Verse:Irta/Remonitionist Multiversalism



Already quite inclusive and liberal; the narrative has already changed in Irta from "non-Christians need salvation" to "non-Christians have equally valid paths to salvation"; Catholics like to joke that Remonitionists convert themselves rather than converting others

Remonitionists believe there have been several Christs throughout history (inspired by bodhisattvas); some are legendary and are worshipped like pagan gods especially in Hivantish societies.


After migrating to Tricin, Remonitionists start to expand their universalism to other universes too -- one result is that there are three sacred texts that Remonitionists read in Tricin:

  • Old Testament
    • interpreted in a Gnostic/Marcionite way?
  • Foranloíd
  • a "New Testament" specifically authored by Trician Remonitionists, very different from our New Testament -- it not only mentions many Christs, it has a "cyclical" eschatology very different from Revelation (addressed to churches in Earth, Tricin and many other universes).

Some MCC churches read the Imthumitil too. These texts are commonly read in a special "New Trician" translation, though other translations are read too in some churches. The New Trician translations are the work of a philologist, Rought ???, an ardent Ñedhraist who studied ancient Hebrew, Greek, Windermere and Tigol and wanted to encapsulate her understanding of ancient texts in those languages in a new way which wasn't influenced by other Christian sects. Her interpretation of the Old Testament is very popular in Cualand and is the subject of movies in many genres.

For Earthlings, MCC can appear very New Age-ish.

Art in MCC

MCC has produced a lot of psychedelic and New Age style art in Cualand; biblically accurate angels are a very common motif and show up in church architecture. Lotuses are another common motif, from the Buddhist influence on Remonitionists. (include Trician symbolism)