Pangur Bán
I'll keep the meter (7 syllables per line) but not the rhyme. This is in Learăgisiș.
מישא ףעין איס פּאַנקוֹר בּאָן,
בּי קאַך ריש אן טֿר׳עף טאַזש ףעין,
א מֿענמא תּאַזששאן רי ציד,
מישא רי מא-מֿתּנה.
Mișă feyn is Pangur Bon,
Bi gach riș ăn dhřeaf taģ feyn,
Ă mhenmă taģșăn ri țayd,
Mișă ri mă-mhatănă.
ףיאָר-ן צשין לוֹם נא קאַך מין כּל׳וּ,
סאנט עיסוק שאַ ארן לימוד.
כֿנעל עאט ר׳וֹם אזש פּאַנקוֹר בּאָן,
הנאה לעש אס לענביף-סאן.
Fyor 'n çin lum nă gach min cłü,
Sănd isig șa ărn limid.
Chnel ead řum ăģ Pangur Bon,
Hănóa leș ăs lenvif-săn.
The passage from the Hebrew wiki article "לשון חז"ל"
- Năm b'e ror torț ămách ăs Mițráym is năn năch răv e ņey zean mișpăd ărthă, vă șin gu lur diņi!
- Năm b'e ņey zean mișpăd ărthă is năn năch ołn ăr nă zefăn tacă
- Năm b'e ņey zean mișpăd ăr nă zefăn tacă is năn năch ołn ăr nă pchurim (çeadvřethăn) tacă
(source for English translation:
Ăn Yidiș (Translit.) Tură! Tură! Ăn sołăs tăg nă h-ilă dăvnăn! |
Translation from the Ăn Yidiș Torah! Torah! the light of all the worlds! |
English Oraita! Oraita! (Torah! Torah!) the light of all the worlds! |
Original (Aramaic) אוֹרַיְיתָא אוֹרַיְיתָא,
The first Tanna and the second Tanna (a Yiddish joke)
אן תּנא קמא איס אן תּנא בּתרא (Ăn tană gamă is ăn tană basră)
Tchinăs (Tkhines)
Giem ărăd, Hășéym Zie tăģ Yisróyl, gu rev tu ņey cłiņ nă h-ürni tagum măr vă thu ņey cłiņ nă țey tăģ or-moŗ Chană, ăn năvíe ņey ürni cdey fhăyņ mac, ăn novi Șmüel.
I pray unto You, Lord God of Israel, that You consider my prayer as You did that of Mother Channo, the prophetess who prayed for a son, the prophet Șmüel.
Doatămăn (The Ăn Yidiș dreidel)
- תּאָר tor 'give' (שטעל אריין "put in")
- איריהּ irih 'wait' (נישט 'nothing')
- fo- in Old Irish verbs has to disappear in Pre-Proto-Ăn Yidiș for this to work (via d'fh- -> d'- reanalysis)
- הילא hilă 'all' for היה or קאַך רוֹט gach rud 'everything' for קרה
- לעהּ leh 'half' (האַלב)
תשועת אורים הייתה לנו 'A saving act of lights happened to us'?
A "You can't defeat me" meme
- Iensăch Ałăbiniș: Chan efșăr led ă buay dăn ay tam.
- Mișă: To fis gum, ăch efșăr lethișă.
- Ăn Yidiș (on Surtur)