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Pangur Bán

This translation keeps 7 syllables per line but not the rhyme. This is in Filichdiș (a special artificial register which is used, among other things, in poetry and in translations of older Irish literature). Hebrew loans are in bold.

Ăn Yidiș
מישא פעין איס פּאַנקוֹר בּאָן,
קאַך תּען׳ ריש אן טר׳עף טאַזש פעין,
א מֿענמא תּאַזששאן רי ציד,
אן צשע תּאַמסא רי מא-כֿערז.

פיאָר מ-פֿאס לוֹם נא קאַך מין כּל׳וּ,
נאם ליאָר, עסוק ארן לימוד.
כֿנעל עאט ר׳וֹם אזש פּאַנקוֹר בּאָן,
שעראכּ לעשאן לענביף-שאן.

Mișă feyn is Pangur bon,
Gach teņ riș ăn dŗeaf taģ feyn,
Ă mhenmă taģșăn ri țayd,
Ăn țe tamsă ri mă-cherz.

Fyor m-fhăs lum nă gach min cłü,
Năm-lyor, osig ărn limid.
Chnel ead ŗum ăģ Pangur bon,
Șerăc leșăn lenvif-șăn.

IPA (Cualand ĂnY)
[ˈmiɕə fɛjn ɪs ˈpʰaŋgʊɾ pɔn]
[kax θɛɲ ɾiɕ ən t̪ʑeəf θatɕ fɛjn]
[ə ˈvɛnmə ˈθat͡ɕɕən ɾɪ t̪͡s̪ʰajð]
[ən t͡ɕʰɛ ˈθamɕə ɾɪ məˈxɛɾd͡ʐ]

[fjɔɾ mœs lʊm nə kaχ miŋ kʰwy]
[nəm ljɔɾ ˈɔsɪg ɛɳ ˈlimɪð]
[xnɛl eəð ʑɪm ɛt͡ɕ ˈpʰaŋgʊɾ pɔn]
[ˈʃɛɾaxk lɛɕən ˈlɛnvɪfsən]

1SG.EMPH EMPH and P. white
each of-1PL towards.DEF DEF profession of-3SG.M EMPH,
DEF mind of-3SG.M.EMPH towards hunt.VN
DEF DEICTIC of-1SG towards 1SG.POSS-craft.

good.COMP 1SG-quiet with-1SG than every kind fame,
in-1SG.POSS book, occupied on-DEF study.
NEG.AUX.PRES envy towards-1SG at P. B.,
love with-3SG.M.EMPH childishness-3SG.M.POSS.EMPH.

Original Old Irish
Messe ocus Pangur bán,
cechtar nathar fria ṡaindán:
bíth a menmasam fri seilgg,
mu menma céin im ṡaincheirdd.

Caraimse fos, ferr cach clú
oc mu lebrán, léir ingnu;
ní foirmtech frimm Pangur bán:
caraid cesin a maccdán.

Translation (from the Ăn Yidiș):
I myself and white Pangur,
Each of us in his own role,
His mind [turned] towards hunting,
Mine towards my specialty.

I prefer my rest to any kind of fame:
In my book, occupied in study.
Pangur Bán doesn't harbor envy towards me;
He loves his own childish games.


  • Cłiņ, oy Yisróil! Șe Hășéym e Zie teņi, to Hășéym echăv. Bi thu ă carhiņ Zey tad liș hil cŗi tad, liș ă hil anăm tad, is liș ă hil zihăł tad.

The passage from the Hebrew wiki article "לשון חז"ל"

  • To Dovid ney ro lă nă șeriviși teģ: «Vel ă lenăv marăv?» To șiedsăn ņey ro: «To.»
  • To Dovid ņey șesăv suas un tał, ņey ienłăth, ņey ciŗ șemăn eř fheyn, is ņey athrăch nă h-ăydi teģ,
  • is to șe ņey doł szech dăm Beysămigdăș is ņey li ind uvłăch,
  • is ņey doł ghachi. To șe ņey torț ărthu ciŗ biegh rev is ņey ith.
  • To nă șeriviși teģ ņey ro leș: «De șu a șiv ney zean?
  • Son ă lenăv byu, vă șiv ă trăsgăgh is ă gułăgh,
  • is ăneșu gu vel ă lenăv marăv, to șiv ă șesăv suas is ăg ith!»
  • To șesăn ņey ro: «Nuař v' ă lenăv byu, vă m' ă trăsgăgh is ă gułăgh,
  • ăr smăynăch gum: ‹Cu ģe a fis,
  • efșăr gu bey șe ņey șoł răchmonüs is bey ă lenăv byu.›
  • Ăneșu gu vel șe marăv, cărson ărum ă thrăsgăgh?
  • Ăn efșăr lum o ghavăl ăreș?
  • Bey mișă ņey doł hiģesăn; cha bhey esăn ņey țiņ ăreș hugumșă.»

  • Thubhairt Daibhidh ra sheirbhisich, A bheil an leanabh marbh? Agus thubhairt iadsan, Tha e marbh.
  • An sin dh’èirich Daibhidh on talamh, agus dh’ionnlaid agus dh’ung e e fhèin, agus mhùth e a aodach,
  • agus chaidh e a-steach do thaigh an Tighearna, agus rinn e adhradh:
  • an sin thàinig e da thaigh fhèin, agus nuair a dh’iarr e, chuir iad aran fa chomhair, agus dh’ith e.
  • An sin thubhairt a sheirbhisich ris, Ciod e an nì seo a rinn thu?
  • Airson an leinibh, nuair a bha e beò, thraisg thu agus ghuil thu:
  • ach nuair a dh’eug an leanabh, dh’èirich thu agus dh’ith thu aran.
  • Agus thubhairt esan, Nuair a bha an leanabh fhathast beò, thraisg mi agus ghuil mi:
  • oir thubhairt mi, Cò aig a bheil fhios,
  • nach gabh Dia truas rium, agus nach mair an leanabh beò?
  • Ach a-nis o fhuair e bàs, carson a thraisginn?
  • An urrainn mi a thabhairt air ais tuilleadh?
  • Thèid mise da ionnsaigh-san, ach cha till esan am ionnsaigh-sa.


Năm b'e ror torț ămách ăs Mițráym is năn năch răv e ņey zean mișpăd ărthă, vă șin gu lur diņi!
Năm b'e ņey zean mișpăd ărthă is năn năch ołn ăr nă zefăn tacă
Năm b'e ņey zean mișpăd ăr nă zefăn tacă is năn năch ołn ăr nă pchurim (çeadvřethăn) tacă


(source for English translation:

Ăn Yidiș (Translit.)

Tură! Tură! Ăn sołăs tăg nă h-ilă dăvnăn!

Iŗăd dă mhiŗăn, d' aviņăn, dă thăbrithăn is d' fhuarnăn a h-ă sruthăgh ămách uadsă dă h-ilă tăyv!

Șołn uadsă a nă h-ilă rudăn ă țiņ, șołn ărădsă a nă ŗifdăn ăs-erză is ăs-ișlă ă șesăv.

T' ăn sołăs ăs-erză teģ ă doł ămách uadsă.

Tură! Tură! Deș efșăr lum ă ro cdey dă-theyăr? To thu măr mhăyșăch ołiņ is măr yală șģievăch,

T' ă răchmonüs tad inș nă ŗifdăn ăs-erză is ăs-ișlă, zeșil son ņech săm bith a tapăgh eŗ ă ghavăl țegășģ uad săn doy çhert.

Tură! Tură!

Abăŗ nă gorzăchüsăn tăg nă dină ņid-mhaysrăl! Cu leș efșăr nofdăgh is iniș nă rudăn cagrănith is fałiță tad!

Translation from the Ăn Yidiș

Torah! Torah! the light of all the worlds!

So many seas, rivers, springs and founts flow out from you in all directions!

From you come all things, on you stand the highest and lowest realms.

From you goes out His highest light.

Torah! Torah! What can I say to describe you? You are like a lovely doe and a graceful she-ibex,

Your mercy is in the upper and lower realms, available for anyone who succeeds in obtaining instruction from you in the proper way.

Torah! Torah!

Such are the joys of those who have mastered you! Who can reveal and tell your secret and hidden things!


Oraita! Oraita! (Torah! Torah!) the light of all the worlds!

How many seas and rivers and wells and springs spread out from you in all directions!

From you is everything, by you the upper and lower [worlds] are sustained.

His upper light goes out from you.

Oraita! Oraita! what shall I say of you, lovely doe and graceful she-ibex,

above and below are your mercies, whoever merits to acquire from you in the proper fashion.

Oraita! Oraita!

The delights of those who master you! Who can reveal and tell your secret and hidden things!

Original (Aramaic)

אוֹרַיְיתָא אוֹרַיְיתָא,

נְהִירוּ דְּכָל עָלְמִין,

כַּמָה יָמִין, וּנְחָלִין, וּמְקוֹרִין, וּמַבּוּעִין, מִתְפַּשְּׁטֵי מִנָךְ לְכָל סִטְרִין.

מִנָךְ כֹּלָּא, עֲלָךְ קַיְימֵי עִלָּאִין וְתַתָּאִין,

נְהִירוּ עִלָּאָה (ודא) מִנָךְ נָפְקָא.

אוֹרַיְיתָא אוֹרַיְיתָא, מַה אֵימָא לְגַבָּךְ, אַיֶּלֶת אַהָבִים אַנְתְּ, וְיַעֲלַת חֵן (גבי)

 עֵילָּא וְתַתָּא רְחִימִין דִּילָךְ.

 מַאן יִזְכֵּי לְיַנְקָא מִנָךְ כְּדְקָא יֵאוֹת.

 אוֹרַיְיתָא אוֹרַיְיתָא

שַׁעֲשׁוּעִים דְּמָארָךְ, מַאן יָכִיל לְגַלָּאָה, וּלְמֵימָר סִתְרִין וּגְנִיזִין דִּילָךְ.

The first Tanna and the second Tanna (a Yiddish joke)

אן תּנא קמא איס אן תּנא בּתרא (Ăn tană gamă is ăn tană basră)

Tchinăs (Tkhines)

Giem ărăd, Hășéym Zie tăģ Yisróyl, gu rev tu ņey cłiņ nă h-ürni tagum măr vă thu ņey cłiņ nă țey tăģ or-moŗ Chană, ăn năvíe ņey ürni cdey fhăyņ mac, ăn novi Șmüel.

I pray unto You, Lord God of Israel, that You consider my prayer as You did that of Mother Channo, the prophetess who prayed for a son, the prophet Șmüel.

Doatămăn (The Ăn Yidiș dreidel)

  • תּאָר tor 'give' (שטעל אריין "put in")
  • איריהּ irih 'wait' (נישט 'nothing')
    • fo- in Old Irish verbs has to disappear in Pre-Proto-Ăn Yidiș for this to work (via d'fh- -> d'- reanalysis)
    • or use firih and change how f is written: פ פֿ פּ פּֿ f fh p ph
  • הילא hilă 'all' for היה or קאַך רוֹט gach rud 'everything' for קרה
  • לעהּ leh 'half' (האַלב)

תשועת אורים הייתה לנו 'A saving act of lights happened to us' or תשועת פלא הייתה לנו '... wonder ...'


A "You can't defeat me" meme

  • Iensăch Ałăbiniș: Chan efșăr led ă buay dăn ay tam.
  • Mișă: To fis gum, ăch efșăr lethișă.
  • Ăn Yidiș (on Surtur)