
# Kanji Strokes Meaning On Kun
441 4 not fu or bu
442 6 conflict araso-u
443 5 attach fu tsu-ku
444 5 orders rei
445 5 since i
446 6 go-between chū naka
447 6 transmit den tsuta-eru
448 7 rank i kurai
449 7 low tei hiku-i
450 8 example rei tato-eru
451 便 9 convenience; letter ben or bin tayo-ri
452 9 trust shin
453 10 storage kura
454 10 climate
455 10 borrow shaku ka-riru
456 11 halt tei
457 11 healthy ken
458 11 side soku kawa
459 13 work hatara-ku
460 15 hundred million oku
461 6 portent or trillion chō kiza-shi
462 7 offspring ji or ni
463 6 together kyō tomo
464 7 soldier hei or hyō tsuwamono
465 8 code ten
466 7 cool rei tsume-tai or hi-eru or sa-meru
467 7 first sho hatsu or haji-me
468 7 separate betsu waka-reru
469 7 profit ri
470 8 printing satsu su-ru
471 11 vice- fuku
472 5 achievement
473 5 add ka kuwa-eru
474 7 toil do tsuto-meru
475 7 labor negira-u
476 9 courage isa-mu
477 5 wrap tsutsu-mu
478 8 graduate sotsu
479 8 cooperation kyō
480 9 simple tan
481 12 wide knowledge; Dr. haku
482 6 mark in shirushi
483 8 participate san mai-ru
484 5 history shi
485 5 director shi
486 6 each kaku ono-ono
487 7 tell koku tsu-geru
488 8 circumference shū mawa-ri
489 11 chant shō tona-eru
490 12 rejoice ki yoroko-bu
491 15 container ki utsuwa
492 7 surround i kako-u
493 8 harden ko kata-maru
494 9 model kei kata
495 11 public chamber
496 13 salt en shio
497 3 gentleman shi
498 9 change, strange hen ka-waru
499 4 husband fu fuu bu otto
500 5 lose shitsu ushina-u
501 6 like su-ku or kono-mu
502 8 seasons ki
503 10 grandchild son mago
504 7 perfect kan
505 8 government official kan
506 10 harm gai
507 14 guess satsu
508 11 nest su
509 10 distinction sa
510 7 hope ki mare
511 10 seat seki
512 10 sash tai obi
513 8 bottom tei soko
514 8 urban prefecture fu
515 11 ease
516 9 build ken ta-teru
517 8 diameter kei
518 10 junior to
519 11 acquire toku e-ru
520 5 inevitable hitsu kanara-zu
521 8 thought nen
522 13 love  ai
523 6 become sei na-ru
524 13 war sen ikusa or tataka-u
525 7 fold setsu o-ru
526 10 raise kyo a-geru
527 7 reformation kai arata-meru
528 11 salvation kyū suku-u
529 11 failure hai yabu-reru
530 12 scatter san chi-ru
531 10 fee ryō
532 14 flag ki hata
533 9 yesterday saku
534 12 scenery kei
535 12 superlative sai mo or motto-mo
536 11 hope nozo-mu
537 5 un- mi ima-da
538 5 end matsu sue
539 5 tag satsu fuda
540 7 lumber, material zai
541 7 bundle soku taba or tsuka
542 8 pine shō matsu
543 8 accomplish, fruit ka ha-tasu
544 9 prosperity ei saka-eru
545 10 plan an
546 10 apricot bai ume
547 11 contraption kai
548 13 poles kyoku kiwa-meru
549 15 signpost hyō
550 16 machine ki hata
551 4 lack ketsu ka-keru
552 14 curriculum reki
553 10 remainder zan noko-ru
554 10 kill satsu koro-su
555 8 poison doku
556 4 surname shi uji
557 5 people min tami
558 7 request kyū moto-mu
559 8 govern chi or ji osa-meru or nao-ru
560 8 method
561 8 cry kyū na-ku
562 9 shallow sen asa-i
563 10 bathe; bask yoku abi-ru
564 11 pure sei or shō kiyo-raka
565 12 full man mi-chiru
566 14 fishing ryō or gyo asa-ru
567 6 lamp hi
568 12 nothing mu or bu na-i
569 12 so zen or nen shika-shi
570 12 bake shō ya-ku
571 13 illuminate shō te-rasu
572 15 heat netsu atsu-i
573 8 pasture; breed boku maki
574 10 special toku
575 11 give birth san u-mu
576 8 target teki mato
577 9 government ministry; omit; look back sho or sei habu-ku
578 9 celebrate shuku iwa-u
579 11 ballot hyō
580 14 species; seed shu tane
581 16 accumulate; pile seki tsu-mu
582 20 emulate kyō kiso-u
583 10 laugh shō wara-u
584 14 pipe kan kuda
585 13 node setsu fushi
586 10 flour fun ko or kona
587 9 chronicle ki
588 9 promise yaku
589 12 tie ketsu musu-bu or yu-u
590 12 salary kyū tama-u
591 13 continue zoku tsuzu-ku
592 13 put chi o-ku
593 6 old man o-iru
594 9 stomach i
595 10 vein myaku
596 13 intestines chō harawata
597 7 retainer shin
598 10 cruise
599 7 good ryō yo-i
600 7 art gei
601 8 bud ga me
602 8 England ei
603 11 vegetable sai na
604 12 street, city gai machi
605 6 garment i koromo
606 9 need i-ru
607 12 memorize kaku obo-eru or sa-meru
608 18 observe kan mi-ru
609 10 instruction kun
610 13 test shi kokoromi-ru or tame-su
611 14 theory setsu to-ku
612 15 section ka
613 20 deliberation gi
614 12 elephant; figure zō or shō
615 11 freight ka
616 12 savings cho ta-meru
617 12 expense hi tsui-yasu
618 15 prize shō
619 9 army gun
620 15 wheel rin wa
621 13 resign; speech; encyclopedia ji ya-meru
622 5 environs hen ata-ri
623 10 take along ren tsu-reru or tsura-neru
624 12 attain tachi
625 15 choose sen era-bu
626 10 county gun
627 12 quantity ryō
628 16 transcript roku
629 19 mirror kyō kagami
630 14 related kan seki
631 11 land riku
632 12 squad tai
633 14 quiet sei shizu-ka
634 12 obey jun
635 19 request gan nega-u
636 18 sort rui
637 9 fly hi to-bu
638 12 meal han meshi
639 15 foster yashina-u
640 18 verify ken
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