Atzopic: Difference between revisions

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Like most modern Naquic languages, Atzopic has a Uralic-style case system with many cases. These were formed from Naquian cases with an original preposition attached as a suffix.
Like most modern Naquic languages, Atzopic has a Uralic-style case system with many cases. These were formed from Naquian cases with an original preposition attached as a suffix.
*nominative: weləz, weliz
*nominative: zorəz, zoriz
*genitive: weliz, welin
*genitive: zoriz, zorin
*accusative: wel, wela
*accusative: zor, zora
*adessive: welil, welal
*adessive: zoril, zoral
*allative: weləl, welinəl
*allative: zorəl, zorinəl
*inessive: welizt, welint
*inessive: zorizt, zorint
*illative: welət, welat
*illative: zorət, zorat
*abessive: welior, welinor
*abessive: zorifor, zorinor
*ablative: welix, welintx
*ablative: zorix, zorintx

Construct state was formed with ''-ts''.
Construct state was formed with ''-ts''.
