


From Proto-Indo-European *h₂d-tm̥mós.



ттым (ttym)

  1. then, at that time
    Ик хъинкӏалыс даттӏа̄ндэ ттӏынинтӏ гьу уъртӏ әдсәнтӏытӏ пӏӯв сә̄нӣэ̄, ттым двиъчӏ сә̄нӣэ̄ ик уъртӏ двиъсәнттӏ ни хъинкӏал итӏэр буъкк хәзэ̄ми милиътӏкъарӏэ̄с диркӏды.
    Ik x̌inkʔalys datt’ānde tt’ynint’ hu uˤrt’ ädsänt’yt’ p’ūw sǟnīē, ttym dwiˤč’ sǟnīē ik uˤrt’ dwiˤsäntt’ ni x̌inkʔal it’er buˤkk xäzēmi miliˤt’qarʔēs dirkʔdy.
    One moment I put the hingalsh on the windowsill and turn around, the next I turn back to see no hingalsh but a goat with pumpkin on its fur.
  2. (relative) when, at what time
    Lua error: not enough memory.

Derived terms

Lua error: not enough memory.