Literature:Umbrean/Confederate Constitution


The members of The Union of Confederated Umbrean Republican States in order to create a better Union establish Justice, provide of common defence, enhance welfare and secure life rights hereby establishes this constitution of The Union of Confederated Umbrean Republican States.

Article 1 - Establishment of power

Section 1 - High Council

§1: The executative power for the confederacy is granted to the high councill and its members

§2: The high council shall be composed of Template:OyabiData councilors ,no more and no less for an extended period of time over one year time

§3: A high councilor must pass these criterias

  1. Possess suffient knowledge in the field in question
  2. Have no history of intended power abuse
  3. Have no crime record within 50 years
  4. Been sentenced for severe crimes at all.

§4: High counilors loyaly is to the people which they exist to serve.

§5: High councilors may not abuse their power for these reasons

  1. Personal gain
  2. Favouring others
  3. Make decisions with intended negative consequences

§6: A councilor must always be able to properly justify the decisions they make and failure to do so shall be considered a violation of §5

§7: The replacement of a councilor is picked by that councilor as long as it fullfill §3, if a councilor is removed or fallen before that the remaining councilors shall choose the replacement again in accordance to §3

§8: High council shall not make decisions violating The Rights of People

Section 2 - Senate

§1: Senate is granted the Legislature power of the confederacy

§2: The senate exist to represent the voice of the people that have elected them for the High Councillors.

§3: Continents are granted suffient representitives in the senate to the quantity of votes it possesses

§4: The senate does not have the power to make absolute decisions.

§5: Senate may call the High Councill for a hearing to make their voices and the peoples voice heard in any given decision prior or postal to a decision.

§6: The senate shall call for a high councilor to be investigated in case of suspected missconduct or abuse of power.

§7: An election shall be held every 5 years to select the senate

§8: Laws may not be passed if they fullfill any of these criterias.

  1. Conflicts with previous laws
  2. Conflicting with the Rights of Life
  3. Increased power to any of the four houses of power
  4. Giving favour or disfavour to any group of citizen

Section 3 - Confederate Court

§1: The Confederate Court is granted the judiciary power of the confederacy

§2: The Confederate Courts duty is to ensure the high council and senate does not cross the The Rights of People or break the constitution.

§3: If the senate initiates an investigation toward a high councilor the Confederate court shall conduct it.

§4: Law changes must pass through the Confederate court, in which it shall be inspect if it is feasable, plausible and does not conflict with previous laws, before the high council accept them as laws

§5: A High Confederate Court judge whom is suspected of misconduct shall be investigated by the branches of power and if found guilty sentenced accordingly by other judges

Article 2 - Laws

Section 1 - Prohobitions

§1: No law may break the Rights of the people

§2: No being may be prosecuted for crimes in accordance to a law while the action was taking place prior to the law in question.

§3: No one is guilty until proven otherwise.

§4: No law may be passed so they causes conflicts with pre-existing laws that is enforcable.

Section 2 - Intepritations

§1: The laws shall be intepritated as it was written at the time unless the changes of time call for new intepritations in which it shall be determined by the high court judges of the confederate court in which no jury is present and from their decisions shall a predicate be written by the head judge which shall serve for comming decisions in lower courts.

§2: All laws are equal and take no presidence over each other unless stated otherwise inside of the law.

§3: If multiple predicates do exist the latest one holds the power of intepritation.

Section 3 - Making

§1: High council or Senate shall togather put forth the suggested law to the confederate court.

§2: If the senate and high council differ wether a law suggestion shall be put forth or not a trial in the confederate court shall be held where the high councilor carries the burden of providing reasons for their position and if the confederate court finds the reasoning suffient the senate shall follow it.

Section 4 - Enforcement

§1: A law may not be enforced upon a citizen who commited violations to said law at a time prior to it comming into power.

Article 3 - Public=

Section 1 - Available

Everything any power organ does shall and must be written down and stored to be available for the public to look at any given point in time for their heart to check out

Section 2 - Interference

If anyone from the public raise concern about govermental operations they may write to the department in question in which it shall accept the letter and give a written document in exchange confirming that they have accepted and it must contain a signature and ring sigil for identification. The letter shall be answered within one month by one high standing member of the department and shall be signed by 3 additional ones with both signature and ring sigil. The signers shall make sure the answer is suffient to the letter and correct and cannot have any previous experience or relationship with the original writter of return letter. The return letter shall be delivered to the signers with no conversation other than absolute neccisery.

If no answer can be reached within six month that anyone can agree on in accordance or if the answer is considered insuffient or unaccaptable the original letter writter have the right to go to the confederate court with the original reciept of the letter and launch an investigation if the depertment in question have not done so itself.

Article 4 - Emergency

Section 1 - Martial Law

§1: Martial law may only be initiated by the military in situations of great crisis where the safety of people are in danger such as times of plagues, civil disorder, war time or natural disorder.

§2: In time of Martial law the Grand Marchal ceases absolute power over the state.

§3: The martial law shall be ended once the cause have been eliminated or properly solved.

§4: Civil rights cannot be taken away unless it is in direct threat during war to the confederacy and its people.

§5: Martial law ceases to be after 10 years wether the threat is gone or not if has not been terminated prior to it

Section 1 - High Council