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Mayyahi (numa Mayyaħī) is a language of Méich Bhaonnáiqh. It has a Proto-Semitic, Sanskrit and Modern Standard Arabic aesthetic and is spoken by the Mayyaħ people.

In-universe influences include Crannish, Azalic, and Togarmite. Mayyaħī has lots of words which look like Crannish, English and Irish but are adapted unetymologically to a Proto-Semitic or Sanskrit aesthetic, sometimes with the same meanings as in the source languages.

It is diglossic like Arabic and there are many basilects of Mayyaħī, some of which are mutually unintelligible.


p t k b d g ʔ m n s z ts ʃ ʒ l r w y ħ ʕ tʕ q sʕ tsʕ h

Begadkefat: p t k b d g -> f θ x v ð ɣ (written ph th kh bh dh gh)

Vowels: a ā i ī u ū e o ai au (as in Sanskrit)

Anusvara inspired by mimation, visarga inspired by ta marbuta and he mappiq