User:IlL/Spare pages 1/4

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IlL/Spare pages 1/4 (IlL/Spare pages 1/4: An dobhâdhaigh Cuatham /an33 dʷaj21 kuəm22/) is a Wiebic language inspired by Irish, Mandarin and Khoisan languages. Cuatham has a large number of click consonants, and is a monosyllabic tonal language with fusional morphology using mutations and tone changes. In-universe, it is written in its own orthography.


AW Droch > drobhòdh (f.) /gǃ˞ʷó/ 'bud'



An unusual feature of IlL/Spare pages 1/4 phonology is that historically palatalized stops are reflected as clicks. (Retroflex stops are an exception.)

IlL/Spare pages 1/4 initials
Labial Coronal Lateral Retroflex Coarticulated Velar Glottal
"broad" "slender" "broad" "slender" "broad" "slender" "broad" "slender" "broad" "slender" "broad" "slender"
Nasal voiceless /m̊/ /ŋ̊ʘ/ /n̊/ /ŋ̊ǀ/ /n̊ˡ/ /ŋ̊ǁ/ /ŋ̊ǃ˞/ /ɳ̊/ /ŋ̊!/ /ŋ̊ǂ/ /ŋ̊/ /ɲ̊/
voiced /m/ /ŋʘ/ /n/ /ŋǀ/ /nˡ/ /ŋǁ/ /ŋǃ˞/ /ɳ/ /ŋ!/ /ŋǂ/ /ŋ/ /ɲ/
Stop tenuis /p/ /ʘ/ /t/ /ǀ/ /tɬ/ /ǁ/ /ǃ˞/ /ʈ/ /!/ /ǂ/ /k/ /c/ /ʔ/
aspirated /pʰ/ /ʘʰ/ /tʰ/ /ǀʰ/ /tɬʰ/ /ǁʰ/ /ǃ˞ʰ/ /ʈʰ/ /!ʰ/ /ǂʰ/ /kʰ/ /cʰ/
voiced /b/ /gʘ/ /d/ /gǀ/ /dɮ/ /gǁ/ /gǃ˞/ /ɖ/ /g!/ /gǂ/ /g/ /ɟ/
breathy voiced /bʱ/ /gʘʱ/ /dʱ/ /gǀʱ/ /dɮʱ/ /gǁʱ/ /gǃ˞ʱ/ /ɖʱ/ /g!ʱ/ /gǂʱ/ /gʱ/ /ɟʱ/
Fricative voiceless /f/ /fʲ/ /s/ /ɕ/ /ɬ/ /ɬʲ/ /ʂˁ/ /ʂ/ /ɧ/ /çˁ/ /x/ /ç/ /h/
voiced /z/ /ʑ/ /ɮ/ /ɮʲ/ /ʐˁ/ /ʐ/ /ɧ̬/ /ʝˁ/ /ɣ/ /ʝ/
Approximant /w/ /ɥ/ /l/ /lʲ/ /ɭˁ/ /ɭ/ /ɹˁ/ /j/


The medial is optional. There is one possible medial, /w~ɥ/.


There are three possible nuclei: /a/, /ə/ and zero. The nuclei display a range of different realizations depending on the phonetic environment:

  • /a/ is realized as:
    • /ɑ/ after a broad labialized consonant
    • /æ/ after a palatal consonant, palatal click or /ɥ/
    • /a/ otherwise
  • /ə/ is realized as:
    • /ɔ/ after a broad labialized consonant
    • /e/ after a palatal consonant, palatal click or /ɥ/, or with /-j/ coda
    • /ə/ otherwise
  • Zero nucleus is realized as:
    • /u/ if the medial is /w/
    • /y/ if the medial is /ɥ/
    • /ɨ/ if the medial is zero and initial is a dental click, a retroflex or a broad velar
    • /i/ if the medial is zero, for other initials


The coda is optional. There are six possible finals in IlL/Spare pages 1/4: /m n ŋ r w j/.



/p, ʘ/ > /f(ʲ)/
/pʰ, ʘʰ/ > /f(ʲ)/
/b, gʘ, m, ŋʘ/ > /w, ɥ/
/t, |/ > /h/
/d, g|/ > /ɣ, j/
/tʰ, |ʰ/ > /h/
/!, ǂ, !ʰ, ǂʰ/ > /ɧ, ɧʲ/
/g|, gǂ/ > voiced sj
/k, c, kʰ, cʰ/ > /x, ç/
/g, gʲ/ > /ɣ, j/
/s, sʲ/ > /x, ç/

/p, ʘ/ > /b gʘ/ > /m, ŋʘ/
/pʰ ʘʰ/ > /m̊ ŋ̊ʘ/
/t, |/ > /d, g|/ > /n, ŋ|/
/tʰ, |ʰ/ > /nʰ, ŋʰ|/
/!, ǂ/ > /g!, gǂ/ > /ŋ!, ŋǂ/
/!ʰ, ǂʰ/ > /ŋʰ!, ŋʰǂ/
/k, c/ >/g, gʲ/ > /ŋ, ŋʲ/
/s, sʲ/ > /z, zʲ/ (spelled ns)



Nouns inflect for two cases, nominative and genitive. The genitive derives from the Ancient Wiebian dative.

Definite article an

Number Singular Plural
Gender Masculine Feminine
Nominative an t... an-L na-H
Genitive an-L na-H na-N
Vocative a-L a-L le t...

Number Singular Plural
Gender Masculine Feminine
Nominative an càigh
an t-áigh
an fheóng
an ìdh
na hcàigh
na háigh
Genitive an cháigh
an àigh
na feóng
na hìdh
na gcàigh
na n-áigh
Vocative a cháigh
a àigh
a fheóng
a ìdh
le càigh
le t-áigh


  • bhò-N - from
  • na-N - bhò + an
  • Ŧú Teatham Ŧathaigh