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Varquun Swadesh List

No. English Varquun
1 I hál (informal)
2 you (singular) azj (informal)
3 he bbil (animate), bbifus (inanimate)
4 we háliŋ (informal)
5 you (plural) azjiŋ (informal)
6 they bbilúrr (animate), bbifusúrr (inanimate)
7 this a-, al (animate), afus (inanimate)
8 that near 2: bbi-, bbil (animate), bbifus (inanimate); distal: ra-, ral (animate), rafus (inanimate)
9 here ató
10 there near 2: bbitó, distal: rató
11 who ssal
12 what which/what kind of X: tjivérr, which of two: hékumm
13 where tjitó
14 when tjihni
15 how tjivérraff
16 not rí-
17 all kkúff
18 many énvah
19 some nnahah
20 few ussíyah
21 other mudu
22 one adj
23 two físj
24 three iyav
25 four ŋŋuzzan
26 five túl
27 big ppallkkah
28 long vvíyah
29 wide llahmah
30 thick xxisjtjah
31 heavy návvah
32 small zjuwah
33 short virhah
34 narrow kkakkartah
35 thin hŋéyah
36 woman djuŋŋ
37 man (adult male) zzít
38 man (human being) llósj
39 child rakku
40 wife vvúlltja
41 husband yalí
42 mother sjumma
43 father sjudda
44 animal kkalltt
45 fish óra
46 bird híŋ
47 dog nuhl
48 louse haré
49 snake ddúf
50 worm éwsa
51 tree sjayf
52 forest usskk
53 stick ŋadji
54 fruit fédd
55 seed yaxxá
56 leaf dawrr
57 root rróŋgi
58 bark (of a tree) hllandj
59 flower áll
60 grass hédj
61 rope ggarru
62 skin allab
63 meat raŋŋa
64 blood vésji
65 bone tjín
66 fat (noun) hunvi
67 egg kké
68 horn aki
69 tail ffúra
70 feather llayind
71 hair yósj
72 head ssttána
73 ear hóy
74 eye nill
75 nose téha
76 mouth istu
77 tooth sawdj
78 tongue (organ) bbúda
79 fingernail haski
80 foot annddal
81 leg lénd
82 knee rraftj
83 hand bbár
84 wing tallss
85 belly bré
86 guts ŋŋúli
87 neck zzán
88 back mazar
89 breast ŋihni
90 heart hallan
91 liver rruhar
92 to drink slayah
93 to eat kanah
94 to bite ŋíffah
95 to suck yakkah
96 to spit ttéyah
97 to vomit affttah
98 to blow hrrágah
99 to breathe yiŋufah
100 to laugh hizrah
101 to see ímah
102 to hear fissttah
103 to know vvandah
104 to think hmáyah
105 to smell ussíyah
106 to fear X-TOPIC Y-NOM kkammayah ( = X fears Y)
107 to sleep kkúyah
108 to live lawrah
109 to die sjtjíŋah
110 to kill hnéddah
111 to fight nóŋah
112 to hunt sjagrah
113 to hit zjikkah
114 to cut xxúsjah
115 to split ssŋŋóhah
116 to stab rráxxah
117 to scratch xxózjah
118 to dig dabbah
119 to swim bbllaxah
120 to fly vrínnah
121 to walk huvvah
122 to come hribah
123 to lie (as in a bed) ggíyah (lie down)
124 to sit ihnah (sit down)
125 to stand ŋúlah (stand up)
126 to turn (intransitive) ayfah
127 to fall zjúzjah
128 to give ttuggah
129 to hold gníffah
130 to squeeze ssrruwah
131 to rub spówah
132 to wash nihrah
133 to wipe sséyah
134 to pull xrahah
135 to push véllah
136 to throw ttnnáyah
137 to tie ffrrítjah
138 to sew mallggah
139 to count nnówah
140 to say sjixxah
141 to sing xxunnddaffah
142 to play dahllah
143 to float zjínayah
144 to flow ssaŋŋah
145 to freeze yuŋkah
146 to swell palah
147 sun pass
148 moon kalda
149 star wihnu
150 water rrá
151 rain zérr
152 river briyaŋ
153 lake hédja
154 sea laxxatt
155 salt yawkk
156 stone hŋŋáy
157 sand ŋlimé
158 dust djanu
159 earth vvóll
160 cloud skúdj
161 fog hullál
162 sky lóppu
163 wind djukkarr
164 snow zaŋŋkk
165 ice ddól
166 smoke tlór
167 fire nnay
168 ash ttága
169 to burn léssah
170 road zuhl
171 mountain umm
172 red ppawah
173 green waygah
174 yellow vvrrúwah
175 white éttayah
176 black yuŋgah
177 night ssrrí
178 day zjóll
179 year lahi
180 warm iriyah
181 cold hunnah
182 full zzrrukkuwah
183 new wópiyah
184 old sskkúhah
185 good ŋŋussah
186 bad óffah
187 rotten ttúkuwah
188 dirty hrruzzuwah
189 straight ambéyah
190 round ddabiyah
191 sharp (as a knife) wésjah
192 dull (as a knife) yuffrrah
193 smooth vvílsjah
194 wet lákkah
195 dry bálah
196 correct waluwah
197 near émmah
198 far ddussnnah
199 right zammu
200 left óttu (óttur = 'wrongly, badly')
201 at -(i)ha, -ih
202 in -arr ffáyih(a)
203 with -tju (nouns), -ínih (clauses)
204 and -tju, -tju tnáxa
205 if -uxxí
206 because -ázz
207 name husj

Psalm 114 in Tíogall

Saħábha 114

  1. Ar ugairedh Jisráér gil Éigipt, suaradh Jalgóbh gil badhnedh gáth shlodhán;
  2. saedhaín Jaħúdhá le áthradh ú, Jisráér le fúichnedh ú.
  3. Ésrín ron fón minn, ag amaltín hú; fulmáín an Jardén ar blíon.
  4. Bídín na scaimhthe madh zsíograin; na glóna iadha, madh mbioltha.
  5. Tá naes, ae fón, bhfá n-amaltar? Ae Jardén, bhfá bhfuldar?
  6. Ae scaimhthe, bhfá mbídes madh zsíograin; ae ghlóna iadha, madh mbioltha?
  7. Bróg ŋal an Mannar, ae luabh, ŋal Caemadh Jalgóbh,
  8. Ri bhforsaedhaín rú an óc le pasc, an ŋgorda le sálanadh eanŋ.

Huichaltzah's future Naquian


Vt > Vd

Vth > Vð

ht, tt > θ

z > /s/, lenites to /h/

Huichaltzah shd use grimm's law, not mutations


Labial Dental Alveolar Lateral Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal /m/ /n/
Stop ejective /p(ʼ)/ /t(ʼ)/ /ts(ʼ)/ /tɬ(ʼ)/ /tʃ(ʼ)/ /k(ʼ)/
aspirated /pʰ/ /tʰ/ /tsʰ/ /tɬʰ/ /tʃʰ/ /kʰ/
voiced /b/ /d/ /dz/ /dɮ/ /dʒ/ /g/
Fricative voiceless /f/ /θ/ /s/ /ɬ/ /ʃ/ /x/ /h/
voiced /v/ /ð/ /z/ /ɮ/ /ɣ/
Approximant /r/ /l/ /j/ /w/


in stressed syllables:

a ā e ē i ī o ó > æ a ə e ı i o u = ä a ə e ı i o u


Inspired by Old Kurmian/Old Zoom; VSO with mutations

  • Definite article: ı- before C, n- before V or after V
  • Possessive pronouns: "cäl" 'bird' > nu gäl, xu gäl, i gäl, mu gäl, pu gäl, tzu gäl, i cäl

Something with Khmer-ish vowels - for Clotricin

m n p t ts tł k ʔ t' ts' tł' k' s ł ʂ h j w l

a ɛ e i ə ɨ ɔ o u + long versions; iə ɨə uə əa əe əo eə oə ei~ai əɨ~aɨ ou~au

Phonotactics: V, CV, CVC, no hiatuses

numbers in the khmer-ish thing 1: yəp 2: tsıə 3: mouš 4: k'uul 5: heə'a 6: 'əwaets 7: miisił 8: tłıpi 9: šəola 10: pəeš

11: pəek'ayəp, 12: pəek'atsiə, ...

20: tsiəpəš, 30: moušwəš, 40: k'uulwəš, 50: heə'apəš, 60: 'əwaetswəš, 70: miisiłwəš, 80: tłıpiwəš, 90: šəolapəš, 100: əımə

Huichaltzah's alien language

p pʰ t tʰ ts tsʰ tɬ tɬʰ k kʰ kʟ kʟʰ s ɬ x h m n ŋ l ʟ w j a e i o ar er ir or (rhotic vowels)

Grammar: Rhotic vowel harmony, CW with many cases

"Honorific > feminine" language


  • Many big, holy or specialized things are feminine

if Netagin: don't need changes to AW

if Talmic: need to change AW assuming AW is Quihum. Make sure Kurmian has mutations.

Non-gib ideas

Toneless Polyejectivevietnamese

toneless polysyllabic ejectivevietnamese with around 5 or 6 vowels, and no diphthongs

Vowels: /i~ɨ e~ɘ ɛ~ɜ a ɔ o u/

Consonants: /p pʼ t tʼ ts tsʼ tʂ tʂʼ k kʼ ʔ f s ʂ x h m n ŋ l ɹ j w/


Medials or finals

m, n, ng, l, r > m, n, ŋ, l, ɦ

b, f, t, s, tz, sch, g, ch > p, f, t, s, s, ʃ, k, h

mpf, nt, ns, nz, nk > mf, nt, nz, ns, nk

lb, lf, lt, ls, lz, lk, lch, lm > jp, jf, jt, jz, js, jk, jh, jm

rb, rf, rt, rs, rz, rk, rch, rm, rn > ab, af, at, az, as, ak, ax, ah, an

ft, st, chs, cht > :t, jt, js, jt

-el, -e, -er > -i, -e, -a


Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
central lateral
Click plain ǃ
aspirated ǃʰ
nasalised ᵑǃ
breathy nasalised ᶢǃʱ
Nasal plain m n ŋ
breathy ŋʱ
Stop voiceless p t
breathy b d ɡ
implosive ɓ ɗ ɠ
Fricative voiceless f s ɬ ʃ x h
breathy v z ɮ ɣ ɦ
Approximant plain l j


lb, lf, lt, ls/lz, lk, lch, lm > /jp, jf, jt, js, jk, jx, jm/

rC > /aC/

-0, -es/-el, -e, -er, -en > -u [ɨ], -i, -e, -a, -o?

au, eu > o:, ø:

Vowel system: /i i: y y: u u: e e: ø ø: o o: a a: ui ei øi oi ai ia ya ua ea øa oa/

Allowed final vowels: /i u e o a/


Zulu pseudo-gib


schm, m > m, mh

schn, n > n, nh

schng/kn, ng > ng, ngh

sp, p, b, gep/geb > p, ph, bh, b

st, t, d, get/ged > t, th, dh, d

ŧ, sŧ, đ, geŧ/geđ > qh, q, nqh, gq

k, g, gek/geg > kh, gh, g

r > hh

f, w > f, v

fl, kl, schl > hl

bl, gl > dl

pfr, fr, tr, kr, schr > kl /x~kx/

br, dr, gr > gl /ɣ~gɣ/

j > y

schw > f

z, s, sch > s, z, sh

ent- > prenasalization


Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Glottal
central lateral
Click plain ǃ
aspirated ǃʰ
nasalised ᵑǃ
breathy nasalised ᶢǃʱ
Nasal plain m n ŋ
breathy ŋʱ
Stop voiceless p t
breathy b d ɡ
implosive ɓ ɗ ɠ
Fricative voiceless f s ɬ ʃ x h
breathy v z ɮ ɣ ɦ
Approximant plain l j


i ï u e ë o ä a /i ɨ u e ə o æ ɑ/


No tone

Roshterian revision

Roshterian uses the following 22 consonants:

Labial Dental/Alveolar Retroflex Velar Uvular Glottal
central lateral central lateral
Nasal m /m/ n /n̪/ /ɳ/ [ŋ] [ɴ]
Stop voiceless p /p/ t /t̪/ /ʈ/ c /k/ q /q/
voiced b /b/ d /d̪/ /ɖ/ g /g/
Continuant voiceless f /f/ s /s̪/ /ʂ/ h /h/
voiced v /v/ r /ɾ/ l /l̪/ /ɻ/ /ɭ/ /ʁ/
  • kw, gw > p, b
  • gl-, gr- > l, r
  • θ, δ, t, d > t, d, ʈ, ɖ (with many exceptions)
  • *ā > ia (*nā > nia 'I'); *ō > ua; *au > oo; *ou > uu; *ū > ii
  • *qʷ > /χʷ/ > /ɧ/ > ; *ʁʷ > /ζ/ >
    • ʁʷelinə ("6 parts [of 12]") > ṟelin 'half'
  • *nw, tw, dw, sw, θw, lw, rw > ṉ, ṯ, ḏ, s̱, f, ḻ, ṟ /ɳ, ʈ, ɖ, ʂ, f, ɭ, ɻ/
    • gʷaθwā > bafi 'neck, throat' ~ Thn. gaθuā 'throat (also language)'
  • *sl-, sm-, sn- > ḻ-, m-, ṉ-
  • *sɸ-, sr-, sw- > s̱-, ṟ-, s̱-
  • *st, sk, skʷ, sq > s-/st, ṯ-/s̱ṯ-, f, q-/s̱q
    • stas- > tetsil 'gathering' (~ Thn. Stasnyssōs > Tíogall Stánsa, Clofabosin stannsin 'a holiday')
    • skəttā > tyyṯi 'body' ~ Thn. scyttā
    • *bastom > bast 'king' ~ Thn. bastom 'head'
  • *sb, sd, sg > ṟb, ṟḏ, ṟg
    • *nasg- > naṟg '3'
  • *φn, tn, φl, tl/dl > /ːn, s-/ts, l, ɖ/
    • łnāgin > tiagin 'I believe' ~ Thn. θnāginis
    • oφlutsus > oolus 'wave'
  • *kt, qt > /jt, ːʈ/
    • *tektə > ṯeit /ʈɛit/ 'child'
    • *neqtə > neeṯ /neːʈ/ 'cloud'
  • *ks, qs > /js, ːʂ/
  • *kn, gn, kʷn, gʷn, qn, ql, qr > /jn, jn, :m, :m, :ɳ, :ɻ, :ɻ/ (with **/uj/ > /uː/ )
    • sφugnus > s̱uun 'root' ~ Thn. sφugnus
    • leqnos > leeṉ 'river' ~ Thn. leānos?
    • qrīdis > ṟiid 'knife' ~ Thn. ȝrīdis 'edge'
    • gʷnūnum > miin 'scar' ~ Thn. gnūnum 'scar', Tíogall gnúinte 'scar'
  • *φj, tj, kj, qj > pt s s-/t ḡ
  • *j-, s- > h-
  • *φ- > ∅-
  • Initial short vowels drop
  • *skj, stj > t-/st, s-/ːs
  • final short vowels lost; final -m, -r, -s, -t lost; final long vowels shorten (ia, ua > i, u)
  • i-affection: The following changes affect V1 in sequences of the form V1 + consonant cluster + ultimate (*i/*ī/*j) unless the consonant cluster after V1 contains a retroflex consonant.
    • a > e
    • e > i
  • Stress shifts to final
  • Some combining forms and combined forms are altered due to the stress shift - conjunct forms for verbs arise when there is an antepenultimate syllable


Clofabic-influenced (some depalatalization), dialects: Dopamine, Acetylcholine


Nurian relative with a Korean touch

Labial Alveolar Postalveolar Velar Glottal
hard soft hard soft soft hard
Nasal voiceless mh m̊ˠ mhi m̊ʲ nh n̪̊ˠ nhi n̊ʲ nghi ŋ̊ʲ ngh ŋ̊
voiced m mi n n̪ˠ ni ngi ŋʲ ng ŋ
Stop plain b pˠ~bˠ bi pʲ~bʲ d t̪ˠ~d̪ˠ di tʲ~dʲ ġi tʃ~dʒ gi kʲ~ɡʲ g k~ɡ
unaspirated p pˠ˭ pi pʲ˭ t t̪ˠ˭ ti tʲ˭ ċi tʃ˭ ci kʲ˭ c -r, ȝ ʔ
aspirated ph pˠʰ phi pʲʰ th t̪ˠʰ thi tʲʰ ċhi tʃʰ chi kʲʰ ch
Fricative plain v vi θ θi ħ, h h
aspirated f fˠʰ fi fʲʰ s sˠʰ si sʲʰ
voiced ð, z ði, zi
Rhotic voiceless rh, rhi ʂ
voiced r ɻ ri ʐ
Lateral voiceless lh l̥ˠ lhi l̥ʲ
voiced l li
Approximant j j

Nural Network (Nuro-Thai)

Native name: þóngsáràkhòpfáa

Close relative of Nurian inspired by Sanskrito-Thai (influenced by Neck Thai?)

Numbers: jaam/jaaMi-, tiSuan/tiSua-, Nat/Natcha-, Thôp/Thôba-, Sulit/Sulita-, Thaam/ThaaMi-, Ruat/Ruata-, Lurat/Luratha-, Phap/Phapa-, Huan/HuaRa-, yaajam/yaajaMa-, nyaat/nyaasa-...


a i u e o aa ee oo ê ô ae or ia ua /a i u e o aː iː uː eː oː ɛː ɔː iə uə/


Consonant phonemes in Nural Network
Labial Alveolar Postalveolar Velar Radical Glottal
hard soft hard soft soft hard
Nasal M m m N n̪ˠ n n ny ŋʲ ng ŋ
Stop tenuis P p p T t̪ˠ t t j ky k k
aspirated Ph pˠʰ ph Th t̪ˠʰ th ch tʃʰ khy kʲʰ kh
Fricative F f f S s s H ħ h h
Trill R r
Lateral L l l
Approximant w w v v y j 3 ʕ

Tones: high, low?


  • Vowels: æ ɪ i ʌ ə ʊ ʉ < a/ae ē/i ī ā/o/au e ō/u/y ū/ȳ
  • Vowel harmony groups:
    • high tense: i ʉ
    • high lax: ɪ ʊ
    • low: æ ʌ
    • ə is neutral


Äŋguk.mäi /æŋguŋmæj/ is a hypothetical future descendant of modern Korean.

Bolõn iŋgän.õn þeanäi tte.vuþa cäjurop.ko kõ conam.vä kalli.jeßa toŋlõŋ.älä. Iŋgän.õn sanbu.zaõro ihaŋvä jäŋhimõ puja.väläß.ko haro jaŋzee.e caŋhin.õro eŋloŋ.ejändä.

1sg: na > dä

2sg: neo/ni > di


Labial Alveolar Retroflex Velar Glottal
hard soft hard soft soft hard
Nasal glottalized n̪ʼ nʲʼ ŋʲʼ ŋʼ
plain m ŋʲ ŋ
Stop plain k ʔ
ejective t̪ʼ tʲʼ kʲʼ
voiced b
Affricate plain ts tsʲ
ejective tsʼ tsʲʼ tʂʼ
voiced dz dzʲ
Fricative voiceless f s ʂ x h
voiced v z ʐ ɣʲ ɣ
Approximant glottalized lˠʼ lʲʼ
plain j

Front Central Back
Close i u
Mid ə
Open a

Sister of Naquian

  • PNaq ś ǵʰ > θ ð (sometimes t d)
  • s > ɟ > j (initial, before a vowel)

Salish + Old Chinese

m n ŋ ŋʷ mʼ nʼ ŋʼ ŋʷʼ p t ts k kʷ q qʷ ʔ pʼ tʼ tsʼ kʼ kʷʼ qʼ qʷʼ b d dz g gʷ ɢ ɢʷ s r rʼ l lʼ (+ phar'd versions of each) a e i o u ə

Wiebosphere auxlang


IlL/Sketchbook consonants
Labial Alveolar Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ng /ŋ/
Plosive plain p /p/ t /t/ j /tɕ/ k /k/
aspirated ph /pʰ/ th /tʰ/ ch /tɕʰ/ kh /kʰ/
implosive b /b/ d /d/
Fricative s /s/ h /h/
Approximant w /w/ l /l/ y /j/
Liquid r /r/


IlL/Sketchbook monophthongs
Front Central Back
short long short long short long
Close i /i/ ee /iː/ ue /ʉː/ u /u/ oo /uː/
Close-mid e /e/ ê /eː/ oe /ɵː/ o /o/ ô /oː/
Open-mid ae /ɛː/ or /ɔː/
Open a /ɐ/ aa /aː/

CW language sketch

m n p t ts k q b d dz g s h ʀ w l r j

i u e o æ a

Wiebosphere auxlang?


Labial Coronal Palatal Velar Glottal
Nasal m /m/ n /n/ ŋ /ŋ/
Plosive unaspirated b /p/ d /t/ j /tɕ/ g /k/
aspirated p /pʰ/ t /tʰ/ ch /tɕʰ/ k /kʰ/
Fricative f /f/ s /s/ sh /ɕ/ kh /x/ h /h/
Approximant w /w~v/ l /l/; r /r/ y /j/
Trill r /r/


Front Central Back
Close i /i/ u /u/
Mid e /e/ ə /ø~ə~ɤ/ o /o/
Open a /a/

Diphthongs: ai ao /ai au/


Consonant clusters are disallowed, except medial geminates and -NC- sequences. Only /p t k m n ŋ/ can come in word-final position.

Lushootseed to Clofab

sčʼutaʔɬ čəd dzəlxʷʔad ʔal kʷi talbəʔid! shuʔədəb šiƛ̕x̌adil stab dzastidil balustadil xʷəʔsdətapril kʷinapazil bəsmanadil xʷidzoradil daquinadil sperotidil prolixudil... Ah, endolucrifen!


Καʚκκʚ ʚⱶμʚσετ συντυϝητ ϝαπαʚνα ια τασαϝερταʚσʚνα αρϝολτααν ια οʚκεȣκσʚλτααν. Ⱶεʚλλε ον αννεττȣ ιηρκʚ ια οματȣντο, ια ⱶεʚδην ον τοʚμʚτταϝα τοʚσʚααν κοⱶτααν ϝελιευδεν ⱶεγγεσση.

Comic Sanskrit/English

Consonants: p ph b bh t th d dh k kh g gh ts tsh dz dzh tł tłh dλ dλh c ch j jh q qh G Gh m n ng l f s ł š h

Vowels: a i u aʵ iʵ uʵ aː eː iː oː uː aːʵ eːʵ iːʵ oːʵ uːʵ ai au (the "I dunno" diphthong) a i u ạ ị ụ ā ē ī ō ū ạ̄ ẹ̄ ị̄ ọ̄ ụ̄ æ å æ̣

Clickgerman ideas

Inspired by "Kxǂ’auǁʼein", Old Irish and Ancient Wiebian

Primitive Clickgerman

for proto-s-wiebic: what about a GVS (əy > ii > ay > əə > aa > ee and əw > uu > au > oo) in open syllables and another vowel shift (ii ee ay əy)(uu oo aw əw) in closed syllables? iw > iə and uy > uə as i had before

1. sīdzu

2. kli

3. sqā

4. mēfi

5. pə̄ku

6. hə̄tλhi

7. dẓətā

8. baŋudh

9. dzōn

10. qhāḍī

11. gādziə

12. dziə

Proto-X-Wiebic consonants
Labial Denti-alveolar Lateral Retroflex Palatal Velar Uvular Glottal
Nasal plain m m n n ɳ ŋ ŋ
breathy voiced mh nh ṇh ɳʱ ŋh ŋʱ
Stop tenuis p p t t ʈ c c k k q q
aspirated ph th ṭh ʈʰ ch kh qh
voiced b b d d ɖ j ɟ g g ɢ ɢ
breathy voiced bh dh ḍh ɖʱ jh ɟʰ gh ɢh ɢʱ
Affricate tenuis ts ts tṣ
aspirated tsh tsʰ tσh tɬʰ tṣh tʂʰ
voiced dz dz dẓ
breathy voiced dzh dzʱ dλh dɮʱ dẓh dʐʱ
Fricative plain f f s s σ ɬ ʂ ç ç h h
aspirated fh sh σh ɬʰ ṣh ʂʰ çh çʰ
Resonants plain l l ɭ y j
breathy voiced lh ḷh ɭʱ

Vowels: i u ə a i: u: e: ə: o: a: iə uə əj aj əw aw i u ə a ī ū ē ə̄ ō ā iə uə əi ai əu au

Stress: consistently initial, including prefixes


baŋudh > boŋdh


boŋdh > boŋg!ʱ


Old Clickgerman

Old Irishy


boŋg!ʱ > boŋg!ʱə > bʷaŋg!ʱə

pʷ > p

Something like GVS

i: u: > ai au

iə uə > i: u:

Modern Clickgerman

Vowels: /a i u aː iː uː ai au ə/ a i u ah ie uh ei au e - wide-ranging allophony depending on accent/dialect

  • [æ e o ɑ i u ɛ ɔ]
  • [a i u ɔ ei ou ai au]


Jāheqozron vemālaerus qe doñanqerosy.


t̂ d̂ n̂ l̂ k̂ r̂ q q̂ = /ʈ ɖ ɳ ɭ q ɢ ! g!/

Pristac Guanorliviroc

Leißelbeiger Glündesschnock,
bhfaoigh na dhruisce leis an ngloc,
с куздом твачу зблодащок,
pristac guanorliviroc!

Tyűlöszöbbes hávaltok,
ṇentronné veux mains du roque,
geuteureun madeul ryeonmok,
pristac guanorliviroc!

Iūcullātur plexē hoc,
Takzitxerri ezbantzok,
Ηζειν ευθρασιν στουροκ,
pristac guanorliviroc!

Nguyết sảnh xưa nỡn hầng màu trọc,
Cuālliquimeh huixōtloc,
tʰˁawk pgəts məlˁaj n̊əŋs qʷʰˁraʔ tkʰˁens nˁrok,
pristac guanorliviroc!

Post hoc ergo propter hoc,
pristac guanorliviroc!

Zíj phlàa vîek rang dèt Bangkok,
Pikna la-magtef litzmok,
pristac guanorliviroc!


/t tˁ k q ʔ f s sˁ x χ h m n l r w j a aa ə əə i ii u uu ai au əi əu ia ua iə uə/

Irish with pharyngealized consonants

/a/: a ea ae eae /e/: oeu eu oe e /i/: ai ia aia i /o/: o uo uea ue /u/: aua ua au u

Pradjuul + Navajo (for a new conworld)

p pʼ pʲ pʲʼ t tʼ tʲ tʲʼ ts tsʼ tsʲ tsʲʼ tʃ tʃʼ tʃʲ tʃʲʼ c cʼ k kʼ ʔ ʔʲ s sʲ ʃ ʃʲ ç x h v vʲ lˠ lʲ r rʲ j i i̤ u ṳ e e̤ ə ə̤ o o̤ a a̤ iə i̤ə uə ṳə

Hebrew alphabet for Irish

ב כ ד ף ג ה ל מ פ ר ס ת = native consonants

rafe at the beginning, lack of dagesh elsewhere = séimhiú

iluy = eclipsis?

vowel signs: patach = a, hard schwa patach aleph = á yud patach aleph = eá aleph tzere yud = ae segol = ea, ei, soft schwa tzere = é shva (optional) = zero vowel hiriq = i aleph yud = aí, aoi, ao hiriq yud = í hiriq aleph = ia qamatz = o holam = ó yud holam = eo qubbutz = u shuruq = ú yud shuruq = iú qubbutz aleph = ua

Word-final schwa accompanied by a mater lectionis he. Word-final he is marked with a mappiq for word-final /h/.

Uncanny valley Korean

Consonants: /m n ŋ bʰ dʰ dzʰ gʰ p t ts k f s fʰ sʰ h w j r ʔ/

Postvocalic /ʔ/ may be realized as creaky voice.

Vowels: /i ɨ u e ə o ɛ ɔ æ a/

"Lovecraftian/LW" microtonality

  • reaction to natural forces/New Atheist gods... with microtonality!
  • Maybe this is the equivalent of Baroque music in Tigall culture, who knows?


  • ä, a, e, o
  • eu, i <- syllabic resonants
  • p t k p’ t’ k’ b d g
  • s z ts ts’ ʂ ʐ ʈʂ ʈʂ’
  • m n ŋ r l ʀ w j h

Gleb phonologies


m̥ m n̻̥ n̻ ɲ̥ ɲ mb mɓ̰ nd̻ nɗ̰̻ nɗ̱̰ nd͡ʒ pʰ p b ɓ̰ tʰ̻ t̻ d̻ ɗ̰̻ t͡s̻ ɗ̱̰ t͡ʃʰ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ kʰ k ɸ β s̻ z̻ ʃ ʒ x h l̻ j w

i iː ɨ ɨː u uː e eː ɘ ɘː o oː ɛ ɛː ɜ ɜː ɔ ɔː a aː


m̥ m n̥ n ɳ̥ ɳ ɲ̥ ɲ pʰ p b tʰ t d ʈʰ ʈ ɖ t͡ʃʰ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ kʰ k g ʔ f v s z ʂ ʐ ʃ ʒ x ɣ h r ɽ j i u ɪ ʊ ɑ


C1: a consonant

V: a vowel

C2: a non-palatal consonant other than a postalveolar consonant or one of /d g z ɣ/; i.e. one of /m̥ m n̥ n pʰ p b tʰ t kʰ k ʔ f v s x h r/


m n̻ p b t̻ d̻ k g l̻ j w i u ɪ ʊ e o ɛ ɔ a


C: a consonant

V: a vowel

Gleb seed 1516956979

Liquidless pseudo-French

m n̻ ṉ p b t̻ d̻ t͡ʃ d͡ʒ k g f v s̻ z̻ ʃ ʒ h w i y u ɛ ɛ̃ œ œ̃ ɔ ɔ̃ a ã


C1: a consonant

V: a vowel

C2: a consonant

Gleb seed 1601724777

A nice one

m n̻ nʲ̻ tʰ̻ t̻ kʰ k kʷ f s̻ l̻ i iː u uː ɛ ɛː ɛ̃ ɛ̃ː ɔ ɔː ɔ̃ ɔ̃ː a aː ã ãː


C1: a consonant

V: a vowel

C2: a consonant other than /nʲ̻/

Gleb seed 1364524938

vaguely Clofab


m n mb nd ndz ŋg p b t d ts dz k g mv nz f v s z h r w


a e i o u

syllable structure: (C)V

Gleb seed 1390372573

Liquidless phonology

m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̥ ŋ mpʰ mb ntʰ nd ŋkʰ pʰ p b tʰ t d kʰ k ʔ f s x

a e ɛ i o ɔ u


C: a consonant

V: a vowel

N: a nasal; i.e. one of /m̥ m n̥ n ŋ̥ ŋ/

Gleb seed 1408165181

A Damin

  • Nasals: ɱ n̼ ɳ ɲ
  • Plosives: d̼ ʈ c'
  • Affricates: tθ ʡħ
  • Fricatives: ð̼ θ̱ ç
  • Clicks: ʞ
  • Liquids: ʙ ʟ ʢ
  • vowels: y ɤ æ



Die Breige hüben friene Grauscher,
in siefe ausgepferzte dauscher;
Säder brinnt zer einem Wist,
Fagel hirzen leine drisst.
Beđehn' die dir in Ŧimst entfeißet,
gim itzo Feuche haben,
und Meden brassen was mich sŧeißet,
Đechse vorzuschraben.
Wenngleich das Werg in Krafe seucht,
mieŧ' ich wie Sprame gürfen;
Denn mich bekriest die weistlich' Dreucht,
die mich in Reune stürfen.
Mein Günden heigt im färz'gen Harbe;
was mich zur gracken Fasen funget.
Feisen Ŧickmasionen ŧarbe,
neifen sie herch hinbrunget.

Was Zühlen erkeifet, bacht heinaden Gnad';
Mein' Kründ'rung erbrauget und diro getrat.
Die Juchtlingen pfriechender Häumen zu henken,
Verschwilligereien, die itzund uns brenken.
Wir reftmunschig braußen,
mit zärbenden Faußen,
Ermeie uns, wenn unser' Berze dir schmannt!