
Cyrillic Romanized Pronunciation PoS Meaning Notes
пшак pcak pʃak n. sky
гоис gois gois n. thing used to anything without a consciousness including objects, and ideas
йска īska ɪ.ska n. thing used to refer to anything with a consciousness such as people and animals
епси epsī e.psɪ n. object
фешатс fecats fe.ʃats n. sound
вегзй vegzī ve.gzɪ adj. aesthetic, pleasant, beautiful
фешатс вегзй fecats vegzī fe.ʃats ve.gzɪ phr. music lt. pleasant sound
кушт kuct kuʃt n. person
инес ines i.nes n. acquaintance
бвйр bvīr bvɪr n. female, birther
бвйртош bvīrtoc bvɪr.toʃ n. female-mate used to refer to a female companion that the speaker would or has reproduced with
аджу adju a.dʒu n. male, backup, support
тош toc toʃ n. mate, partner, companion
аджутош adjutoc a.dʒu.toʃ n. male-mate used to refer to a male companion that the speaker would or has reproduced with
тезуж tezuj te.zuʒ v. to see
вакриж vakrij va.kriʒ v. to love
нос nos nos n. heart
баи bai bai n. listener, reader, audience, you
хес xes xes n. speaker, writer, self, me
лубзйр lubzīr lu.bzɪr n. Nose
модкйж modkīj mod.kɪʒ v. to wish, want
тшекс tceks tʃeks n. water
адиж adij a.diʒ v. to consume, eat, drink
пшетнй pcetnī pʃet.nɪ n. morning, daybreak
витшне vitcne vitʃ.ne n. night, evening
тсобрук tsobruk tso.bruk adj. good, enjoyable, nice
дзетшаву dzetcavu dzet.ʃ n. language of the Dzet people lit. mountain shout
дзет dzet dzet n. mountain, highland
шаву cavu ʃ n. call, language, shout
дзеткушт dzetkuct dzet.kuʃt n. mountain person, highlander