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Glómsьk-Angelsьk Vurdbák · Glommish-English Lexicon

Þiúsьkland = Germany
þiúsьk = German
plátensьk = platonic, Platonic (all senses)
Pláte, Plátenь = Plato
þá viskánie = mathematics
viskánlik = mathematical
þe viskánlierь, þá -liernie = mathematician
þe ríling, rílinge = shoe
daven, dáv, gedaven = (dative-stative) 'to like' (from PGmc *dabaną 'to be fitting'; cf. Vietnamese thích 'to like' <- 'to be appropriate')
ferdaven, ferdáv, ferdaven = (dative-stative) 'to be of use'

  • nutien 'to use'

þe fal = whale
tonardich = tonal
untonardich = atonal
paretonardich = unconventionally tonal (pare ~ queer)
frialstonardich = microtonal
þá siúfnie = symphony
konczert = concerto
þe afier = opera
vang = place, -ery
vanżen = to put
þárvanżeng, jecziþiásie (Glommish-made Greek) = presentation
furþvanżeng, szupoþiásie = hypothesis
þá bakeríe = bakery
þe bákvang = library
þá báczeríe = literature
bielóvien = to believe
gelóvien = to alieve, to feel (cognatized from English alieve which is itself a neologism)
siemnien = to sense (from *seb-inōnan, related to Old English sefa)
þá siemnieng - sense (noun)
þá karie = sorrow (Connecticut), care (New York)
karich = sorrowful, sad (from PWGmc *karag)
kariefól = careful (New York)
þe maszt (< *maščid < masjid) = mosque
þá czirke = church
svitel = OK, I see
kúl = (adj) cool (English loan)
smítend = (adj) cool, awesome (lit. killing)
holьve = (adj) hot (sexually desirable) (a recent Arabic loan from حلوى Hulwā 'sweeter, sweetest (f.)')
þe anedь = duck
amelien = to work/function; from PGmc *amlijaną, c.f. Old Norse aml, but influenced by Arabic '-m-l
żalden, żáld, żalden = to be true; þat żeldieþ = that's true
útczúzen, útczór, útczuren = to select
þá útkurь = selection
þe mád = state
fuczen = to fuck
þankbier = worthy of thanks; gracious (false friend with German dankbar 'thankful')
fliúzen, fliór, fliuren = to sneeze
þá furvicht ("forewight") = nature (natural world)
furvichtlik = natural; of course
vichtlik = real
þá vicht = nature (essence), being
vlap = boring; mediocre (*wlakwaz)
riachtkániefól = of good conscience
þá riachtkánie = conscience
líkamfól = concrete
þá nachtiál = nightingale
klagen = to complain, to mourn, (law) to sue
biesvieren = to complain
svitel = evident
þá fruche = fir
vurdfól = verbose
hych = delusional as if on drugs
sialfstandich = independence
sialfstandichhyd = independence
unþrażeldám = (political, personal) independence, connoting liberty
gúvien = purple
żénen = to yawn
þá amble = almond (Old Glommish amъdъla, from Greek amygdálē)
vatrech = watery
vatern = (jocular, faux poetic) made of water
fulżen (jeþmánem) = to follow
hyl = quite
stiádich = steady; constant
þá lyze = hint, sign
bielyzen = to point to, to indicate
þá fríendskapь = society
þá gesinstve = society
andьgesinþlik = antisocial
þá riástve = counsel, advice
stár = aged, senile; stale; rigid, inflexible, stubborn
biegrán, biegry, biegrán = to become
þá liéze = pasture
þá armnie = harmony
þe siestme = system
þe geskapь = system
ócz = big; numerous
óczenь = (dialectal) very
ráczlóz = reckless
þe flít = zeal, eagerness
þá miédve = meadow
syr = painful
dugendfól = courageous
þá dugend = courage
vandielen = to change
þe klimevandiel = climate change
kateren = to curse
katerd = damn, frickin'
aken, ák, aken = (literary) to disgust
aczelen = to disgust
aczelend = disgusting
aczlik = disgusting
czortelen = to chortle
tulżich = firm, tall
javen = equal
gelík = same
anþrich = different
siúþen = after
yr- = pre-
siúþ- = post-
avlydien = to derive
rízen, riz, rizen = to rise
ryrien = to raise
hanþ = dexterous
hinden, hiand, hiunden = to grab
þe hym = home
ylьkich = respective(ly)
þá skuld = debt (doesn't mean 'guilt' unlike the German cognate)
bievizen furь = guilty of...
unbievizen, þe unbievíz = innocent
þe bievíz = guilt
þe bievízgefálь = (feeling of) guilt
bievízen, bieviz, bievizen = (archaic) to catch someone red-handed
gevlytien = to prove (NOT bievízen!)
þe gevlytь = proof
smiúgen, smióg, smiugen = to sneak
insmiúgen = to intrude
smóżen = to steal
þá tierspaldeng = decomposition
þe murg = game
dán murg = to play
þvingen = to be urgent
þe þvang = emergency
þá piþe = poem
þá siálþie = joy
siálize mid þir = Happy birthday!
þá fiárne = heel
piád = ugly
vadien = to promise
þe junżling = young (of an animal)
andьsażen = to oppose
gażtsażen = to gainsay, to contradict
þe knave = servant
(kniacht is a more literary synonym)
ferknaven = to serve
þe liómend = reputation
þá vunie = desire
þe mórfadier = grandfather
þá mórmádier = grandmother
dón = to die
biegysten = to frighten
þe urþank = explanation of a cause
sáczen = to look for, to seek
stamnien = to vote
geczúren = to elect
þe geczurь = election
brá (intj) = oh man; bruh (from bráþier)
riáden = to report
furriáden = to declare
útriáden = to declare
þá furachtь = caution
furachtich = careful
þá lambie = lamb
þá jádre = vein
þá artrie = artery
þá siene = sinew
þá gesiene = nerve
kusien = to kiss
þá akste = armpit
þá akstie = lizard
þá akse = axis
þá apsie = axe
erskapen = to invent
erfinden = to discover
ferdiószbier = (math) commutative
fersamnebier = (math) associative
þá maniechfald = (math) manifold
þá varijetà = (math) variety
virczlik = effective (false friend with German!)
kar = nice (of a person), pleasant
þá karhyd = niceness
þá gádavnie = charity
geluken = to tempt
upen = open
upnen = to open
upniel = key
þe skam = shame
Skadinávie = Scandinavia (not Skand-!)
þá skande = injustice, wrong
skandlik = unjust, wrong
víszen = to bless
þe hólь = hill
sik blácen = to dedicate oneself
þá upmiát = level; tier, caliber
þá vóle = wool
þá blámvóle = cotton
úthużen = to express
þá þruchgehugdie = theory of mind
þá gehugdie = scheme, plot
slyþsam = slow
lat = late
fólьfól = complete
þá fólie = fullness, fill
száp = sheep
druchtien = sir, Mr.
fróje = madam, Mrs./Ms.
þornen = to wither
liuþich: er livieþ liuþich = he is unemployed
avnien = to keep a promise; to perform an action
avnien úp = to apply (knowledge)
eravnien = to implement (a plan or idea)
þá eravning = implementation
fandien = to walk
firvь = troop (usually in plural)
friaten, friát, friáten = to devour
ferkónen (regular) = to despise, scorn
fiech = wealth
blóþien = to hinder
jalpend = camel
fiechżarn = greedy
ogel = difficult
diskel = difficult (from Greek)
armъhiertich = merciful, tender-hearted
bievlíten, bievlit, bievliten = to view, to regard, to consider as
diúrь = expensive, dear
þe diór = animal
darien = to hurt
þá dare = pain
skaþlóz = harmless
skaþen = to harm
þe skaþe = harm
tard = tender
fálien = to feel; fálien sik vial = to feel well
þá farve = color
þe yþ = oath
þe svár = oath
þe amptь = office
samptь = soft
bieszíten = (vulgar) to kid, to bullshit someone
szíten up = (vulgar) to slander someone, to ruin someone's reputation
rímen = to chant
talien = to count
sryken = to stroke
sriápen = to punish
sróm = current
smult = clear
biesmulten = to explain, to clarify
żaster = yesterday
þe vryt = writing system, script
þe gevritь = text, body of writings
þe srand = beach
þe gevryþь = wreath
þe stiaven = crown
ónen = to please (from *unnaną 'to afford, to grant'); used like German gefallen
kánь = skilled
hóch = high
liág = low
triúlik = honest
rask = swift, rapid
þe fytie = wheat
þá vísnes = wisdom
bán = bright (from PGmc bōnaz)
samtíd = together
þá biarnes = patience
þá unbiarnes = impatience
biarnesfól = patient
biarneslóz = impatient
þá sambiareng = compassion
sambiarend = compassionate
þe raven = raven
þá anfer = answer
anferien = to answer
erluzien (+ dat) = to obey
erbaren = to reveal
þá arve = arrow
þe biór = beer
srang = tight
snióm = rapid
snióen = to hurry (snióen yncz = not rushed; a tempo indication)
só piam et = so be it
hondfíle (f) = a little while
liúdlik = popular (of the people)
þe Żúizem (m) = Confucianism
bacz (m) = beach
þus (conj) = thus, therefore, hence
laże (f) = shelf
haże (f) = hedge
bruże (f) = bridge
muże (f) = mosquito
urlag (m) = fate
sién (m) = intention, purpose, destination (~ German Sinn)
rúne (f) = meaning (interpretation, connotation)
kung (m) = king
vryþie (f) = revenge
vryþ (adj) = vengeful
vrist (m) = wrist
vrandie (f) = wren
brúdiegum (m) = bridegroom
valsьk = Medh Chêl
juczen = to itch
are (m) = 'eagle'
hovik (m) = 'hawk'
upvichtь (f) = 'buoyancy'
vriáke (f) = 'effect, consequence'
ferpiamen = 'to happen'
sik biangen av = 'to be afraid of'
þá rynie stamning = 'just intonation'
þe vaż = 'incline'
þe siczel = 'sickle, crescent'
þá valnutie = 'walnut'
þá siczelnutie = 'cashew'
þá jarþenutie = 'peanut'
þá hazelnutie = 'hazelnut'
þá nutie = 'nut'
þá liúdьhyd = 'nation'
liúdьhydlik = 'national'
þe calm (m) = 'anthem, hymn'
þe kázь = 'cheese'
þe hyl = 'well-being, health'
furьsanþ = (archaic) "forsooth"
þá orvydь = work
þe fítlók ("whiteleek") = garlic
dód = dead
bión sammále = to agree
Tróst anyrьst! = Safety first!
þe tróst = safety, security; tróstich = safe, secure; trósten = to save
anyrьst = first, at first, initially
gażen = again
þe atstand = state (that something is in)
þe dóþ = death
þe lív = life
þe líkám = body; (mathematics) field
þá geburþь = birth
gemynь = mean (adj.)
gemynlik = shared, in common
awj > ój: srójen 'sow', fróje 'queen'
þe szip = 'ship'
-skapie = '-ship'
þe fínd = 'enemy'
þe fríend = 'friend'
þá fríendskapie = 'friendship'
þe ízer = 'iron'
þe avsun, þá avduchtier = 'bastard; son of a bitch'
þe friuþ = 'peace'
liúdie, liúdiem, liúdien = 'people'
þe andь = 'end'
þá yre (f) = 'honor'
yrland = 'Ireland'
triú = 'loyal'
þá triúe = 'loyalty'
þanczen út, þachtie út, útþacht = 'make up'
þe vy = 'woe'
þá tale = 'story'
þe rím = 'number'
ferbióden, ferbód, ferbuden = forbid, prohibit
þá útþanczing isь ferbuden in þier akadiámie! = 'Making things up (or: imagination) is not allowed in the academia!'
kniétfat, kniétfor, kniétfár, kniétfanь, kniétfí = 'something, someone, somewhere, sometime, somehow' (from *ik ne wait hwat, etc.)
havien up = 'lift'
þe rivь = 'rib'
liáten tá = 'to allow'
þe vilie = 'will'
þá máþ = 'unmarried/virgin woman, maiden'
ferszúken = 'to market'
þá nódь = 'dire straits, poverty'
þe nódiefal = 'emergency'
þá aże = 'corner, vertex'
þe þríaż, þe fióraż, ... = 'triangle, quadrilateral, ...'
þá tídь = 'time'
þá jepocze = 'era/epoch'
þe járhunderþ = 'Lõisian century (120-year period)'
þe jártién = 'decade'
þe jár = 'year'
þe miáneþ = 'month'
þá vike = 'week'
þá stunde = 'hour'
þá hóre = 'minute'
þe blik = 'second'
þá getídь = 'tide/one tidal cycle'
þe murgen = 'morning'
þe aftermiddag = 'afternoon'
þe jévend = 'evening'
þá nachtie = 'night'
þe tvíliócht = 'twilight'
þá járstídь = 'season'
þe lantь = 'spring'
þe vazer = 'spring' (poetic)
þe sumer = 'summer'
þe harfьst = 'autumn'
þe vinter = 'winter'