Kämpya: Difference between revisions

859 bytes added ,  2 December 2013
Prohibitives done
(Revised negation)
(Prohibitives done)
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You weren't abandoned by the dog.
You weren't abandoned by the dog.
===Prohibitive Forms===
Kämpya has a special pattern to say that something is forbidden. This is to change the verb from Tone Class 1 (the normal class for verbs) to Tone Class 2 (for verbs compounded with another verb). It is then followed by the verb /nâ̰/ e.g.
/jéi=áˈlòṵn nâ̰/
Don't be alone.
This pattern can also be used for transitive verbs
/jéi=kàiʔk nâ̰ kʰwèi̤/
2PS.NOM=bite.CMPD PROH dog
Don't bite the dog.
It is also perfectly possible to front the argument of /nâ̰/ e.g.
/kʰwèi̤ jéi=kàiʔk nâ̰/
dog 2PS.NOM=bite.CMPD PROH
The dog must not be bitten.
If someone other than the listener is being forbidden from performing the action, it takes the ergative case e.g.
/ˈsíʔtà=zù kàiʔk nâ̰ kʰwèi̤/
guardian=ERG bite.CMPD PROH dog
The guardian must not bite the dog.