From Proto-Indo-European *h₂d-tm̥mós.
ттым • (ttym)
- then, at that time
- Ик хъинкӏалыс даттӏа̄ндэ ттӏынинтӏ гьу уъртӏ әдсәнтӏытӏ пӏӯв сә̄нӣэ̄, ттым двиъчӏ сә̄нӣэ̄ ик уъртӏ двиъсәнттӏ ни хъинкӏал итӏэр буъкк хәзэ̄ми милиътӏкъарӏэ̄с диркӏды.
- Ik x̌inkʔalys datt’ānde tt’ynint’ hu uˤrt’ ädsänt’yt’ p’ūw sǟnīē, ttym dwiˤč’ sǟnīē ik uˤrt’ dwiˤsäntt’ ni x̌inkʔal it’er buˤkk xäzēmi miliˤt’qarʔēs dirkʔdy.
- One moment I put the hingalsh on the windowsill and turn around, the next I turn back to see no hingalsh but a goat with pumpkin on its fur.
- (relative) when, at what time
- Lua error: not enough memory.
Derived terms
Lua error: not enough memory.