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Kurmian/Swadesh list

IlL/Spare pages 1/4 (natively an dûaigh Cùm /ʔan dˠûəj kʰūːm/, written Kurm in the Wiebian alphabet) is a lect of Wiebian and the official language of the Verse:Kurm Republic. It's inspired by Irish and Chinese: it's a monosyllabic tonal language with palatalized consonants and initial consonant mutations. Unlike other Wiebian lects, Kurmian retains the Ancient Wiebian declension system.


  1. fàmh
  2. nár
  3. ngô
  4. zèil
  5. stù
  6. leâr
  7. fár
  8. cìr


aigh ach /ʔaj/

Sound changes

  • s!x > sng! > hng <sng>
  • sch > s!= > k= <sc>

From Schnueher page:

Tone from French style weakening of finals? (-d, -t > high (short V)/rising (long V); -s > low (short V)/falling (long V); -de/-te > -t)

final stops > high tone; final -Ce > final -C; final -l > ŋ

nasal vowels > vowel + w

-s would still serve as a tone marker

Some AW sources for finals:

  • -p < -fe, -ffe, -pf(e), -be
  • -t < -de, -te
  • -k < -cke
  • -m < -me, -mpfe
  • -n < -ne, -nde, -nze
  • -ŋ < -nge, -nke, -l, -le
  • -w < -m, -n, -nd, -ng, -nk, -b, -f
  • -ː < -ge
  • -j < -tz, -tze, -sche, -st, -ste, -che (ich-laut), -se
  • -h < -re, -che

Uncategorized: -mpf, -mpfe, -nd, -nde, -nz, -nze, -nk, -nke > -m(h), -n(ʔ), -n(h), -ŋ(ʔ)?



The maximal syllable structure is C(r/l)VC. A syllable is not allowed to terminate in a short vowel except in some function words.

Allowed initial clusters (not counting mutations): pr tr cr br dr gr fr ngr spr str scr pl cl bl gl fl spl


Consonant phonemes
Labial Alveolar Velar Laryngeal
broad slender broad slender slender broad
Nasal voiceless ʰmˠ ʰmʲ ʰn̪ˠ ʰnʲ ʰɲ ʰŋ
voiced n̪ˠ ɲ ŋ
plain t̪ˠ c k ʔ
tense pˠ˭ pʲ˭ t̪ˠ˭ tʲ˭
voiced d̪ˠ ɟ g
Fricative voiceless ç x h
voiced j ɣ
Trill voiceless ʰrˠ ʰrʲ
Lateral voiceless ʰl̪ˠ ʰlʲ
voiced l̪ˠ
  • /ʰm ʰn ʰŋ ʰl ʰr/ are written sm sn sng sl sr.
  • /p˭ t˭ k˭/ are written sp st sc.


/ˠa ˠɪ ˠɔ ˠʊ ˠaː ˠeː ˠiː ˠoː ˠuː ˠuə/ a oi/ui o u à aè aoì ò ù ùa

/ʲa ʲi ʲaː ʲeː ʲiː ʲoː ʲuː ʲiə/ ea i à è/èi aoì eò iù ìa


The allowed finals are: /p t k m n ŋ r j w/ b d g m n l/ng r igh bh


Rising, mid, falling (á, à/unmarked, â)

Short vowels are toneless. (cf. "entering tone" in Middle Chinese)


The following initials can undergo lenition or eclipsis:

Initial mutations
Grapheme m p b f t d s z c g
IPA /m/ /p/ /b/ /f/ /t/ /d/ /s/ /z/ /k/ /g/ /ʔ/
Lenited mh ph bh fh th dh sh zh ch gh
IPA /v/ /f/ /v/ /ʔ/ /h/ /ɣ/, /j/ /h/ /ʔ/ /x/ /ɣ/, /j/ /ʔ/
Eclipsed - bp mb bhf dt nd zs - gc n-g n-
IPA - /b/ /m/ /v/ /d/ /n/ /z/ - /g/ /ŋ/ /n/

In addition, h-prothesis adds h- to the beginning of a word beginning with a vowel.



Compound words are head-final: sól-trù = 'agenda book' (lit. 'check-book', i.e. a book that one checks)

Attributive adjectives precede the noun and take the same mutation as the noun. Examples:

  • an gò gaoì 'the tall tree' (nominative)
  • an n-gò dtrú 'the long book' (nominative)

Indefinite mutations

Definite mutations

Masculine definite mutations
Singular Plural
Def. nom. h-prothesis lenition
Def. acc. eclipsis h-prothesis
Def. gen. lenition eclipsis

Feminine definite mutations
Singular Plural
Def. nom. lenition eclipsis
Def. acc. h-prothesis lenition
Def. gen. eclipsis h-prothesis

Neuter definite mutations
Singular Plural
Def. nom. eclipsis h-prothesis
Def. acc. lenition eclipsis
Def. gen. h-prothesis lenition

gaoì 'tree' - masculine
Singular Plural
Def. nom. an gaoì na ghaoì
Def. acc. an ngaoì na gaoì
Def. gen. an ghaoì na ngaoì

crùaigh 'thought' - feminine
Singular Plural
Def. nom. an chrùaigh na gcrùaigh
Def. acc. an crùaigh na chrùaigh
Def. gen. an gcrùaigh na crùaigh

trú 'book' - neuter
Singular Plural
Def. nom. an dtrú na trú
Def. acc. an thrú na dtrú
Def. gen. an trú na thrú

Verb phrase

Verbs do not inflect for subject agreement or tense; however, preverbal tense/discourse/connective markers trigger mutations on the verb. Unusually, connectives come immediately after the verb.


  • present: no marker
    • sèir = 'dies' (< AW zernen), eic /ʔɛk/ = 'buys' (< AW eckern)
  • past: scil + lenition (< AW schillen 'finish')
    • scil shèir = 'died', scil eic = 'bought'
  • future: ngêir + h-prothesis ( < AW Đerz 'wish')
    • ngêir sèir = 'will die', ngéir h-eic 'will buy'
  • infinitive: go + lenition (from ge-)
    • go shèir = 'to die'


  • zeár: 'when' (< AW sätter 'eventually')
  • daoìgh + eclipsis: 'because' (< AW deichen)
  • spàr: 'but, however' (spaler 'unfortunately')

Derivational morphology

  • ba- + lenition (from be-): verbalizer
    • ba-bhì: 'nasalize' < 'nose'
  • go- + lenition (from ge-): nominalizer
    • also for- (from ver-)
  • inn-: increments a verb's valency
  • sar-: decrements a verb's velency


  • Thank you = Gôr-má thà gad (gôr-má < gaußer-matt: something like "blessing"; thà = "in"; gad = "house")

Sample texts

UDHR, Article 1

Scil shéibh bî-bî na bhfàr go thúa mâ dè bân fhor-stuid thàn creó dè thàn fhor-cing. Séibh mî go [endowed with reason and conscience], dè [they should act toward one another in a spirit of brotherhood].