Rokadong IPA
This page is reference material for IPA notation of Rokadong. For more help regarding reading IPA, see IPA.
IPA | Meaning | Rokadong example | Natlang example |
Consonants | |||
m | Voiced bilabial nasal | ming (five) /miŋ/ |
English moon |
n | Voiced alveolar nasal | nata (I, me) /ˈnaꜜta/ |
English nut |
ɲ | Voiced palatal nasal | nyecu (lizard) /ˈɲeꜜt͡ʃu/ |
Spanish uña |
Vowels | |||
i | Close front unrounded vowel | ciyá (five) /t͡ʃiˈjaːꜜ/ |
RP English happy |
iː | Lengthened close front unrounded vowel | míha (time) /miːˈhaꜜ/ |
English mean |
Other symbols | |||
ˌ | this syllable receives pitch accent, but not stress accent | laza-raza (day) /laˌzaˈɾaꜜza/ |
ˈ | this syllable receives pitch accent and stress accent | kucing (kanva) /kuˈt͡ʃiŋꜜ/ |
ꜜ | this syllable ends the pitch accent - either this vowel or the next has falling tone depending on context | reka (dirt, earth) /ˈɾeꜜka/ |
. | syllable break | liat (belly) /ˈli.ˈatꜜ/ |