Koabi languages

Revision as of 16:06, 27 July 2023 by Chuvachok1234 (talk | contribs)
Created byChuvachok1234
North of Central island
Linguistic classificationOne of the world's primary language families

Koabi is small language family spoken in the north of central island.


Proto Koabi Consonants, reconstructed by Pele Potseghos:

Consonant phonemes
Labial Dental Palatal Velar
Nasal *m *n
Stop voiceless *p *t *k
voiced *b
Approximant *j

Proto-Koabi had simple four vowel system: *i *e *a *o. *u is also attested in loanwords such as *mu "neighbour", a loanword from Proto-Kauke mu˩ "neighbour". Syllable structure was (C)V and stress was on the first syllable of a word. Multiple vowels can be adjacent to each other like in *baoi "to speak". Some Scholars also reconstruct fricative *s in Pre-Proto-Koabi which was lost everywhere and appears in various loanwords, other(especially ones which try to link Koabi with other language families) reconstruct laryngeal *H because loanwords came from Proto-Koabi and s could be epenthetic consonants to break up multiple vowels in a word. Scholars universally reconstruct *w which became *b in Proto-Koabi. Consonants correspondances:

Proto-Koabi Ópi Hōbe Kob Oebi Sia Kome
*m m m m m m m
*n n n n n n n
*p f p-, -b- f-, -v- 0-1, -p- p p-, -ɸ-
*b p b b 0-1, -b- b m
*t t t s-, -d- t t, s2 t-, -θ-, c͡ç2-, -ç-2
*k 0-, -k- h k-, -g- 0-1, -p-1, k k, s2 k-, -x-, c͡ç2-, -ç-2
*j s-, -t- j d-, -j- j s n

1Before o.
2Before i.


Pele Potseghos reconstructs following pronouns for Proto Koabi:

I *kio we *kii
thou *bea you *bie

As you can see Pronouns posses *io~*ii and *ea~*ie ablaut, which is retained by most of the descendants. Some sholars reconstruct it as being iso~i<j>so-j and esa~e<j>sa-j


Created byChuvachok1234
Reconstruction ofKoabi languages

Proto-Koabi basic vocabulary, reconstructed by Pele Potseghos:

Meaning Proto Koabi
person *taa
animal *eo
to see, to watch *oami
to speak *baoi
to know *bato
to like *jeti
to love *poite
to find, to catch *kajo
to want *tiei
to need *bobi
to kill, to destroy *oki
meat *ajota
fish *pai
food *nii