
Aoma uses a quite phonemic script where graphemes correlate with phonemes.

For more phonemic details, see the orthography.

Lore history

Scripts for writing Aoma were developed in Eastern Sceptre from the Eastern Temple Marks of third era (about 3000 BP). Shinesharers, spreaders of the religion of Light, took the original marks to north where they were developed into Northern script (our Latin).


Hakorasa Wohalure

Eastern templar script was developed from the temple marks during fourth era.


Highly decorational Jauhmø script originates to fifth era, but it's descendants are still in use mainly for formal documentation.


Born from various forms of hand-written Jauhmø in the sixth era. See the gallery.

Duutesi Bocör

Duutesi Bocör (Writing of Merchants) is a faster handwritten script of the current seventh era. For diphthongs, i can be written as a diacritic over the vowel (grave accent for preceding and acute for following i). See the gallery.

See also
