Matthew McVeagh

Joined 21 July 2020
Revision as of 04:57, 25 July 2020 by Matthew McVeagh (talk | contribs) (Added info about myself, my past and present langs, links to own site.)
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I first conlanged 36 years ago (1984), created quite a few sketches and am now doing it again with new ideas. I'll add details here to the wiki once I've got them in a presentable and fairly complete form.

My conlang website is at
My own conlangs are described at
I also have other resources on conlangs such as many links.

Early langs (1980s)

Langvaje -> Lingwajo

An offshoot of Esperanto started when I had been learning E-o for six months to a year, and had become critical of it and wanted to improve it. Intended as a global auxlang, it changed name and content as time went on.


An attempt at a naturalistic Romance language, intended to be used in a novel about a revolution in a fictional central European country.


Like Lingwajo, this was intended as a world language but it's more adventurous grammatically.

Languages 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Several versions of an experimental language that was not much more than a grammar sketch.

Three-case language

Another grammar experiment that didn't get very far.


I imagined a 'typical' East Asian language, although there is no such thing because there are many different patterns to East Asian languages.

Unnamed Model Germanic language

I made a start on a Germanic equivalent of Ruman, i.e. an artistic language that would show what a 'model' example of the language group would be like.

Unnamed mythological language

Some brief notes towards a start on what would apparently be an artistic language (inspired by Tolkien?) that might be used in a fiction.

Current and future projects

Shilgngí / Antinglish

An engelang inspired by being asked what language had the opposite typology to English.


Imagine a language that’s so ‘awkward’ it is completely inconsistent in phonology and grammar.

Interlingual Pasigraphy

I’d like to create a universal written ideographic symbol system that can be used to express the thought and meaning behind any piece of human language.

Other ideas for explangs

  • A language with no intransitive verbs – there may be stative verbs but other verbs are all transitive.
  • A language with trivocalic roots, like the triconsonantal roots of Semitic but using vowels.