
Joined 19 October 2021
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My name is Alexander Mot. (username pronounced [pʰaˈlatʃʰu]), and I am a linguistics student who greatly enjoys constructing languages, along with researching and learning natural languages. Most of my experience is within the Indo-European language family. The fields of phonology, diachronic and comparative linguistics in particular interest me.

My conlang Indeyivroplu is an Indo-European engelang and auxlang which I've been working on since 2017, and I officially published in the form of a dictionary in June 2024. At the bottom of the Indeyivroplu page, I've included links to some of my documents and the dictionary for the language, so feel free to check them out.

Languages I speak by level of proficiency:

(native) English

(fluent) German

(conversational) Persian, Spanish, Assyrian Neo-Aramaic