User:IlL/Spare pages 1/4

Kurmian/Swadesh list

IlL/Spare pages 1/4 is a Wiebian lect and the official language of the Kurm Republic. It's inspired by Irish and Chinese: it's a monosyllabic tonal language with palatalized consonants and initial consonant mutations.

Sound changes

  • s!x > sng! > hng <sng>
  • sch > s!= > k= <sc>

From Schnueher:

Tone from French style weakening of finals? (-d, -t > high (short V)/rising (long V); -s > low (short V)/falling (long V); -de/-te > -t)

final stops > high tone; final -Ce > final -C; final -l > ŋ

nasal vowels > vowel + w

-s would still serve as a tone marker

ach /âː/

Some AW sources for finals:

  • -p < -fe, -ffe, -pf(e), -be
  • -t < -de, -te
  • -k < -cke
  • -m < -me, -mpfe
  • -n < -ne, -nde, -nze
  • -ŋ < -nge, -nke, -l, -le
    • -l should color heavily: chain shift ii, ɪɪ, ee, ɛɛ > yy, ʏʏ, øø, œœ > uu, ʊʊ, oo, ɔɔ
  • -w < -m, -n, -nd, -ng, -nk, -b, -f
  • -ː < -ge
  • -j < -tz, -tze, -sche, -st, -ste, -che (ich-laut), -se
  • -h < -re, -che

Uncategorized: -mpf, -mpfe, -nd, -nde, -nz, -nze, -nk, -nke > -m(h), -n(ʔ), -n(h), -ŋ(ʔ)?



Consonant phonemes
Labial Dental Alveolar Velar Laryngeal
broad slender broad slender broad slender slender broad
Nasal voiceless ʰmˠ ʰmʲ ʰn̪ˠ ʰnʲ ʰɲ ʰŋ
voiced n̪ˠ ɲ ŋ
plain t̪ˠ c k ʔ
tense pˠ˭ pʲ˭ t̪ˠ˭ tʲ˭
voiced d̪ˠ ɟ g
Fricative voiceless θˠ θʲ ç x h
voiced ðˠ ðʲ j ɣ
Trill voiceless ʰrˠ ʰrʲ
Approximant voiceless ʰl̪ˠ ʰlʲ
voiced l̪ˠ


/a i o u aː eː iː oː uː iə uə/ a/ea i/oi/ui o u á/eá é í/aoi ó/eo ú/iú ia ua


/p t k m n ŋ r j w/ b d g m n l/ng r dh/igh bh


Rising, mid, falling (á, à/unmarked, â)

Short vowels are toneless. (cf. "entering tone" in Middle Chinese)



Masculine definite mutations
Singular Plural
Def. nom. h-prothesis lenition
Def. acc. eclipsis h-prothesis
Def. gen. lenition eclipsis

Feminine definite mutations
Singular Plural
Def. nom. lenition eclipsis
Def. acc. h-prothesis lenition
Def. gen. eclipsis h-prothesis

Neuter definite mutations
Singular Plural
Def. nom. eclipsis h-prothesis
Def. acc. lenition eclipsis
Def. gen. h-prothesis lenition

gaoì 'tree' - masculine
Singular Plural
Def. nom. an gaoì na ghaoì
Def. acc. an ngaoì na gaoì
Def. gen. an ghaoì na ngaoì

crùaigh 'thought' - feminine
Singular Plural
Def. nom. an chrùaigh na gcrùaigh
Def. acc. an crùaigh na chrùaigh
Def. gen. an gcrùaigh na crùaigh

trú 'book' - neuter
Singular Plural
Def. nom. an dtrú na trú
Def. acc. an thrú na dtrú
Def. gen. an trú na thrú

Compound words are head-final: sóng-truu = 'agenda book' (lit. 'check-book', i.e. a book that one checks)

For indefinite nouns, attributive adjectives follow the noun and do not mutate: gai gau 'a tall tree/tall trees', truu gau 'a long book/long books'.

For definite nouns, attributive adjectives precede the noun and take the same mutation as the noun: an gau gai 'the tall tree', an n-gau dtruu 'the long book'

Verb phrase

Verbs do not inflect for subject agreement or tense; however, preverbal tense/discourse/connective markers trigger mutations on the verb. Unusually, connectives come immediately after the verb.


  • present: no marker
    • seau /sɛ̄ːw/ = 'dies' (< AW zernen), ec /ʔɛk/ = 'buys' (< AW eckern)
  • past: hyng + lenition (< AW schillen 'finish')
    • hyng sheau /hʏ̄ŋ hɛ̄ːw/ = 'died', hyng ec /hʏ̄ŋ ʔɛk/ = 'bought'
  • future: ngéa + h-prothesis ( < AW Đerz 'wish')
    • ngéa seau /ŋɛ́ː sɛ̄ːw/ = 'will die', ngéa h-ec /ŋɛ́ː hɛk/ 'will buy'
  • Verbal nouns: go- + lenition (from ge-)


  • zet + lenition: 'when' (< AW sätter 'eventually')
  • dài + eclipsis: 'because' (< AW deichen)
  • ppaang + lenition < 'but, however' (spaler 'unfortunately')

Derivational morphology

  • ba- + lenition: verbalizer
    • ba-bhiiu: 'nasalize' < biiu 'nose'
  • go- + lenition: nominalizer
    • or for- (from ver-)
  • in-: increments a verb's valency
  • sa- + lenition: decrements a verb's velency