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Avaeğon is a fictional constructed language created by Jessie M. Strickland. It is a Semi-agglutinative, Semi-fusional language with a highly complex phonology and morphology.

Phonology :

Avaeğon has a phonemic inventory of 46 sounds. With 13 vowels, and 33 consonants. With the vowels they are further divided into 7 monophthongs and 6 diphthongs.

Morphology :

Nouns -

Nouns in avaeğon decline for gender, case, and number. There are 6 genders, 10 cases, and 5 numbers.

Gender system - The 6 genders are as follows:

1. Common - The common gender encompasses all nouns that have to with people, titles, and occupations. nouns in this gender all end in a vowel (a,ä,e,i,o,u,y).

2. Lunar - The lunar gender encompasses the following categories nocturnal animals, military equipment, and spiritual concepts. nouns in this gender all end in (m).

3. Solar - The solar gender encompasses nouns that are diurnal animals, household items, body parts, and secular concepts. nouns in this gender end in (z).

4. Terrestrial - The terrestrial gender encompasses nouns that are foods, plants, land masses and formations, and earthen elements and minerals. nouns in this gender end in (s).

5. Aquatic - The aquatic gender encompasses bodies of water, liquids, and emotions. nouns in this gender all end in (r).

6. Phenomenal - The phenomenal gender encompasses deities, celestial bodies, weather, natural forces, seasons and direction. All nouns in this gender end in (n).