User:Luzset Zari/True Serbian Language
True Serbian Language (also known as Proto-Serbian-World, Proto-Serbiens, and Proto-Hrvman) is the historical language, of Serbian origin, from which all modern languages became. There is much controversy about the immediate descendants of True Serbian Language and the phylogeny of the attested world languages in relation to it.
Sample Etymology
True Serbian Root: *φ̃ʖɲʸtʼwu ("person, human being") Serbian source: ve-ce/ве̑-це̑ (semantic shift uncertain...)
- Proto-Untitled: *mʕnʷtʷu
- Proto-Kenyifornian: *mʷanʷtu
- Proto-Bantoid: *montu
- Meru: monto
- Kikuyu: mundu
- Kamba: mundu
- Proto-Wintoid: *wentu
- Wintu: wintʰu·h
- Proto-Dravidian: *manəwdu
- Telugu: mānavuḍu
- Proto-Bantoid: *montu
- Proto-Central-African-Republican: *mtʷnu
- Swahili: mtu
- Hausa: mutun
- Proto-Pidgin-Creole: *ʔmɐdï
- Scots: body
- Tok Pisin: meri
- Hindi: mard
- Proto-Kenyifornian: *mʷanʷtu
- Proto-Etrūskyūan-Dené: *φəitʼːw
- Etrusco-Xenic: φersu
- Hindi: puruṣ
- Ancient Greek: prósōpon (influenced by folk etymology prós, “towards” + ṓps, “eye”)
- Latin: persomnō (<*persopnō)
- Latin: somnō (back-formation by reanalysis of "per-" as prefix)
- English: slumber (conflation with sleep)
- English: slum
- English: slam (conflation with bam)
- English: slap (conflation with pop)
- English: clap (<*respeck-slap)
- English: clasp (<*clap-squeeze)
- English: grasp (doublet of Portuguese or Asturian origin)
- English: grab
- English: grub
- English: hungry (<*humgruh <*grub-grub, probably influenced by Brazilian Portuguese)
- etc.
- English: hungry (<*humgruh <*grub-grub, probably influenced by Brazilian Portuguese)
- English: grub
- English: grab
- English: grasp (doublet of Portuguese or Asturian origin)
- English: clasp (<*clap-squeeze)
- English: clap (<*respeck-slap)
- English: slap (conflation with pop)
- English: slam (conflation with bam)
- English: slum
- English: slumber (conflation with sleep)
- Latin: somnō (back-formation by reanalysis of "per-" as prefix)
- Latin: personō (simplified doublet)
- Latin: sonō (back-formation by reanalysis of "per-" as prefix)
- Latin: persomnō (<*persopnō)
- Ancient Greek: prósōpon (influenced by folk etymology prós, “towards” + ṓps, “eye”)
- Hindi: puruṣ
- Japonic: pitə
- Kott: hit
- Old[ne sic] English: wight
- Politically-Incorrect-English (PIE): white
- Proto-Norse-Slavic: *wgitr
- Proto-Belgian: *wer
- Malay-Indonesian: orang
- Indo-European: wiHrós
- Proto-Belgian: *wer
- Proto-Norse-Slavic: *wgitr
- Politically-Incorrect-English (PIE): white
- Etrusco-Xenic: φersu