
< Verse:Irta
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Izeweg (אַן יעס אידעוועק [an jes i'zeweg] 'the Jewish language') is the traditional Northern European Jewish ("Tsarfati") vernacular in Irta. It's (essentially) a Brythonic Celtic language and a descendant of Old Galoyseg. It's a possible answer to the question "What would a Jewish Celtic language look like?"

In-universe English name?

Essentially a Judeo-Breton~Welsh


  • בּראַן (m) 'crow' (*bran)
  • קאָרס (m) 'enclosure' (*gawrth)



/a aj e ej i o oj u uj y aw ew iw ow/ אַ אַי ע עי אי אָ אָי אוֹ אוֹי אוּ אַוו עוו איוו אָוו


Default native spelling

Abstract c g ch gh ng ngh כּ ק כ ג נק נכּ

Abstract t d th dh n nh תּ ט ת ד נ נתּ

Abstract p b ph bh m mh פּ בּ פ ב מ מפּ

j r l ll w s š h 2 י ר ל לּ וו ס ש ה א


The new consonant is prefixed in front of the mutated word with a hyphen: אַנאַ נתּ-תּוֹרה ana nhToyro 'in the Torah'.

Hebrew reading

Izeweg has no vowel reduction in Hebrew and Aramaic loans, unlike Yiddish. Stress is just shifted to penultimate (as in native Izeweg).

/2 b v g γ d δ h w z H T j k x l m n s 3 p f S q r š t θ/ = [(none)~2 p= v g x t= δ~z h w δ~z h t= j kh x l m n s (none)~2 ph f ts= k= r š th s]

TibH /i e E a O o u ŠN HP HS HQ/ = [i ej~aj e a o u y a a e o]

L dagesh > Welsh ll. Some pronounce sin as ll.


Same as in Welsh but

  • g post vocalically mutates to c'h
  • no m > v
  • ll but no rh
  • t spirant mutates to s


Indef article אין, def article אַן

"in" combining form with def article is אַנאַ or אַנאַן, otherwise it's מעוון (even when the noun is semantically definite)

default native pl אָוו

More analytic than Colloquial Welsh, while Galoyseg is basically Cornish or Literary Welsh