
< Paang
Revision as of 15:51, 15 March 2016 by IlL (talk | contribs)

ngie - be
!xházìk !xhárìk - abracadabra
ǃxeu - what?
ǃxijʔ - who?
ǃxàal - where?
ǃxâet - when?
ǃxìem: how?
ǃxróe - how many?
àak - why?
khôet - I
leu - plural marker
oer - you
laaiʔ - we
baeng - you guys
báa - day
nâa - not
aengʔ - night
schìe - very
nâeuw - no
vooi - hate
ngán - open
gîek - can (to be able to)
kóuw - must
òet-khwâap: necktie
khliáuw - nice
vouw - lime (the mineral)
hàam - probably
hàai - green
joeʔ - star
ngóuw - light (color)
ngòuw - dark
phrák - light
ngeuʔ - say
naawʔ - bottle
tjúi - nose
ván - remember
val - deaf
vàn - body
tek - and (nouns)
zìek - small
voeaʔ - big
raauwʔ - grass
gàet - water
thuungʔ - can (container)
phijʔ - do
gijʔ - bend
móek - stand
jòeng - sit
ríem - sleep
mùk - word
jiauwʔ - fry
hâet - time
khìp - cloud
schôol - bird
goe - give
lóuw - eat
jáang - drink
khìep - sun
nie - weak
nîet = tell
níe - die
nìet - mix
nieʔ - expensive
miang - head
pèon - collect
hàat - fish
schóoi - tulip
ngui - think
gua - moon
zùi - walk
zéeuw - fire
míeuw - sky
zæng - lady
ngòoi - noodles
khríj - rice
rua - thin
rúa - write
zîel - know
pàauw - boat
leeuw - to leave
nun - only, sole
gwaaʔ - rain
kwàat - baby
tjie - like
mìathjiáuw - definitely
thúu - moon
phéthùup - mock
hûut - ground
zian = throne
wêek - boil
thoongʔ - sell
vúa - beautiful
víj - wake up
klîj - speak
phrij - snake
gij - play (an instrument)
thjian - to walk
naaʔ - to fly
thjôeng - to dive
zawîet - fall
tjhôoi - human
khrooiʔ = heart
zùa = liver
aan = ancestor
mâal = mother
tjaang - father
schóa = younger sibling
tjaeuwʔ - daughter
díang = son
thrâauw = child
vîeng = city
mée = yes
ngoai = older sibling
trooʔ - spice
Nékthij dòai - Neckthai language
Vîep dòai - Wiobian language
dòang - if
Khôet nîj dòai Nekhthij dòai. "I don't speak Neckthai."
ráe - metal
ráa - white
ràa - letter (character)
râa - fruit
raa - easy
raaʔ - vase
thrîet - flower
baang - hand
vôoi - take
rom - live