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Azano stands as a co-official language, holding its ground alongside the widely spoken Faiten. With an estimated population of 2,500,000 million speakers, Azano boasts a significant number of individuals proficient in its unique linguistic expressions. Remarkably, Azano does not fall under the umbrella of any established language family, setting it apart as a distinctive language isolate. Through its independent existence, Azano has developed its own linguistic characteristics although phonologically influenced by Germanic languages, shaping a one of a kind linguistic heritage within the cultural tapestry of Faitonia.

Azano, historically spoken by the indigenous people of Azalova (previously known as Faitonia), underwent significant linguistic transformations as the nation opened its doors to immigrants. Chinese, French, and Italian settlers were among the first to establish themselves in the country, paving the way for subsequent waves of German immigrants. As these diverse groups integrated into the local society, the Azano language naturally absorbed various linguistic elements from the Germanic languages spoken by the newcomers. Consequently, Azano evolved into a diverse tapestry of influences from various Germanic languages, reflecting the cultural amalgamation brought about by centuries of immigration and settlement in Azalova. Furthermore, the linguistic tapestry of Faitonia expanded even further with the arrival of Arab settlers, who, in pursuit of business opportunities, began engaging in trade activities within the region.



Aa Ææ Ââ Ää Bb Cc Çç Dd Ee Ëë Ēē Êê Ff
ɐ æ ɑ ɞ b t͡s t͡ʃ d e ɛ ə ɤ f
Gg Ĝĝ Ğğ Hh Ħħ Ii Īī Îî Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn
g ɢ ʕ h ħ i ɨ ɯ j k l m n
Oo Ôô Öö Øø Œœ Pp Qq Rr Řř Ss Şş Tt Uu
o ɔ ɵ ø œ p q r ʁ s ʃ t u
Üü Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Źź
ʉ v w χ y z ʒ

/ʔ/ is never written as it's found between vowels (in syllable boundaries) or before/after vowel letters (only if no consonant precedes/proceeds the vowel).


Consonant Inventory
Labial Dental Alveolar Post-Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m n
Approximant Liquid r l (ɥ) (ɰ)
Glide j w
Plosive Tenuis p t k q ʔ
Voiced b d g ɢ
Affricate t͡s t͡ʃ
Fricative Tenuis f s ʃ χ ħ h
Voiced v z ʒ ʁ ʕ


  • Phonemes /t͡ʃ ʃ ʒ/ have different realisations depending on the proceeding vowel.
    • Before vowels /i e ɛ æ y ø œ ʉ ɵ ɞ/ palatalisation takes place, therefore [t͡ɕ ɕ ʑ].
    • Before vowels /ɨ ə ɐ ɯ ɤ ɑ u o ɔ/ becomes [ʈ͡ʂ ʂ ʐ]
  • [ɥ] is an allophone of the palatal approximant /j/ under vowels [y ø œ ʉ ɵ ɞ]
  • /w/ is realised as [ɰ] under vowels [ɨ ə ɯ ɤ]


Vowel Inventory
Front Centre Back
Flat Round Flat Round Flat Round
Closed i y ɨ ʉ ɯ u
High Mid e ø ə ɵ ɤ o
Low Mid ɛ œ ɞ ɔ
Open æ ɐ ɑ


Azano, a language that shares phonotactic similarities with Arabic, adheres to comparable rules for sound arrangement. In Azano, the phonotactic patterns align with those observed in Arabic. Within Azano, an average syllable structure can be described as follows:

  • CV (light)
  • CVV (heavy)
  • CVC (heavy)
  • CVVC (super-heavy)
  • CVCC (super-heavy)
  • CVVCC (super-heavy)

A syllable cannot start with a vowel, if no consonant is written then it always starts with the glottal stop.


Azano is a fusional language where words use a single inflectional morpheme to denote multiple syntactic/semantc roles of words. Nouns inflect for gender (only nouns, demonstratives and relatives), case, number, person (only in pronouns), and spatial deixis (only in demonstratives). Verbs conjugate for Tense (Present, Imperfect, Future, Preterite, Perfect, Pluperfect, Relative Past and Relative Future), Voice (active voice and passive voice), Person (1st, 2nd and 3rd Person), Number (Singular and Plural) and Mood (Indicative, Subjunctive, Conditional, Imperative).


Personal Pronouns
Singular Plural
1 2 3 1 2 3
Nominative an huwa nabt vabt tabt
Accusative æna käval hawa nøş vøş tøş
Genitive enkâ ağnobal howlat nozalt vozalt tozalt
Dative ğena şova hüja nômaħ vômaħ tômaħ
Ablative abena âsbar hidniža neltfavis veltfavis teltfavis
Vocative ala tanbihâ hœylap nyœ vyœ tyœ

A feature noticeable in Azano is that pronouns in the accusative case can be used reflexively, or intensively. Similar to the English pronouns "myself, yourself, themself, himself, herself, itself".

Possessive Pronouns
Singular Plural
1 2 3 1 2 3
Nominative matus tanos salos notus vonos solus
Accusative meiri terem salem nori vori sori
Genitive marius terius sarius naltus valtus saltus
Dative mazis tezis sazis naxrabut vaxrabut saxrabut
Ablative med ted sed nod vod sad
Vocative meia teia seia neiro veiro seiro
Demonstrative Pronouns
Masculine Feminine Neuter
Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural
Proximal Distal Proximal Distal Proximal Distal Proximal Distal Proximal Distal Proximal Distal
Nominative tim tibâ şabrēki cœyft holao valeo ibis zaçiřb şêsb jîk zêmiln jēvin
Accusative timæ atima âşbek vystaln aglao vätoe ibnis alaziřb alşxifř jikin mizêlni jevin
Genitive abtima öbtima baixşer biesnam aĝleo avteno mahibis vatřaip heşb jiktin azêldin ējvin
Dative qulta kulte raşĝuk maloud darlaho latevo zalbit řaleib hesb jiktibin êminzik ejvin
Ablative xâlâztâ valezte şağbek iemneo fenalħo atvon fælit ħæltřâm aheşb jikitbin ozemni vējin
Vocative îbtar ife zoluğbep fiemlo xiesto ğatvo actvölë alqêo ahesb jinbikti kêzmani vejin


See Noun Declension.


See Verb Conjugation.


See Adjective Inflection.

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