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Netagin (barits Natāgīn) is a (largely reconstructed) triconsonantal language inspired by Biblical Hebrew and Aramaic, spoken in Western Etalocin. This page describes Ancient Netagin, the oldest attested stage of Netagin.


  • -īn, -iyyō, -īnā = adjectival/abstract suffix
  • final -ʔ to block initial seimhiu in descendants
  • Honorific system
  • Imperatives? Moods/seq of tenses?


  • ʔiȝsō = eagle
  • safȝ = friend
  • ħinn = evening
  • ʔasāṭ = colorful, bright in color
  • waqwāq = frog
  • zār = cat
  • tawsūg = copy
  • tattug = tell, narrate
  • tattôgô = story
  • gāsir = world
  • ṭazzār = turtle

Swadesh list

xay = who
xū = what
xaddu = where
xibak = when
xam = how
'ixxū = why
kī = not
rōg- = all


  • w-s-g: similar
  • n-t-g: sing
  • r-s-d: learn
  • z-ʔ-r: go
  • w-r-s: love
  • b-n-s: hide
  • ȝ-z-f: poke
  • z-ħ-m: praise, honor
  • ŋ-t-w: new
  • k-n-f: reason
  • h-ŋ-ts: empty, null
  • ħ-d-k: warm
  • ts-ŋ-ṭ: garden, horticulture
  • g-m-z: letter, element
  • s-b-r: compassion, sympathy
  • f-x-r: agree, blend
  • n-b-x: courage
  • t-f-k: know
  • y-r-f: roll
  • f-ts-m: read
  • ȝ-k-r: write
  • z-r-b: true, firm
  • x-d-ȝ: half, split
  • f-s-T: step, stage
  • ʔ-b-3: mind
  • w-t-f: die
  • t-ŋ-b: measure
  • z-m-z-m: hesitate
  • s-r-k: king, rule
  • ħ-n-g: value
  • ʔ-ṭ-r: punish
  • k-r-ts: say
  • q-3-q-3: tile
  • b-s-ŋ: clan, family
  • b-ts-3: force, coerce
  • r-ʔ-b: criticize
  • f-s-q: beast
  • q-ȝ-d: agree
  • z-ȝ-n: comfort, solace
  • ʔ-s-ṭ: light, color
  • y-d-x: compare, similar, metaphor
  • s-f-3: dear
  • w-d-r: equal, same
  • m-g-t: assign
  • q-b-tx: shield, fortress
  • q-z-r: hand over
  • ts-b-s: show, exhibit
  • ħ-r-k: open
  • t-q-s: good, great
  • ħ-n-r: use
  • s-n-3: help
  • f-t-ʔ: proud


  • 1a23 = noun
  • 1a2ā3, 1a2ô3 = adjective, noun?
  • 1a22ū3 = adjective
  • ta12ū3 = noun
  • ʔi12ā3 = noun
  • 1ā2a3, 1ā2i3 = noun
  • 1ô2a3 = noun



Labial Alveolar Lateral Palatal Velar Uvular Pharyngeal Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ŋ /ŋ/
Plosive plain t /t/ k /k/ ʔ /ʔ/
tense /t˭/ /k˭/
voiced b /b/ d /d/ g /g/
Affricate c /ts/ q /tɬ/
Fricative voiceless f /f/ s /s/ x /ɬ/ ħ /ħ/ h /h/
voiced z /z/ ȝ /ʁ~ʕ/
Approximant w /w/ r /ɾ/ j /j/


The following vowels were used:

i iː u uː
a aː oː
aj aw

i ī u ū a ā ō ay aw

Stress is marked with an acute accent.


Nouns and adjectives

The definite article was ʔis-.


Three numbers: sg, du/col, pl

Two genders: plain, honorific

Honorific marked with -ō

absolute, construct, possessed forms

For example, below are the declensions of yarifi (plain) = 'wheel'; ʔiȝsō (honorific) = 'eagle'

Sample nouns
Singulative Dual-collective Plurative
absolute construct absolute construct absolute construct
Plain yarifi yarif yarifūʔ yarifū yarifāʔ yarifā
Honorific ʔiȝsō ʔiȝsōn ʔiȝsōnūʔ ʔiȝsōnū ʔiȝsōbi ʔiȝsōb

Possessive suffixes

Air singulative nouns
Singular Dual Plural
1 yarififi yarififū yarififā
2 yarifini yarifinū yarifinā
3 yarifihi yarifihū yarifihā

Earth singulative nouns
Singular Dual Plural
1 bilāfi bilāfū bilāfā
2 bilāni bilānū bilānā
3 bilāhi bilāhū bilāhā

Fire singulative nouns
Singular Dual Plural
1 mufgōrayfi mufgōrayfū mufgōrayfā
2 mufgōrayni mufgōraynū mufgōraynā
3 mufgōrayhi mufgōrayhū mufgōrayhā

Water singulative nouns
Singular Dual Plural
1 qabatxtifi qabatxtifū qabatxtifā
2 qabatxtini qabatxtinū qabatxtinā
3 qabatxtihi qabatxtihū qabatxtihā
Dual-collective nouns
Singular Dual Plural
1 yarifūki yarifūtū yarifūtā
2 yarifūni yarifūnū yarifūnā
3 yarifūhi yarifūhū yarifūhā
Plurative nouns
Singular Dual Plural
1 yarifāki yarifātū yarifātā
2 yarifāni yarifānū yarifānā
3 yarifāhi yarifāhū yarifāhā


First person Second person Third person
Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural Singular Dual Plural
Independent ʔafti ʔaffū ʔaffā ʔanni ʔannū ʔannā hini (a)
hinan (hon.)
hinnū hinnā
Clitic -ti -fū -fā -ni -nū -nā -hi -hū -hā


Ancient Netagin has at least 12 binyanim:

  • Binyan 1 verbs are verbs denoting intransitive actions ("come"), as well as stative verbs ("be cold") and some monotransitives. It is often considered the most basic form.
  • Binyan 2 contains many monotransitive verbs, ("eat") including causativizations of Binyan 1 verbs ("make happy").
  • Binyan 3 consists of verbs denote reflexive/reciprocal action ("get dressed", "kiss each other"), or change of state ("thicken").
  • Binyan 4 contains causatives of transitive verbs ("feed") (and of some Binyan 2 and Binyan 3 verbs). Causatives of statives in the imperfective aspect may denote active maintenance of a state (as opposed to changing a state in the perfective aspect).
  • Binyan 5 is roughly equivalent to the German prefix be- (applicative).
  • Binyan 6 - telic, intensive
  • Binyan 7 - telic
  • Binyan 8 - "X a little, almost X"
  • Binyan 9 - "X in advance, X for oneself" (from the middle voice)
  • Binyan 10 - "-le"
  • Binyan 11 verbs tend to express gradual processes.
  • Binyan 12 - "mis-X, over-X"
Binyan Imperfective Perfective Antipassive
Action noun
1 1a2a3 -i12a3 1ō2i3 1i2u3 1i2i3i
2 1a2ō3 -a12ū3 1a2ī3 1a2ū3 1u2ā3
3 ʔa12ī13 -uni12i3 bi1ːū2ā3 ti1ːū2ā3 ʔa12u3ti
4 ʔa12i3 -i1ːi2u3 ba12a3 ta12a3 ʔa12a3ō
5 ta12u3 -ut1a2i3 but1a2u3 tut1a2u3 ta12ō3ō
6 ʔir1a2a3 -ur1i2u3 bur1i2u3 tur1i2u3 ʔur1a2i3i
7 ʔirta1a2u3 -urta1a2i3 burta1a2u3 turta1a2u3 tirta1a2ī3i
8 ʔi21a2i3 -i21i2u3 bu21ā2u3 tu21ā2u3 ʔu21a2i3i
9 1as2u3 -u1is2u3 bu1as2u3 tu1as2u3 tu1as2i3i
10 1i2a2i3 -i12i2u3 bu12i2u3 tu12i2u3 ti12a2i3i
11 1a2ā2u3 -i12ī2u3 bu12ā2u3 tu12ā2u3 tu12ā2i3i
12 1i31a2u3 -i1a31i2u3 bu1i31ā2u3 tu1i31ā2u3 1i31a2i3i

1 Shortens to i when a suffix is added.

The participle is an agent noun or an adjective. Adverbializing it yields manner of action "as if to X".

The action noun (axn) or gerund is used in action noun constructions, which are of the form SUBJECT-gen AXN OBJECT-acc. It is of importance in forming relative clauses, for Netagin does not have a relativizer.


Present tense affixes
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 -fi -fū -fā
2 -an
-at (hon.)
-tū (hon.)
-tōb (hon.)
3 -∅

-ōb (hon.)

ʔabnis 'steal'
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 ʔabnisfi ʔabnisfū ʔabnisfā
2 ʔabnisan ʔabnisnū ʔabnisnā
3 ʔabnis
ʔabnisō (hon.)
ʔabnisū ʔabnisā

Past tense affixes
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 f- f-ū f-ā
2 n-
n-ō (hon.)
n-ū n-ā
n-ōb (hon.)
3 h-
h-ō (hon.)
h-ū h-ā
h-ōb (hon.)

ʔabnis 'steal'
Singular Dual-Coll. Plural
1 fibbinus fibbinusū fibbinusā
2 nibbinus nibbinusū nibbinusā
3 hibbinus
hibbinusō (hon.)
hibbinusū hibbinusā
hibbinusōb (hon.)


Ancient Netagin is almost completely head-initial; it is also syntactically ergative.