pronounced in two different ways in order to make the pronunciation easier to the majority of speakers. For example, a Russian or a French speaker would find more natural to pronounce j as /ʒ/, while an English or an Hindi one would rather choose /ʤ/. Both are equally valid and mutually interchangeable.


Ardlang alphabet has 26 letters. While its main version is written in the Latin system, Cyrillic characters can be used to with a strict correspondence.

Latin script Cyrillic script Pronunciation Further informations
a a [ä]
b б [b] -
c ч [ʧ] Always pronounced as in the English chess even in front of a, o and u.
d д [d] -
e e [ɛ] / [e] Generally pronounced as [ɛ] when the stress falls on it, but the two are equivalent.
f ф [f] -
g г [g] Always pronounced as in the English give even in front of e, i and y.
h x [h] / [x] Never mute.
i и [i] Never pronounced as [j].
j ж [ʒ] / [ʤ] Never pronounced as [j].
k к [k] -
l л [l] -
m м [m] -
n н [n] / [ŋ] Pronunced as [ŋ] before velar plosives. ng is always pronounced as [ŋg].
o o [ɔ] / [o]
p п [p] -
q ц [ʦ] / [ʣ] -
r p [ɾ] / [r] -
s c [s] Always voiceless.
t т [t] -
u y [u] Never pronounced as [w].
v в [v] -
w ў [w] -
x ш [ʃ] -
y й [j] -
z з [z] Always voiced.