An Bhlaoighne

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In-universe conlang stealing morphemes from Windermere (like 1sg r, 2sg ł)


gús 'and'

a fhloc a ghís 'etc.'

go dhxíogh 'good'

dhaghadhagha 'um...'

peighe 'street'

noir 'black'

atr/rtr vowel split in descendants (padmanabha should be this from the start?)

r should become uvular and vocalized to compensate for all the ATR


Phonology of An Bhlaoighne: a e i o u á é í ó ú /ä e̞~ɛ i o̞~ɔ u a: ɛ: i: o: u:/ + far too many diphthongs to even count!

b c d f g h l m n p q r s t x /b k d̪ f g h l̪ m n̪ p tɬ r s t̪ ɬ/

The letters bcdfgpqstx can participate in two mutations. In addition, m can be aspirated.

Aspiration: bh ch dh fh gh mh ph qh sh th xh /bʰ kʰ d̪ʰ fʰ gʰ mʰ pʰ tɬʰ sʰ t̪ʰ ɬʰ/

Prenasalization: mb gc nd bhf ng _ mp nq dhs dt dhx /ᵐb ᵑk ⁿd̪ bʰf ᵑg ᵐp ⁿtɬ dʰs ⁿt̪ dʰɬ/

Sindarin analog

ai -> e
ái -> ä́ -> ia
ao -> å -> o
ea -> ia
ei -> e
eo -> ö́ -> io
aoi, eoi -> í
eo -> o
ia -> ie
io -> io
oi -> e
ua -> uo
uai -> í

éa -> é
eá -> á
eó -> ó
eói -> é
éi -> ei
ío -> io
iú -> ǘ -> iu
iúi -> í
ói -> é
oí -> í
úi, uí -> í


to: eis -> sós, smedh, san, es
from: chois éinn go na -> hios, hiomedh, hion, hion
in: ni -> nis, nimedh, nin, nin
away from: ni amhaidh na -> aus, aumedh, aun, aun
with: ro -> ros, romedh, ron, ron
without: go ríste na -> rís, rímedh, rín, rín
like: qe -> qes, qemedh, qen, qen
unlike: xa aghabh na -> xás, xámedh, xán, xán

passive: go leath 'to pass'
causative: go dhaimh 'to give'
reflexive: go dhsinn 'to share'

causative construction:

to cause X to Y the/a Z = dhaimh Y Z ro X

ise = an bhl root for 'this'
ni n-uais ise -> nuaiste -> "sindarin" níst 'today'
ni dhxeóthaigh ise -> "sindarin" λioþis 'this year'

díse, keves, ξiche, saureð = fall, winter, spring, summer
díses, kevest, ξiches, saures = this fall, this winter, this spring, this summer








Both the definite and indefinite articles are 'an' in the singular, 'na' in the plural.

Gender and declensions

The An Bhlaoighne nominal system has ten declensions.

First declension masculine: indef. sg. aspiration; indef. pl. prenasalization; def. sg. no mutation; def. pl. no mutation

First declension feminine: indef. sg. prenasalization; indef. pl. aspiration; def. sg. aspiration; def. pl. prenasalization

First declension neuter: indef. sg. no mutation; indef. pl. no mutation; def. sg. prenasalization; def. pl. aspiration

Second declension masculine: indef. sg. aspiration; indef. pl. aspiration; def. sg. no mutation; def. pl. prenasalization

Second declension feminine: indef. sg. prenasalization; indef. pl. no mutation; def. sg. aspiration; def. pl. aspiration

Second declension neuter: indef. sg. no mutation; indef. pl. prenasalization; def. sg. prenasalization; def. pl. no mutation

Third declension masculine: indef. sg. aspiration; indef. pl. no mutation; def. sg. no mutation; def. pl. aspiration

Third declension feminine: indef. sg. prenasalization; indef. pl. prenasalization; def. sg. aspiration; def. pl. no mutation

Third declension neuter: indef. sg. no mutation; indef. pl. aspiration; def. sg. prenasalization; def. pl. prenasalization


bheathra 'man' - 2nd decl. masc.
Singular Plural
Indefinite an bheathra na bheathra
Definite an beathra na mbeathra
chealim 'table' - 1st decl. masc.
Singular Plural
Indefinite an chealim na gcealim
Definite an cealim na cealim
mblaoighne 'language' - 1st decl. fem.
Singular Plural
Indefinite an mblaoighne na bhlaoighne
Definite an bhlaoighne na mblaoighne
fiodenn 'honor' - 3rd decl. neut.
Singular Plural
Indefinite an fiodenn na fhiodenn
Definite an bhfiodenn na bhfiodenn
páirín 'house' - 2nd decl. neut.
Singular Plural
Indefinite an páirín na bpáirín
Definite an bpáirín na páirín

(Nouns beginning with 'm' can only be 2nd decl masc, 2nd dec fem, 3rd decl masc or 1st decl fem)

There's also a 'grab bag' class of nouns that begin with consonants that can't be mutated. The gender of a noun in this class is determined solely by meaning, and there is no way to differentiate between its definite and indefinite form.


present: ceis, cean (with the article) past: éadh, éan (with the article) future: liobh, lian (with the article) aorist ("timeless"): fo, fon

  • Fon cealim go bhfóina. /fon kealim go bʰfo:jna/ 'The table is white'
  • Cean beathra go dhxeathar. /kean beatʰra go dʰɬeatʰar/ 'The man is walking'
  • Cean bheathra go mblaoigh. /kean bʰeatʰra go ᵐblaojgʰ/ 'A man is speaking'

(go+prenasalization literally means 'in')

Prepositions fusing with 'an'

  • 'in': go + an = ni, go + na = in
  • 'with': ro + an = ca, ro + na = ac
  • 'to': eis + an = sa, eis + na = as
  • 'like': qe + an = xa, qe + na = ax

Inflected prepositions

I, you, he/she, this, that, we, you, they

eisiúr, eiséiq, eisear, eiseannsa, eiseann, eisidh, eisibh, eiseanna

niúr, néiq, near, neannsa, neann, néidh, néibh, neanna

rúr, róiq, rór, rónnsa, rónn, róidh, róibh, rónna

qiúr, qéiq, qear, qeannsa, qeann, qéidh, qéibh, qeanna


Constituent order

Noun phrase

Verb phrase

Sentence phrase

Dependent clauses


  • 0 = dírabh /di:rabʰ/
  • 1 = óis /o:js/
  • 2 = réix /re:jɬ/
  • 3 = daobhe /daobʰe/
  • 4 = fuín /fwi:n/
  • 5 = seamh /seamʰ/
  • 6 = taca /taka/
  • 7 = óista n-óis /o:jsta no:js/
  • 8 = óista réix /o:jsta re:jɬ/
  • 9 = óista ndaobhe /o:jsta ⁿdaobʰe/
  • 10 = óista bhfuín /o:jsta bʰfwi:n/
  • 11 = óista dhseamh /o:jsta dʰseamʰ/
  • 12 = réixta /re:jɬta/
  • 18 = daobheta /daobʰeta/ or daobhta /daobʰta/
  • 24 = fuínta /fwi:nta/
  • 30 = seamhta /seamʰta/
  • 36 = gról /gro:l/
  • 37 = gról d'óis /gro:l do:js/
  • 38 = gról da réix /gro:l da re:jɬ/


  • 72 = réix gról


  • 1295 = seamhta dhseamh gról da seamhta dhseamh
  • 1296 = quiche /tɬujkʰe/

Example texts

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