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Kwenja lhusa

Finno-Greek or "Fenugreek"

  • 1-10: hel/mija/heon, dwijo, trel, teottareol, peonta, heosta, heowta, ohta, eonnija, deoka
  • 100: heokaton
  • "be":
    • present emi, el, eos, smeo, steo, eri
    • past: era, esta, en, emeo, eteo, eran

Irish with pharyngealized consonants

/a/: a ea ae eae /e/: oeu eu oe e /i/: ai ia aia i /o/: o uo uea ue /u/: aua ua au u


for proto-s-wiebic: what about a GVS (əy > ii > ay > əə > aa > ee and əw > uu > au > oo) in open syllables and another vowel shift (ii ee ay əy)(uu oo aw əw) in closed syllables? iw > iə and uy > uə as i had before this is still pre-s-wiebic (inspired by your first draft of zoomic) consonant shift: actually, should i use grimm's law for this one and keep ejectives for myuftseezh?

  • nīmə "water" > naymə

numbers: səyḱ sorry səyḱ'u > /si:c'u/ kʷ'li > *kʷ'lī > /kʷ'laj/ sqā > /sqa:/ (vowel raising shifts blocked after uvulars) māwi > /me:wi/ payku > /pə:ku/ hə̄ƛix̌ > /ha:tɬiχ/ c̣ʼəthə̄ > /tʂətta:/ pʼaŋud > /p'aŋud/ ḱ'awń > /c'o:n/ xʷqāx̌ṭʼī > xʷqā̌qṭʼī > xʷqāqṭʼī > /xʷqa:qtaj/ kʷʼə̄cʼiw > /kʷ'a:ts'iə/ cʼiw > /ts'iə/ I'll have to do something with laryngeals - but what maybe they become breathy voice which makes breathy voiced plosives ha:tɬiχ > ha:tɬə̤ > ha:dɮʰə (the vowel shift should depend on the laryngeal)

is that mechetva or myuftseezh mechetva is undergoing a revamp

i love the breathy voice idea btw I should have more clusters in PM since Dry Icelandic (geminates), Myuftseezh (big clusters) and S-Cuatham (clicks) rely on them


Inspired by Arabic and Irish.

M̵ M̶ M̷ M̸ m̵ m̶ m̷ m̸

mʶ mʲ nʶ n ɲ ŋ = ₥ m ꞥ n ň ŋ tʶ t tʃ k q ʔ = ŧ t č k q ʔ bʶ bʲ dʶ d dʒ g ɢ = ƀ b đ d j g ǥ fʶ fʲ sʶ s ʃ ç χ h = f ſ ꞩ s š x ӿ h vʶ vʲ zʶ z ʒ ʁ ꝟ v ƶ z ž ȝ wʶ w rʶ rʲ l j ł w ɍ r l y

vowels: i i: u u: a a: əi əu = i î u û a â ay aw

1: ʔadʒarʲ, ʔadʒ 2: fʲiːʃ 3: səjavʲ 4: ŋəzəɲ 5: tuːlʲ 6: qəjrʲ 7: budʒaːʔ 8: ʁiːvʲəʔ 9: hasay 10: ki:n

A female name: Ꞩîjɍa /ˈsʶiːdʒrʶa/

  • ꞩîj: "compassion"
  • -ra: "(s)he of..."
  • -ūj, -āb, -ah, -ūjaɍ, -ābaɍ, -ahaɍ

Nurified Celtic


/kə 'ʂʏnə kə 'sləfə toː ʔəs'fɛː/ = the tree grows on the ground


nunukəʔ > nunəx

qsamňuo > qramňuo > qrɔwɲə > qrɔːɲə

ďə̄ > ɟəː

sai > sɛː

fie > fiə

hū > uː

schau > skau > skɔː

zṇiepsai > ʐɳi:fsə

łaisəṭ > ɬɛ:səʂ

cə:ʈa:b > cə:ʂəv

łuchṭi > ɬʏxʈ

panāch > fəna:x

zoudū > zo:ðə

fie > fi:? (like German)

yes c -> c (palatal stop) dve -> dvɛ: 2 schau > skau > skɔː

looks like pgmc->german backwards but that's just the spelling i think different məbhótəḷ accents will realize the vowels differently (as diphthongs or monophthongs)

yes tayo -> tayɔ: cattāro -> cahta:rɔ: pañca -> pañca cha -> cə might be too short sadijə̄ > sɛðə

sorry 3,4 = tsayɔ:, cahtsa:rɔ: 7: satta -> sahtsa (i can get "seitse" in a descendant 😃 ) 8: aṭṭha -> ahtə 9: nava -> nava 10: dasa -> dzara 20: should be a Khmer word məpʰɨj < *muəj pʰɨj tho I don't know the Old Khmer etymon i don't know if bh was a valid cluster in Old Khmer

it was probably ph + breathy voice yes

-> paihya or paih does that undergo the breathy vowel shift?

no the breathy vowel shift is independent pchai > pəxai > pəxɛ:

5*20 = sata (dissimulated from satsa <- sata in Pali; a separate word) 400: slVk (i have to decide on the vowels) buchou > buxə

i feel like doing something with final vowels final long -> short and short -> Ø yes like arabic dialects ťchə̄ṭāb > cəxə:ʈa:b? or maybe it's treated as cə:ʈa:b

cə:ʈa:b is good -> Ccotab > çəʈa:v or çʈa:v i'll assimilate that cluster sʈa:v

çʈ is hard or ʂʈ ʂʈa:v yes

thank god you don't have a triconsonantal root system! non-breathy ā and e can merge into ɛ (via æ) yes zṇiepsai > ʐɳi:fsə

the end goal should be a vowel system that looks a little Mon-Khmer but not too much łaisəṭ > ɬɛ:səʂ

śéasaṭh 😃 if there are two heavy syllables in a row should the first one be stressed or the second one?

your previous word looks worse in terg orthography: ḍhnḍaoiphsa how do you imagine mechetva stress? comic terg 😃

i'm totally going to use fhbhf- for /w/ or glottalized w i would not be able to use umlaut as much if stress doesn't tend toward initial

if i use non-initial stress i might go with pseudo-rencadian with not as many vowels what about: stress is on the first heavy syllable, or if no syllable is heavy, the first syllable

yes heavy = long vowel, diphthong or VC

that works cə:ʈa:b > cə:ʂəv it reminds me of siaoued, with the retros and ə:

yes łuchṭi > ɬʏxʈə

Schlüchṭe panāch > fna:x or fəna:x? maybe fəna:x

yes sorry, ɬʏxʈ final long vowels become schwa, final short vowels vanish

ɬʏxʈ = summer? should i start from Pali or from one of the other Prakrits (like the one that led to Hindi) the latter would be interesting (Hindi uses postpositions and i can easily merge them to create case endings) zoudū > zo:ðə ʔidieb > di:v

on the other hand Pali has the advantage that speakers of my conlang would easily be able to read the Buddhist texts 😃 pouňuob > po:ɲəv maybe i'll get r but not word initially

qsamňuo > qrɔːɲə


əŋʔī > əŋŋi: > ŋi:

ƛauchkīb > ƛaukīb > tɬœ:xəv

or maybe > ƛaukkīb > tɬœ:xəv


hichsaim > chsaim > xrɛ:w



fsīzie > fri:ə

bīpchou > bi:fxə (or bi:fə?)

zmaiṭcha > zmaəʂ

ḍuofďəƛ > ḍuoďďəƛ > ɖuəɟəɬ

luťi > lʏç

suojau > su:ə

ƛeizbouď > tɬe:bo:j or tɬe:bəj

əňchāƛmāḍ > əŋkāƛmāḍ > ga:ɬməʐ

vaiṭṇə̄ > wɛ:ṇə

snuo > snuə

dbou > bou > bo:

= cow

souṇəz > so:ɳə

rdbuag skals -> buachaill

vəbeib > wəbe:v

beibələm > be:vlo:

gouchuḷ > go:xəɭ

pūntū > pu:də

tchai > tɛ:

əṇsausie > ʐœ:ə

jāffīṭ > jɛ:fəʂ

panāch zoudū ʔidieb sie pouňuob ḷu būďīz əŋʔī za ƛauchkīb sgi hichsaim huŋei fŋieŋŋuo tuo fsīzie bīpchou zmaiṭcha chṇə ba ŋou ňī ḍuofďəƛ luťi suojau łei sə̄ zou ƛeizbouď əňchāƛmāḍ kə̄ buoḷə̄ łūknu kḍaďə̄ schā chuopḍei slī vaiṭṇə̄ snuo dbou souṇəz vəbeib gouchuḷ ňu pūntū tchai əṇsausied stabaiλ jāffīṭ əlsou pgaiheiʔ sachna tfə nałchuos ʔī əlsie sībī ňūdies guo ūtti zə̄sň­ə̄ň hu ʔei zuku huchduod bouhaun gemcheib tā hi miƛū mou hə̄ smie ňai ʔauppəʔ zai qṭaumeiʔ baiqī qəʔeib souhies ďū chiʔou ṇū əltaifsous ʔeitbā ʔuoʔə̄ʔ ʔə fuoffouṭ ki buo bou ʔūmə qū ʔie mau ʔə̄chpāb ṇā łai pṇīhə̄ zə̄ chlai łgouzīp dou λāsūs ḍou baimpai lə̄ ƛəňňu ťu łou beiλə ḍīzuoʔ zīʔuo bi ṭa sū ṇī klə̄ʔouḷ chie zi simie ʔai zu chougə̄ hīsau əlgə̄ chə̄suʔ qāvei paibīʔ pḍū fsuosiez ʔīfdə̄ λə̄chsī ʔachauf ḍubbai mā əlʔəqīʔ λḍeichḍāz łqeiḍaḷ ʔeibə̄ dachbaup chzū zu sbə bā sniefŋi łū viemied chdazzau buoʔūk łulqām ʔau kai λau ḷā hūvau chaubu ďibə̄ liebāň tlai zuchzauḍ buḍā pə̄mpieb sou hāmī chei łoubuo təʔū ʔałach pəfei əltou sū zna hā juopəg əŋməgzeich ʔuoṇḍū ƛəziḍ lə pouffī zau ŋə sa deichsouď ʔuchiej schīʔouz kłəzai jāpnəŋ guovə̄ chḷīłuk sū łāggād guonā lie bābūch gī ʔousə λṇei zī sāvū ta zmi ƛətpūs ənmei chi ḍie pu lieheich zu gissai λuƛuo sgou λəplai hietňei pie chḍə̄ pṭuo ƛā sei ŋeipu λū suosūs fə fouŋkauf fei əňďāňňūʔ biepau zāsai ənʔə̌ʔuʔ zūkā na ƛūŋŋaiq qā ʔie zouḷḷuol bī əňʔa mjusi ƛouṇṇou pikie sāṇṇei deizuo hachāʔ əňʔie ənnuomuo ʔauďāp ṭuŋmoul guṇma zāʔi hāŋŋa ṭu ʔə bu fou ʔouʔei gə̄ ʔəzə ʔīḷə̄s λə̄ chu misuʔ chou saiŋnə̄ sə̄ ʔau ŋə əŋmuosei łū gau ƛu gī əŋgāḷīb ʔī baiṇu hinmū hā ṭūbə pə̄ḍeig əlneinsaz mīgə ṭei ʔəlŋie hi ṭuogūλ əŋnə fie λī zie həsei əḷṇinzī veihāz λou vou belŋīch nou əmbə̄ zə̄ďau keichie tiebieď lulmauṭ mləqəʔ əlnuozou ənzaʔā ňou najə̄ʔ mi əmbailʔə̄p ənƛiṭuo łou ŋa pumbaud ʔaṭīλ ḍu bie bou ḍai ʔa ʔīgā əlŋei dou fāʔū mlilňie ḍuo əṇṭə zou vuḷu ʔəʔib suƛou kə̄ dāzie ṭə əḷḷie ṭə ḍūŋŋad ba mu ʔū qinsais ʔaunsaich ʔā zaiza zə̄ŋauz sū əmbau ʔailuň ʔaimmu zau fou ʔai əňťei bə̄kous suo əňňauʔu jeihāʔ əṇḍau λī hie chə jə əňňū λitouł pau ťuo łiʔie λai ňā hīňďəd vū piełať səduḷ λeimīf jai jīʔə̄ƛ ti ŋai sainə̄ch əlnei zī fə̄ʔəʔ ʔou dou əňňə chə̄mpəʔ dəḍā haiguo nūṭə̄ʔ ŋei di ʔə̄llub ňā die qei əlʔu əntievi qu əlʔa jaiďəʔ ŋaiňaiʔ zī ənzəʔaip ṭuo zāŋkuď jeiṭauḍ feiňňūd əṇsuo λuombīb vu mŋīzāp mňūsiʔ

Mutations: lenition, glottalization (aka reverse urú)

m n ɳ ɲ ŋ p t tɬ ʈ c k q ʔ b d dɮ ɖ ɟ g f s ɬ z w l ɭ j 0 m n ṇ ň ŋ p t ƛ ṭ ť k q ʔ b d λ ḍ ď g f s ł z w l ḷ j 0

  • lenition: w n ṇ j ŋ f θ ɬ ʂ ç x χ 0 v ð ɮ ʐ j ɣ ʍ h 0 w l ḷ j 0 mh n ṇ ňh ŋ ph th ƛh ṭh ťh kh qh ʔh bh dh λh ḍh ďh gh fh sh łh zh w l ḷ j 0
  • glottalization: b d ɖ ɟ g p t tɬ ʈ c k ʔ p t tɬ ʈ c k f s ɬ s ʍ ɬ ɬʵ ç ʔ bm dn ḍṇ ďň gŋ p t ƛ ť k q ʔ pb td ƛλ ṭḍ ťď kg f s ł sz ƕw łl ł̣ḷ çj ʔ-

Need consonant cluster assimilations.

Stress on the last heavy syllable (except the final syllable). > Umlaut and syncope.

Umlaut, stage 1:

  1. a ə i u aa əə ei ii ou uu ai au ie uo
    • > a ə i u aa əə ei ii ou uu ɛɛ ɔɔ ie uo
    • (i) - ɛ e i y ɛɛ ee ei ii øy yy ai ay ie yø
    • (u) - ɔ o y u ɔɔ øy yy ou uu øy au yø uo
    • (a) - a ə ı ı aa əə ıı oo əə aı aı ıə ıə

Vowel shift 2:

Grammar: Head-final with mutations and gender

Terg analogue

Evolves from a language that sounds "alien" to S-Naquian

p~f t ts tʃ k~x q ʔ b d g m n ɲ s ʃ z h w l r ʁ j vowels: a e i o u ə ɑ ɤ ɯ

p~ṗ t c č k~ḳ q ’ b d g m n ň s š z h w l r r̃ y a ė i o u e å e̊ i̊

Numbers: ’uṗer, čåyeṗ, ginno, he̊b, r̃edoc, yulze, qi̊mše, keddal, nezobb, r̃awem, r̃o’uṗer, r̃očåyeṗ, ... sėbeḳ

Pradjuul + Navajo (for a new conworld)

p pʼ pʲ pʲʼ t tʼ tʲ tʲʼ ts tsʼ tsʲ tsʲʼ tʃ tʃʼ tʃʲ tʃʲʼ c cʼ k kʼ ʔ ʔʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç x h v vʲ lˠ lʲ r rʲ j i i̤ u ṳ e e̤ ə ə̤ o o̤ a a̤ iə i̤ə uə ṳə

Hebrew alphabet for Irish

ב כ ד ף ג ה ל מ פ ר ס ת = native consonants

rafe at the beginning, lack of dagesh elsewhere = séimhiú

iluy = eclipsis?

vowel signs: patach = a, hard schwa patach aleph = á yud patach aleph = eá aleph tzere yud = ae segol = ea, ei, soft schwa tzere = é shva (optional) = zero vowel hiriq = i aleph yud = aí, aoi, ao hiriq yud = í hiriq aleph = ia qamatz = o holam = ó yud holam = eo qubbutz = u shuruq = ú yud shuruq = iú qubbutz aleph = ua

Word-final schwa accompanied by a mater lectionis he. Word-final he is marked with a mappiq for word-final /h/.

Uncanny valley Korean

Consonants: /m n ŋ bʰ dʰ dzʰ gʰ p t ts k f s fʰ sʰ h w j r ʔ/

Postvocalic /ʔ/ may be realized as creaky voice.

Vowels: /i ɨ u e ə o ɛ ɔ æ a/

"Lovecraftian/LW" microtonality

  • reaction to natural forces/New Atheist gods... with microtonality!
  • Maybe this is the equivalent of Baroque music in Tigall culture, who knows?


  • ä, a, e, o
  • eu, i <- syllabic resonants
  • p t k p’ t’ k’ b d g
  • s z ts ts’ ʂ ʐ ʈʂ ʈʂ’
  • m n ŋ r l ʀ w j h

Wiebosphere auxlang?


Labial Coronal Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ŋ /ŋ/
Plosive unaspirated b /p/ d /t/ j /tɕ/ g /k/
aspirated p /pʰ/ t /tʰ/ ch /tɕʰ/ k /kʰ/
Fricative f /f/ s /s/ sh /ɕ/ kh /x/ h /h/
Approximant w /w~v/ l /l/ y /j/


Front Central Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Mid e /e/ ə /ø~ə~ɤ/ o /o/
Open a /a/

Diphthongs: ai ao /ai au/


Consonant clusters are disallowed, except medial geminates and -NC- sequences. Only -ng can come in word-final position.

For Wiebian

  • Determiner endings:
  • CW -er < PW -ēr, -eru, -ero, -era
  • CW -es < PW -es, -aʒ
  • CW -e < PW -ā, -a, -u, -e. -i, -ī ...
  • CW -en < PW -en, -um, -on, -un, -ūn, -ōno, -an, ...
  • CW -em < PW -mu, -mēs
  • CW -0 < PW -0, -o?
  • Final t sound changes:
    • short vowel + t > short vowel + glottal stop
    • short vowel + fricative + t > short vowel + t
    • long vowel + t stays put



PPf -zō > -er 'n indef nom pl'

PPf -az > -er 'm def nom pl'

PPf -zōi > -er 'm indef acc pl'

PPf -aiz > -er 'f def acc pl'

PPf -zô > -er 'f indef gen pl'

PPf -ōz > -er 'n def gen pl'






PPf -ą > -0 'n indef nom sg'

PPf -s > -0 'm def nom sg'

PPf -0 > -0 'm indef acc sg'

PPf -az > -0 'f def acc sg'

PPf -0 > -0 'f indef gen sg'

PPf -s > -0 'n def gen sg'

Gleb phonologies


m̥ m n̻̥ n̻ ɲ̥ ɲ mb mɓ̰ nd̻ nɗ̰̻ nɗ̱̰ nd͡ʒ pʰ p b ɓ̰ tʰ̻ t̻ d̻ ɗ̰̻ t͡s̻ ɗ̱̰ t͡ʃʰ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ kʰ k ɸ β s̻ z̻ ʃ ʒ x h l̻ j w

i iː ɨ ɨː u uː e eː ɘ ɘː o oː ɛ ɛː ɜ ɜː ɔ ɔː a aː


m̥ m n̥ n ɳ̥ ɳ ɲ̥ ɲ pʰ p b tʰ t d ʈʰ ʈ ɖ t͡ʃʰ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ kʰ k g ʔ f v s z ʂ ʐ ʃ ʒ x ɣ h r ɽ j i u ɪ ʊ ɑ


C1: a consonant

V: a vowel

C2: a non-palatal consonant other than a postalveolar consonant or one of /d g z ɣ/; i.e. one of /m̥ m n̥ n pʰ p b tʰ t kʰ k ʔ f v s x h r/


m n̻ p b t̻ d̻ k g l̻ j w i u ɪ ʊ e o ɛ ɔ a


C: a consonant

V: a vowel

Gleb seed 1516956979

Liquidless pseudo-French

m n̻ ṉ p b t̻ d̻ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ k g f v s̻ z̻ ʃ ʒ h w i y u ɛ ɛ̃ œ œ̃ ɔ ɔ̃ a ã


C1: a consonant

V: a vowel

C2: a consonant

Gleb seed 1601724777

A nice one

m n̻ nʲ̻ tʰ̻ t̻ kʰ k kʷ f s̻ l̻ i iː u uː ɛ ɛː ɛ̃ ɛ̃ː ɔ ɔː ɔ̃ ɔ̃ː a aː ã ãː


C1: a consonant

V: a vowel

C2: a consonant other than /nʲ̻/

Gleb seed 1364524938

vaguely Clofab


m n mb nd ndz ŋg p b t d ts dz k g mv nz f v s z h r w


a e i o u

syllable structure: (C)V

Gleb seed 1390372573

Liquidless phonology

m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̥ ŋ mpʰ mb ntʰ nd ŋkʰ pʰ p b tʰ t d kʰ k ʔ f s x

a e ɛ i o ɔ u


C: a consonant

V: a vowel

N: a nasal; i.e. one of /m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̥ ŋ/

Gleb seed 1408165181


Kxǂ’auǁʼein /ˈkxǂ’aʊ̯ǁʼaɪ̯n/

"Final Countdown"

A Quame language (base 16):

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 = shmone, sheva, shesh, khamesh, arba, shalosh, shtayim, achat, efes

9, 10 = minus achat, minus shtayim...

16 = iktzaf

32 = dilsha

Alternate PPfK

m n ŋ ŋʷ ɴ ɴʷ
m’ n’ ŋ’ ŋʷ’ ɴ’ ɴʷ’
p t ts tɬ k kʷ q qʷ ʔ
p’ t’ ts’ tɬ’ k’ kʷ’ q’ qʷ’
s ɬ x xʷ χ χʷ h
s’ ɬ’ x’ xʷ’ χ’ χʷ’
l r w j
l’ r’ w’ j’
a i u ə ā ī ū

Yan tan tethara

  • txīmo, sīmo, noxxū, xoxxū, tzouo, chauo, raxxū, uaya, paxxū, chaya?

A Damin

  • Nasals: ɱ n̼ ɳ ɲ
  • Plosives: d̼ ʈ c'
  • Affricates: tθ ʡħ
  • Fricatives: ð̼ θ̱ ç
  • Clicks: ʞ
  • Liquids: ʙ ʟ ʢ
  • vowels: y ɤ æ


ha-: declarative

ze-: interrogative

she-, le-, be-, mi-, ...

lakov: person

iktzaf: language

mutza: be

me-dosh: sea

shakfa - go

daldelet - bird

Haimuktzatzaf: I am a language.

Haimuktzatzafiya: I am not a language.

Halamukotzav: I am a person.

ha-147258693: 123 456's 789

Halakodalkofadeltov: The man likes the bird

ze-124375869: does 123 456 789?



Die Breige hüben friene Grauscher,
in siefe ausgepferzte dauscher;
Säder brinnt zer einem Wist,
Fagel hirzen leine drisst.
Beđehn' die dir in Ŧimst entfeißet,
gim itzo Feuche haben,
und Meden brassen was mich sŧeißet,
Đechse vorzuschraben.
Wenngleich das Werg in Krafe seucht,
mieŧ' ich wie Sprame gürfen;
Denn mich bekriest die weistlich' Dreucht,
die mich in Reune stürfen.
Mein Günden heigt im färz'gen Harbe;
was mich zur gracken Fasen funget.
Feisen Ŧickmasionen ŧarbe,
neifen sie herch hinbrunget.

Was Zühlen erkeifet, bacht heinaden Gnad';
Mein' Kründ'rung erbrauget und diro getrat.
Die Juchtlingen pfriechender Häumen zu henken,
Verschwilligereien, die itzund uns brenken.
Wir reftmunschig braußen,
mit zärbenden Faußen,
Ermeie uns, wenn unser' Berze dir schmannt!

Diachronics lab

Pluractionality ≈ antipassive

we exc/inc > we formal/intimate

Demonstrative/definite affix > construct state: PL-clam-those [of the] man > PL-clam-CONST man

Classifiers are in construct state


apposition NOUN-1SG NOUN > CL-1SG NOUN > of_i-1SG NOUN_i



evidential-marking "because" or "therefore", as opposed to the protasis verb

feminine > abstract > honorific