Eḥeiθymmen Amran: Difference between revisions

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'''Eḥeiθymme''' is the lingua franca of Amran. The people of Amran are exceptionally diverse in language, culture, and identity, existing at the time of the ''Leaves'' stories as a nearly totally collapsed regency.  Amran is a temperate to taiga biome, dominated by thick forests, abundant snowfall in many regions, and mountains dominating the terrain inland. Much of the population is concentrated along the coastal regions, while most of the land lay uninhabited by humans.
'''Eḥeiθymme''' is a word built from nominal form of the root '''∅-Y-T''' indicating "language, speaking, articulated speech", rendered as '''ait''', which morphs to '''eiθ''', the '''ah-''' prefix, which morphs to '''eḥ-''', formulates proper nouns out of common nouns, and the suffix '''-umma''', which morphs to '''-ymme''', which is the augmentive suffix. All morphing in sounds are accounted for in the section on sound change. '''Eḥeiθymme''', then, means "the great, principle, dominant, important language".
'''Eḥeiθymmen Amran''' is a construction which means "the language of Amran". In genitive constructions involving a proper noun fulfilling the genitive role, the possessed noun is in the construct state, sometimes unrealized morphologically, but in this case, it is indicated by '''-n'''.
The driving goal of '''Eḥeiθymme''' is to provide a framework for the author’s creative works and worldbuilding. To that end, '''Eḥeiθymme''' ought to be a naturalistic constructed language, and ought to be pleasant to look at and to hear (admittedly, this is wholly subjective, and others may disagree with to extent to which this was fulfilled).
===Development, Inspiration, Forthcoming===
The history of '''Eḥeiθymme''' as a constructed language is relatively recent, and stems from the author's desire to construct a language with a Semitic style, and from the author's investigations into tense, mood, and aspect systems of world languages during his undergraduate career in linguistics. The earliest dedicated work on the language originated with the name of an individual, '''Iḥliθ''', whose meaning is yet elusive, and the now defunct word for a ruler,  '''aryad''', which has since come to be the positive copula.
Because much of the creative works and worldbuilding for which '''Eḥeiθymme''' guides concern themselves with cultural contact, exchange, and conflict, the two dominant languages of the world, [['''Ahāmatya'''|'''Ahāmatya''']] and '''Eḥeiθymme''', are deliberately designed to be dissimilar, with regards to the make-up and feel of the language. The inspirations of the language include, but are not limited to, Arabic, German, Finnish, Welsh, Basque, English, Menominee. While some overlap exists in the inspirations for '''Ahāmatya''' and '''Eḥeiθymme''', any overt similarities are deliberately avoided.
More in-depth, detailed documentation is forthcoming, which includes in-universe terminology for grammatical categories and descriptions. The author hopes to someday have the creative works published.

