
単亜語 中国語 日本語 韓国語 英語
2 因某理念有人捨身取義
3 如友誼、愛、理想
4 亦因共同理念有人殺生成仁
5 大哉中國曾分裂成戰國七雄
6 其中秦國暴虐,圖謀統一諸雄
7 (秦以一敵眾,綢繆一舉以終結戰爭)
8 並期能血染敵軍
9 然歷來戰爭總是各方英雄盡出...
10 《英雄》 <영웅> "Hero"
11 (秦國) (Kingdom of Qin)
12 我,自幼便為孤兒 난 어려서 고아가 됐으며 I was orphaned at a young age
13 也沒有名字,人稱「無名」 이름이 없기에 무명이라 불린다 and was never given a name.
People simply called me "Nameless".
14 人若無名,便可專心練劍 혈혈단신인 나는 검술에 전념했고 With no family name to live up to, I devoted myself to the sword.
15 我花十年 10년간 연마한 끝에 I spent 10 years perfecting unique skills as a swordsman.