Constructed Language AYBAY CONLANG (ABCL)

“AyBay ConLang”, (abbreviated as ABCL) is a constructed language (conlang), developed and issued by Dr. Aydin Baykara in 2022. It is an a priori language, which means that the complete vocabulary has been created entirely new, starting from zero. ABCL is a conlang containing partly the features of philosophical and logical languages. It is less agglutinative, but fairly inflective and derivative too.

Living world languages are difficult to learn also because of many irregularities, ambiguities and of grammatical rules of differing complexity. Most of the conlangs aim to be easy learning international auxiliary language (IAL) by avoiding them. Accordingly such a conlang –to be easy and simple- should fulfil the following conditions:

  • Introducing logical rules in grammar, which should be however as little as possible.
  • High degree of unambiguity. It means that each word has exactly one grammatical interpretation. Their grammatical relation to each other should be in exactly defined.
  • The words shall be classified in predefined, clearly distinguishable classes.
  • Phonologically it should be avoided to define a different word by aspiration, shortening, lengthening, and stressing or accenting a phoneme, consonant or vowel.
  • For the ease of utterance and fluency the diphthong and double consonants in a syllable shall be avoided.
  • The words shall be as short as possible for short expressions and for saving printing paper.

ABCL is built up in two levels. The basic one (Level 1) is for normal use (about B2 level of CEFR) and the second level (Level 2) is for the full utilization of all aspects for higher purposes like printed papers and literature.

ABCL tries to achieve these goals by:

  • Clearly defined syntax (SVO), fixed order of affixes, simple and reduced number of tenses, moods, aspects if compared with living languages.
  • ABCL defines for Level 1 basic (root) words with one interpretation only. Other words with closer variable meaning will be expressed by addition of suitable adverbial or other particles. For Level 2 such words, if frequently used, may be defined as root word too.
  • Words are created according to a certain scheme systematically as detailed below (Title: Vocabulary) Thus a learner can easily identify with this scheme which role a word in the sentence play (adverb, noun etc.) without knowing its meaning before. Except verbs (even after conjugation) and conjunctives/prepositions all words ends up on a vowel. This way (one vowel follow the other) it will not possible to merge two particles in one if somebody speaks too fast (inevitably he must stop before second vowel).
  • This scheme avoids diphthongs and clusters in a syllable too, with three exemptions only (the modal prefixes, plural and antonym suffixes _i and _x)
  • ABCL relies up on the Turkish alphabet and orthography and follows the principle "one letter per sound."

Another goal of ABCL is to use as less letters as possible for an expression compared with native languages. As for example, because the conjunctives, prepositions and pronouns are the most used words in many languages, we have created such words as two and three letters words. This way ABCL needs about half of the characters of English language to express the same content. That means, we could save half of the pages of a book written in English and so on.

Here are some guidelines for easy understanding of the following text: (where “C” indicates consonants and “V” vowels) The sign “*” attached to a “V”(V*) or “C”(C*) indicates that the vowels vary from “a” to “ü” and the consonants from “b” to “z” respectively. The sign “#” is a placeholder for a varying vowel or consonant. The point “.” between syllables of ABCL words is used to indicate an affix. It is just a demo to make the role of the suffixes clearer in this article. It will not be applied in normal usage of the language.